We wish to present one or
two more thoughts on Aion, age, to complete the
article in No. 2, and then to consider the word Kosmos.
The view of the meaning of
Aion already presented explains why God is called "the King of the
ages." (Rev. 15:3, N.V.**,
and the "Aionial God," Rom. 16:26. Some have argued that
because this adjective, Aionial (derived from Aion), is applied to
God, therefore it must mean endless; but such reasoning only manifests
the ignorance of the reasoner. Such an expression as the endless God, is
absurd and utterly incongruous, and entirely foreign to the idea the
apostle intended to convey. God is said to be "the King of
the Ages" because it is through these "age-times" that he
is working out his gracious "purpose;" and the epithet Aionial
is applied to him for the same reason. The ages are God's
"days" of creation; they are the different departments through
which God's work (Eph. 2:10) must pass, stage after stage, "from
faith to faith," (Rom. 1:17) "from glory to glory," (2
Cor. 3:18) until it reaches perfection.
I have no doubt, moreover,
but that these "age-times" are foreshadowed in the law by the
equally peculiar Sabbatic and Jubilee times; see Lev. 23. and 25, and
other passages in the law. The "seven days," "seven
weeks," "seven months," "seven years" or the
Sabbatic cycle, and the "seven times seven years" or Jubilee
cycle, all these are, I doubt not, types and shadows of the
"ages," "age of ages," and "ages of ages"
of the New Testament. The purpose of these Sabbatic and Jubilee
times is also typical of the "purpose of the
ages." In and through the former were wrought out certain
cleansing, releases, redemptions, and restorations on the natural plane,
under the law. So in and through the age-times are wrought out the same
things, on the spiritual plane, for beggared, enslaved, and lost man,
under God's grace. I cannot now go into this subject fully; but I
think that the mere suggestion of it will carry conviction to all the
"spiritually minded." "The law has a shadow of good
things to come." (Heb. 10:1.) The "good things to come"
are in the "ages to come," when "God will show the exceeding
riches of his grace," and the law above referred to contains the
"shadow" of these "ages" and of the "good
There can be no doubt in any
thoughtful, unprejudiced mind that this word age, is an important
word in the Bible; and that it is used by the Saviour and the
apostles in a definite, specific sense. I have already indicated this
sense, but I shall be able more thoroughly to explain it after
considering the related word, Kosmos.
The definition given of the
word kosmos is as follows: "order, a set form, the mode or fashion
of a thing, the world or universe arrangement, mankind." Every one
can see at once from this definition that kosmos is an altogether
different word from Aion; the latter is a period of time, the former is
as above; and yet we find this broad distinction practically obliterated
in the common version by the fact that both words are rendered by the
one English word, world. The two principal meanings of Kosmos as
used in the New Testament, will appear from the consideration of certain
passages of scripture.
1. We find that it means Mankind, the inhabitants of the earth; as, for
example, "Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world."
Here the word Kosmos plainly means mankind; so in the following:
"The bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven and giveth
life unto the world;" "God was in Christ reconciling
the world unto himself;" "The Father sent the Son to be
the Saviour of the world;" and many other passages of like
import. It is plain that in these passages Kosmos means the human race,
2. The other meaning of Kosmos is the order, or arrangement of things; a
mode, fashion, form or system of things; as illustrating this use, see
John 6:23; Christ says to the Jews, "ye are of this world; I am not
of this world;" that is to say, "ye are of this order or
arrangement of things, wrong, iniquitous, and corrupt; I am of another
order or system; so of his disciples he says, "ye are not of the world
even as I am not of the world." This the apostle explains in Rom.
13:11-14 and 1 Thess. 5:4-8. Now a dark and wicked order of things
obtains, as the apostle says, it is "night," but "ye
brethren, are not of the night nor of the darkness; ye are all the
children of light and the children of the day;" i.e. the coming
"perfect day," when Christ shall be the prince of the
world, a new world, a new order of things, "wherein dwelleth
righteousness." 2 Pet. 3:13. So again in the following
passages; "Now shall the prince of this world be cast out;"
the present order or system of things is, on the whole,
unrighteous and wicked, hence Satan is styled the prince of this
world or system; and hence Christ says, "My kingdom is not of
this world," not of this order of things; So Paul tells us that
"the fashion of this "world passeth away;" he also
speaks of the "course of this world," the "elements"
and "rudiments" of the world, etc., in all of which he is
doubtless referring to the order of things, the iniquitous and
unrighteous system, with its "beggarly elements" that now
obtains, in contradistinction to the just and equitable arrangement that
will prevail when "the kingdom (dominion) of this world (kosmos)
shall become the kingdom of our Lord, and God's anointed" (Rev.
11:15, N.V.), and "all shall know Him from the least to the
Many more passages might be
cited to the same effect, but these are sufficient to show this
important meaning of kosmos. Now look at 2 Pet. 3. Three worlds
are spoken of in this chapter, each world composed of a distinct heavens
and earth. The heavens and earth which were "of old, standing out
of the water and in the water," constituting "the world (kosmos)
that then was, being overflowed with water, perished;" that
order of things passed away, and a new order was established, "the
heavens and the earth which are now," constituting "this
world," that Christ and the apostles speak of, as we have noticed
above. "This world," this present iniquitous system of
things will be destroyed by fire (compare Zeph. 3:8, 9), at the
"day of judgment" and will thus "pass away," and be
succeeded by "a new heavens and new earth," constituting a new
world, or order of things, "wherein dwelleth righteousness."
These are the three worlds of Scripture; the three worlds of the
orthodox catechism are heaven, earth and hell; but none of these
are ever called a world in the Bible. The above are the only
worlds spoken of, and these come in the order named, no two of them
exist simultaneously, and each of them, as we have seen, is made up of a
distinct "heavens and earth." In the next number of the
paper I intend to consider the significance of these last two terms, heaven
and earth an understanding of which is necessary in order to
thoroughly comprehend the meaning of Aion and kosmos. I will only add
now that from the foregoing can be seen the relation between the worlds
and the ages. The worlds are the different orders or
arrangements of heavenly and earthly things that obtain for long periods
of time and then "pass away," to be succeeded by other worlds,
orders or systems. As we have seen there are three such worlds.
The first one extended from
the creation to the flood, a period of 1656 years. The second one
extends from the flood to the "day of judgment," or the second
coming of Christ, since he comes to inaugurate the judgment day.
"He will judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his
kingdom;" (2 Tim. 4:1). This world has already covered a period of
more than four thousand years; but we have good reason to believe that
it is very near its end and that the "new heaven and new
earth" are close at hand. The third world extends on from
the second coming of Christ to "the dispensation of the fulness of
times, when all things in heaven and earth shall be gathered together in
Christ;" "for he must reign, till he hath put all enemies
under his feet, all rule and all authority and power," and
destroyed the last enemy, death, and then God shall be all in all;
"Then cometh the end," the end of the "times of the
restitution of all things," because then "all things"
will be restored. We know not how long a time this third world will
cover; it is not revealed; but enough is revealed to make us sure that
it will continue for an immense period, even "the ages of ages;"
as the second world is very much longer than the first, so doubtless the
third will be far beyond the second in duration, But, thanks be to God;
although we do not know the length of that mighty cycle we know the
glorious outcome, even "all things made new," and
"God all in all;" for, "as truly as Jehovah lives,
to Him every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall give praise to
God." (Isa. 45:22,23; Phil. 2:10,11; compare Rom. 14:11, N.V.
Now we will notice the
relation of the ages to the worlds. We have seen that there have been
three worlds; but these worlds embrace several ages. Of the first world
we know but little; the whole account of it we have is contained in a
few verses in the sixth chapter of Genesis; we know not what
sub-divisions that world may have been divided into. Of the second world
we have a full record, and it plainly appears that it has been divided
into three ages. 1. The Patriarchal age, from the flood to the death of
Jacob in Egypt. 2. The Jewish age, from the death of Jacob to the first
advent. 3. The Christian, or Gospel age, from the first to the second
advent, which event we have already seen closes this world, as well as
the gospel age. In the third world we know there will be many ages, even
"ages of ages," as we have already noticed, but of their
number and duration we are not informed; the first age in that
world, it appears, is what we call the Millennium, and beyond that there
are other ages, "the times of the Restitution of all
things," until the "dispensation of the fullness of
times." The great difference between an Aion and a kosmos, is that
the former is a period during which God is dealing, according to a
certain method with his people; the latter is the period of the
duration of a certain order of things as it relates to the whole
world; a change from one Aion to another involves a change in
the mode of God's dealings with his special people, but does not affect
the world as a whole; a change from one kosmos to another involves a
change affecting all mankind; as we further examine the worlds and ages
we shall see this distinction illustrated.
The first illustration is in
the change from the world before the flood to the present world; the
transition period was marked by the flood, which affected every member
of the race. In the Patriarchal age God's people were represented
by one man at a time. Noah, and the patriarchs following him down to
Abraham; then successively by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, one at a time,
until we come down to the death of Jacob. when for the first time
"the twelve tribes of Israel" (Gen. 49:48) are recognized as
God's people and the Jewish age begins; this continues until the first
advent when the Christian era is introduced, which has continued down to
the present time. Let the reader notice that these ages are not
characterized in themselves, nor distinguished one from another, by
anything affecting the world as a whole. God's people alone have been
affected by these changes, the world has gone on through these ages, and
from one to another without being affected thereby. The great epochs and
transition periods in the history of the world by no means correspond
with the changes in these ages.
For instance the kingdom of
Judah continued down to 606, B.C., when a great change took place, the
crown was taken from the last Judaean king, (Ezek. 21:25-27) and
universal dominion given to the Gentiles; but there was no change in the
dispensation, i.e. in God's method with his people, they still continued
under the same law down to the time of Christ. On the other hand at the
first advent there was a great change in the dispensation, from Judaism
to Christianity, from law to grace, from works to faith, but there was
no change in the world of mankind, they continued right on under the
Roman yoke for centuries afterward. Thus the distinction between these
two significant words plainly appears. A Kosmos is an order,
arrangement or system of things, ordained of God for a long period of
time, related to, and effecting the entire race. An Aion is a shorter
period of time, included in the Kosmos, during which rules and methods
obtain for the special guidance and training of God's people
without any immediate reference to the world at large. During the
Jewish age, for instance, God dealt with a certain class of people, a
single nation, and on one line or principle, namely that of the law. The
world of mankind was left to themselves; God's rule is, "every man
in his own order;" (band or class) most who have lived in past ages
have had no spiritual (i.e. perfecting, finishing) training as yet;
their probation or trial will be in the next kosmos, and in future ages.
As it was in the Jewish age so has it been in the Gospel age, i.e. God
has not been dealing with the world in this age, but with a class; a
people taken out from among the Gentiles for his name. (Acts 15:14). And
this class will constitute the promised "Seed," (Gal. 3:16,29)
"the Sons of God," (Rom. 8:19) in whom in future ages other
bands and classes will be blessed and saved, by being "turned away
from their iniquities," and "brought to a knowledge of the
truth," until the whole creation shall be delivered from the
bondage of corruption. We will now notice a few passages that
still further show the relation between these two words.
See Matt. 13:36-43; Jesus
here explains the parable of the tares and the wheat; he says, "the
field is the world, the harvest is the end of the world."
reading this from the common version anyone would suppose that the word world
was used in the same sense in both places, but is not so; the first word
rendered world is kosmos, the second is Aion. (See New
Version). How misleading to render these very different Greek words by
the same English word! "The field is the world," kosmos, the
world of mankind, where the good seed, "the children of the
kingdom," or "the word," (Mark 4:14) was sown, "the
harvest is the end of the Aion, age," or "consummation of the
age;" (see N.V.) not the end of the race of mankind, or the
end of this planet on which we live, or the end of time, but the end
of the age, the Gospel age, when there will be a harvest, as there was
at the end of the Jewish age (Luke 10:2) preparatory to the
introduction of a new age and a new order of things.
Again, see Heb. 9:26. The
apostle says that Christ did not need to offer himself often, as did the
Jewish high priest every year, "for then must he often have
suffered since the foundation of the world; but now once in the end of
the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of
himself." Here again the two different words, kosmos and Aion, are
translated by the same word world, thus misleading the English
reader. The sense of the passage is as follows: "for then must he
often have suffered since the foundation of the world," i.e. kosmos,
this present order or system of things "but now once in the end
of the age," etc., at the end of the Jewish age, Jesus
"appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself."
Now see Heb. 1:2. "By
whom also he made the worlds." Most readers of this passage would
get the idea that by the worlds here is meant the material worlds, i.e.
the planets, the heavenly bodies of the Solar system, and they would
understand that Jesus made, created, the material universe. But this
idea is overthrown at once when we learn that the word here,
properly rendered is ages, and not worlds. (See N.V.). "By whom
also he made the ages;'' this certainly does not mean the material
worlds, the planets: what does it mean? Jesus Christ is the one central
figure of all the ages. Before he came he was pointed to in a hundred
ways in types, allegories, shadows and prophecies; when he came he began
to fulfill all these; and in all future time he will still be
"Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, to-day, and for the
ages.'' (Heb. 13:8; N.V. margin) until "every knee shall bow and
every tongue shall give praise to Him."
An ever increasing,
broadening and deepening revelation of God in Christ has characterized
all the ages past. From the first promise in Eden, that the seed of the
woman should bruise the serpent's head, Jesus was more and more
revealed, age after age, and God in him until he himself came that
we might behold "the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in
the face of Jesus Christ." (2 Cor. 4:6). Jesus is the great
revelation of God to man, hence God made the ages by (through, or with
reference to) him; that is, each succeeding age has taken its
distinctive character from that measure of light, progressively
revealed, in regard to this Image of God, the Divine Word, Jesus Christ.
How simple, and yet how grand and true is the declaration, "By
whom also he made the ages." Take out Christ from the ages and what
would be left? An empty shell, a husk, a shadow without a substance,
nothing. Jesus makes them what they are, and without him they
would not be. This progressive revelation of God to man through Jesus
Christ, which has given character to all the ages, is far more glorious
and important than the creation of the material universe, the planetary
system; but this important truth is entirely obscured by the misleading
translation of the common version.
There is another passage,
similar to the one just examined, in Heb. 11:3; "Through faith we
understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that
things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."
This passage is supposed by most Christians to teach the creation of the
material universe out of nothing, but it teaches nothing of the kind;
the word rendered worlds is ages, again, and this fact of itself ought
to satisfy us at once that the apostle is not talking about material
worlds, but of the ages, which are not material things, but periods of
time. I will give one or two different translations of the passage, and
then, what I understand to be the true meaning. Young renders it,
"By faith we understand the ages to have been prepared by a saying
of God, in regard to the things seen not having come out of things
appearing." Rotherham renders it, "By faith we understand the
ages to have been adjusted by declaration of God, to the end that not
out of appearances, should that which is seen come into existence;"
these translations are confirmed by the New Version, q. v. Now, if
I err not, the meaning is as follows: if it were not for faith,
appearances would deceive us; according to appearances, we might say
that everything in this world had thus far been allowed to take its own
course, and come out as it chanced; and that it had chanced to come out
very bad so far, and was seemingly growing worse and worse; this is the appearance
of things from the standpoint of the natural man; but now faith, founded
on knowledge, comes in to modify and correct these appearances. We learn
of God's all-pervading, all-controlling providence; we learn of his
supremacy, his Fatherhood and his wisdom; such knowledge gives
rise to faith, confidence, trust in Him; and from such faith, founded
upon such knowledge, we come to understand that it is not safe to trust
to appearances, but that we must look at things from the standpoint of
God's plan, his ultimate purpose, if we would rightly comprehend his
ways. Paul says that the mystery of God's purposes of grace are hid
for ages and generations, but at last revealed to God's saints. Thus we
may know that unseen causes are at work bringing about results unlooked
for and least expected. These results are according to a pre-arranged
plan, a perfect adjustment of the ages to the end that the finally seen
things, i.e. the results. shall not be according to
previous appearances, but according to God's design when the ages
were adjusted. Thus faith is that which gives substance (see N.
V., margin), to things hoped for, the proving of things "not
seen as yet;" (N.V., and compare verse 7) this definition of
faith, and declaration of God's perfect adjustment of the ages to the
end of carrying out his own plan, is fully amplified and illustrated as
the chapter proceeds.
God be praised that
"things are not what they seem;" no matter how they appear,
we shall yet see the final result, not according to present appearances,
but according to God's pre-adjustment; like a wonderful and complicated
machine which, notwithstanding the apparent confusion of levers,
pulleys, belts, cranks and wheels, and the distracting sound of its
ponderous working, is yet perfectly adjusted to the accomplishment of a
given result, upon which we gaze with wonder and admiration, so the
intricate mechanism of God's marvelous "plan of the ages."
though the various parts appear inharmonious and
self-conflicting, wheels within wheels, with rings high and dreadful
and full of eyes round about, (Ezek. 1:16-18) though there seems to be
nothing but the harsh din of discord and strife ever sounding in our
ears from the "conflict of the ages," just as Ezekiel saw
his "visions of God" in the midst of whirlwinds, clouds
and fire (1:1,4) yet is the mighty fabric perfectly adjusted, and
absolutely controlled by the omnipotent Master, so that steadily and
continually the work goes on, drawing nearer and nearer to completion, just
as in Ezekiel's visions. Again, the "living creatures"
always "went every one straight forward, and turned
out when they went," (1:9,12,17; 10:11, etc.) until at last
the blessed end shall be seen (Jas. 5:11), the fair,
spotless, finished product of God's great loom, a race of beings in
his own image and likeness; from the spirit of life (Jesus,
John 6:33) is in the wheels," (ages) (Ezek.1:20, mar.) "By
whom also he made the ages." O what wonderful "treasures
of wisdom and knowledge" are hid in the written word, as in
the Word incarnate! truly, "it is the glory of God to conceal a
thing." (Prov. 25:2). But how blessedly does he reveal his secrets
unto them that fear (reverence) him! (Psa. 25:14).
the next number, in the consideration of the terms heaven and earth,
the subject will be still further explained.
*I spell the word, Kosmos, after the analogy of
the Greek original, instead of according to the anglicized orthography,
New Version; refers to The English Revised Version of 1881-1885 (RSV)