The following work is by NO MEANS intended to be an exhaustive treatise on the subject
of the Salvation of ALL Men !! There have been enlightened Men of God in prior years,
endowed with far greater scholarship, understanding, and revelation than I possess, who
have covered this subject with much greater authority than I could begin to approach. I
will speak more of this shortly. What I DO propose to offer in the following pages is an
updated compilation and summary of the "Mystery Hidden From Ages Past", which
the God of revelation was pleased to speak forth through these vessels. I will attempt to
present it in the vernacular which 20th century man can understand. I will appeal to man's
emotions, reason, intellect, and logic -- ALL of which were given to us by the God of
creation. I DO NOT see anywhere in His Word where He rescinded these gifts, but the rather
encourages us to be transformed into His Image by the "Renewing of our MINDS".
First, I would like to offer my deepest and highest gratitude to the God of Heaven who,
by His Grace (for reasons only He understands) chose me to share in the revelation of this
mystery, granting to me grace to believe and to understand. Second, I am deeply grateful
to Adolph Ernst Knoch, founder of the Concordant Publishing Concern, who, in obedience to
God, devoted his life to searching out the "hidden things of God", and
uncovering much "buried treasure" in the Word of God. It was through an
introduction to this ministry, and the Concordant Literal New Testament, that God began to
open up my heart, mind, and understanding to the things that I will be presenting in the
following pages.
I wish it to be clearly understood at the onset that I DO NOT claim for my own ANY of
the ideas, understandings, or revelations of which I will be writing. Ultimately, of
course, they belong to God and come from God. Specifically, however, they have come to me
through the inspiration of Mr. Knoch and others, whose writings are available through the
Concordant Ministry. Another major source of revelation was through the writings of Andrew
Murray. He has written a number of excellent translations of the works of a Christian
mystic of the 1700's, a William Law. Finally, Mr. Law's writings themselves have been of
extreme benefit.
The following writings ARE NOT for EVERYONE. I have NO delusions that the majority of
Christians will embrace this teaching that God's ultimate intention is nothing less than
the Salvation of ALL Men. Such HAS NOT been the case for almost 2,000 years. However, I do
also believe that the winds of God's Spirit are blowing, clearing away the mists and fog
that cloud man's mind, heart and understanding. He is, as He has always been doing,
unfolding in greater measure the "Mystery that has been hidden from ages past."
It is for the Searcher, for the Hungry, for the man or woman who is willing to SELL ALL to
acquire the "Pearl of Great Price". It is, last of all, for the man or woman of
Proverbs Chapter 2, the "Seeker of Wisdom", who is willing to SEARCH for it, to
DIG for it, as one who is seeking precious gold or rare gems !! Did not God say that
"when you seek for Me with ALL of your heart, THEN will you find Me!!" The
prayer that is upon these pages is that they will be read by SUCH SEEKERS !!!!!!
For those whose spirits are stirred by the pages to come, I wish to direct you to the
following list of men and writings to take you deeper into God's heart on this subject (
Listed in the order of recommendation ):
- "The Concordant Literal New Testament", from the Concordant Publishing
- "The Problem of Evil and the Judgments of GOD", by A. E. Knoch
- "Restitution of ALL Things", by Andrew Jukes
- "Christ Triumphant", by Thomas Allin
- "Paul's Epistle to the Galatians", by Valadimir Gelesnoff
- "The Power of the Spirit", selected writings of William Law, by Andrew Murray
- "Wholly for God", Edited from a work of William Law, by Andrew Murray
- "The Spirit of Love and The Spirit of Prayer", by William Law
- "All in ALL", by A. E. Knoch
- "Death, Resurrection, Immortality", by Joseph E. Kirk
- "The Ancient History of Universalism", by Hosea Ballou
- "The Modern History of Universalism", by Thomas Whittemore
I also heartily recommend that you obtain a FREE catalog from the
Concordant Publishing Concern. Their address is: Concordant Publishing Concern
15570 Knochaven Road
Canyon Country, CA 91351, USA, Tel. 805-252-2112
This ministry is exclusively devoted to enabling ALL Christians to come to a clearer,
deeper knowledge of the truths of God's Word, particularly as it pertains to the subject
of The Salvation of ALL Men. They have an excellent collection of study materials, books,
booklets, and tracts available at VERY reasonable prices. I have found that they are truly
devoted to Serving the Body of Christ, NOT to making money off of Christians. As an
example, they offer a Semi-Monthly magazine, "Unsearchable Riches", for $1.00
per year. They also have their New Testament available on computer disk, which will
interface with the "Seed-Master" System.
There is also available another EXCELLENT, LOW COST computer bible search
system, complete with Greek and Hebrew Concordance, Lexicons, and Topics, called "The
On-Line Bible". It is available for BOTH use with a Hard Drive and a CD-ROM. You may
reach the distributor of this software at: On-Line Bible USA, P.O.Box 21, Bronson, MI,
49028, USA
Tel. 800-243-7124, Fax. 517-369-2518
Please feel free to contact me either at the following address: Albert E.
Jenke, 2664 Hidden Terrace, Arcata, CA 95521, U.S.A, 707-839-5403
or through the computerized Bulletin Board System (BBS), "Compu-Serve", for
more details regarding these study aids, or regarding ANY OTHER questions and/or comments.
My Compu-Serve ID is # 74264,1273 I am also available to speak or lecture on this topic
per whatever mutually agreeable arrangements we can make together with our Lord Jesus.
PLEASE feel free to copy and distribute this document AS FAR AND
AS WIDE AS POSSIBLE, by whatever means are at your disposal !!!!
An excellent understanding of the twin processes of Law and Grace, Mercy and Judgment
in God's plan of salvation is found in the book "Restitution of ALL Things", by
Andrew Jukes. His is the clearest and keenest exposition of this truth that I have ever
read. I shall attempt to paraphrase a summary of it here, to set the stage for the ideas
that follow. However, I urge you in the strongest possible terms to get his book and read
his exposition for yourself. The Apostle Paul makes a foundational statement in Romans
11:32, where he states that, "God has shut up (or locked up) ALL in unbelief (or
disobedience), for the purpose that He might have mercy upon ALL."
Mr. Jukes makes TWO key points. The first being that the gateway into any NEW form of
life is ONLY through death to the OLD form. God told Adam that, "On the DAY he ate of
the tree that he would die." Die he did, from the Divine life with God into the
Natural life of this world. We are told that if we would, "Find our New life with
Jesus Christ, that we must Lose our old life ( die to it)," We are told further that,
"Unless a grain of wheat will die, it will remain alone." We enter into the life
of heaven through the portal of death from this world. We are also told that the
unrepentant, after judgment, are cast into the Lake of Fire -- which is the "Second
Death" ( Romans 6:3-5; 7:4-6; 8:13 ; 1 Cor. 15:31,36,37; 2 Cor. 4:11,12.
The second point that Mr. Jukes has to make is simply this, "ALL men will die
through God's Judgment (Law) and be raised to life through His Grace (Mercy) given in
Jesus Christ ( 2 Cor. 5:10; 1 Peter 4:5,17). Within this ALL, there are two classes: ( 1
Cor 15:22-24). First, there are those who are His at His appearing; Those who have allowed
God to Judge them in the flesh and have died to the body of Sin NOW in this life under the
Ministration of Grace (Romans 7:4-6 ). Within the second category, we have those who were
cast into the Lake of Fire, the SECOND death. These found it necessary to be Judged
OUTSIDE of the body and die to sin under the Ministration of Judgment. So it shall be that
the Firstfruits, even as Israel in Types and Shadows were to be priests of God unto the
Nations, shall perhaps minister as agents of salvation unto their brethren of the
"Latter Rain" ( 1 Cor. 6:2,3 ).
Thus shall ALL be purged and purified by Fire; the first group by the fire of the Holy
Spirit, the second group by the fire of Judgment !!! ( Math. 3:11,12; Mark 9:49; Luke
12:49; 1 Cor. 3:13-15; Heb. 12:29 ) C.S. Lewis made a point similar to that of Mr. Jukes
-- How much more blessed it is to allow God to kill (destroy) this Man of Sin NOW within
our body of flesh, when he can use our flesh as an instrument of death, than when we have
been liberated from this body and He must use instruments of infinitely greater power to
overcome this Old Man.
I again repeat, that the preceding was but a VERY brief summary of what Andrew Jukes
has to say on this subject. He goes into it in FAR greater detail. I offer this summary
merely to whet your appetite. His, along with the writings of William Law, have done more
than those of any other man to open to my understanding "God's Mystery hidden from
ages past", and to clarify His dealings toward the Salvation and Restoration of ALL
men. If these explanations seem to you unique and "off the beaten path",
consider that in the Apostle Paul's day he wrote that this "Mystery" was even
THEN being unveiled !! Further, Peter, in 2 Peter 3:15,16, comments that Paul wrote
certain things in his letters that are, "Hard to understand, which ignorant and
unstable people distort to their own destruction !" Do you not think that perhaps He
has been, and is continuing to unveil it to those that have "Ears to hear and Eyes to
see ???" The Jews in the days of Jesus COULD NOT and WOULD NOT comprehend the mystery
of the Suffering Messiah !!! Thus He said to them that "their house would be left to
them desolate until they could shout -- blessed is He who comes in the name of
The following is a brief excerpt from the book "All in All," by A. E. Knoch,
pp.. 89-97, entitled, "The Salvation of the Unbeliever".
Those who believe are saved by His grace (Rom.4:16). Those who do not believe are saved
through His judgments. In both, however, it is He alone Who is Saviour. Faith is but the
channel of grace; it plays no efficient part in salvation. Judgment is but a means which
God uses. It does not remove man's guilt or cleanse a single sin. That is done wholly and
solely by the blood of Christ. Every effort to bring about the ultimate salvation of all
through the purgatorial or penitential sufferings of the sinner is a denial of this great
truth. Judgments do not save, but the God Who Judges is also the Saviour, and all His
dealings with mankind are governed by the grand goal that He has set before Him -- to
become All in All His creatures.
The judgment of unbelievers takes place in the interval between the passing of this
present earth and the creation of the new. Every tie that bound them to earth has been
burned up. They are the subjects of the most astounding miracle ever wrought, having been
raised from the dead. They are in the presence of the Divine Majesty. Their secrets are
bared to His awful gaze. The character of their judgment, being adjusted to their acts,
not simply as to severity but so as to correct them, will reveal God's purpose to save and
reconcile them to Himself. This, followed by their death in the lake of fire and
subsequent vivification at the consummation, becomes a means for their acceptance of
The salvation of the unbeliever will be by sight, not by faith. Otherwise, it is
effected in the same way as that of the believer, by the word and power and presence of
God. In the judgment day God will judge the hidden things of humanity (Rom.2:16). We are
prone to consider this a mere exhibition of His omniscience to facilitate the trial of the
sinner and to insure his condemnation. More than this, it cannot but have a most powerful
effect on the unbeliever's attitude toward Christ. The change that occurs in the ultimate
salvation of the unbeliever is wrought, not only by his resurrection, but by the august
judgment session, when he stands in the presence of Christ, with all his unbelief swept
away by the awful realization of His power and the justice of His throne. We are asked,
"Is it possible for them to repent?" Rather, we would like to know, "Is it
possible for them NOT to repent, or change their minds?" We cannot conceive an
unrepentant sinner before the great white throne.
The apostle Paul's case is of surpassing significance in its bearing on the salvation
of unbelievers. He was the foremost of sinners, and it cannot be denied that, among men,
there was no case quite as desperate as his. All question as to God's ability to save
vanishes in the light of his call on the Damascus road. The miraculous means employed in
his case surely would suffice for every one of God's enemies. Who will deny, on sober
reflection, that the appalling power and glory of the august judgment session into which
the unbeliever is ushered by his resurrection will be unutterably more impressive? The
apostle's vision passed. He came back to a scene where all was as before. He alone had
changed. The unbeliever sees the power and presence of God not only in his own deliverance
from death, but in all around him. The vision does not vanish. The Divine Presence bides.
God's thoughts and man's imaginations are nowhere more at variance than on the subject
of judgment, or punishment. God is love, man is hate. Jonah went through the streets of
Nineveh, crying: "Yet forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown!" God saw their
works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented concerning the evil that He
said He would do unto them, and He did it not (Jonah 3). What did Jonah do? Was he not
pleased at the success of his mission? Did he not glory in the character of his God? Alas!
He was like the majority of the Lord's people today. Like Jonah, they imagined that God
has a streak of hate in His character and that He wanted to destroy Nineveh to give it
exercise. He had an object, though, in threatening its destruction. Now that they repented
and the object was attained, why should He belie His character and destroy them from sheer
vindictiveness?? Jonah thought He ought, and so think those today whose prototype he was.
Is it not too bad that Jonah's God was a gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger, and
of great kindness, and repenting of the evil that He had threatened? (Jonah 4:2). What did
Jonah care for Nineveh? What pains had it cost him ? What comfort did it bring to him?
God, however, looked at it from His standpoint. In it there were sixty thousand souls more
in tune with Him than sulky Jonah. He was their Creator, and He had not created them for
naught. This is God's way with the unbeliever.
Not only is a through study of the Book of Jonah an excellent revelation of the
perverseness and hardness of the human heart, but likewise is a through study of the Book
of Job. We are all very willing to judge the vain emptiness of the words of his three
quote, "Friends", as did God, but how about the pompous, self-righteousness of
Job's words ?? In Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar, we find the worst elements of deductive
reasoning based upon first, "Spiritual Experience", second, "Tradition of
the Elders and the Wisdom of the Silver Head", and third, "Reason and Logic of
the Unregenerate Human Mind". It is God's testimony ( Job 42:7 ) that these three men
DID NOT speak the truth about Him ( God ).
It is likewise the truth that the bulk of Christendom DOES NOT speak the truth about
God OR about His Written Word when they depict Him as a doddering, helpless, discrepant
FIEND. This is what is portrayed of our ALL powerful God: First, He creates a universe in
such a way that He KNOWS that Sin will enter into it, and populates it with beings that He
KNOWS will fall victim to said Sin. To make sure that they will in fact fall, He creates a
Mighty Tempter ( Satan ) to seduce them into it. Then, when His plan is complete, He
dispatches His Most Precious Son ( the Highest, Greatest, Most Powerful Expression of
Himself ) into this Arena of Sin to be the Saviour of these, His children. Surely now, our
heart whispers, our God will reveal His mighty arm, His lost sheep will be redeemed, evil
will be vanquished, and the God of Love and Goodness will triumph.
WAIT THOUGH, what is this ???? Our ALL powerful God stumbles again, and it is Satan who
emerges victorious !! Despite all our religious, pious platitudes, SUCH IS THE CASE if
Jesus Christ came only "to OFFER salvation to those who would receive it." Satan
DID NOT come to "Offer damnation", but rather, men are brought into this world
as his slaves, WITHOUT CHOICE !!! According to the creeds of orthodox Christendom, the
"VICTORY" of Christ is thousands. The "VICTORY" of Satan is tens of
thousands !! If this is in fact true, than the scripture SHOULD NOT read, "Oh Death,
where is your sting," but rather, "Oh Christ, where is YOUR VICTORY ???"
The worst has not yet come, however. The evening may be dark, but the night is yet DARKER
STILL !!!!
Not content that millions upon millions of his created offspring should suffer under
the diabolical torment of this "Prince of Darkness" during their brief sojourn
through THIS LIFE, upon their death they are immediately ushered into his even darker
kingdom, without trial or recourse, for infinitely greater measures of torment for
HUNDREDS or even THOUSANDS of years. At the Crowning Climax of this sordid scene comes the
Day of Judgment, when the God of ALL Creation expends power beyond comprehension to snatch
millions upon millions upon millions of HIS children from the clutches of death, torment,
and the god of Death. At last, we breath a sigh of relief, "Now surely the God of ALL
Life shall do Justice !!" What, though, was the purpose of this miracle of miracles
?? It was so that these lost, tormented, mindless souls might once again be cast into the
PIT, to be tormented without ceasing "unto the ends of eternity", "for ever
and ever", "where the worm never dies and the smoke of their torment rises
without end." THUS SPEAK the PROPHETS of ORTHODOXY !!!
Is it any wonder then, that the lost do not hear the cries of the ALL-MIGHTY God of
Love ??? If Job could denounce his friends for uttering ,"empty words without
wisdom," what would he say about these words ?? How about, as he said in 16:1,2,
"The comfort you give is only torment. Are you going to keep talking forever ??"
How about Job though ? Was his view of God any better ?? No, according to his words in
chapter 16:9-14, I think he to would be right at home among the Traditions of Christendom.
Let us look at a few of his words: "In anger God tears me limb from limb. He glares
at me with hate. God has handed me over to evil men. I was living in peace, but God took
me by the throat and battered me and crushed me. God uses me for target practice and
shoots arrows at me from every side --arrows that pierce and wound me; and EVEN THEN HE
SHOWS NO PITY !! He wounds me again and again; he attacks me like a solider gone mad with
hate." Job repeats these and similar accusations against God in many other verses.
The problem goes deeper than merely the response of the unsaved, however. Deep in their
inner hearts and minds, ( hearts and minds, though corrupted, yet still fashioned by the
God of Creation ), God's OWN CHILDREN, if they truly reflect upon these things, rebel
against such contradictory lies. They create unsupported, unbiblical "Back
Doors", through which to escape from these inexplicable contradictions. The mind
wrestles with questions such as: "How can a God of Love condemn innocent babies ,
children, and the mentally retarded to an eternity of unimaginable torment ??" To
answer questions that have no biblical answer according to Orthodox interpretation, we
invent such fantasies as "the age of accountability," "moral
responsibility", and "infant baptism". To the perplexities of questions
such as: "What happened to all mankind before Jesus Christ came ?", "What
about all the heathen cultures which never heard the name of Jesus ?", "Shall a
common thief receive the SAME judgment as a Hitler?", or "Is it Justice to
condemn ANY creature to an ENDLESS Eternity of Unimaginable Torment for a brief duration
of sin ??", we answer with the all encompassing platitude, "GOD IS JUST !!"
If the Orthodox interpretation of such scriptures as "NOW is the Day of
Salvation," "It is appointed unto men to die ONCE, and after that the
Judgment," and unless you "Confess Jesus with your Mouth and Believe in your
Heart, you CAN NOT be saved," God is going to have to be a lot more than merely JUST
to solve this dilemma that WE HAVE MANUFACTURED !! No, Jesus summed up the problem when He
condemned the Pharisees with these words, "By YOUR Dogmas and Doctrines of MEN, you
have rendered the WORD of God useless and foolish." Concerning the fate of mankind,
has the BULK of His Church done any differently ????
REJOICE OH HEART, for God HAS seen fit to unravel this mystery in His Word! It is there
for those who seek for it as for fine gold. It will be found by those who prefer the Glory
of God to the Glory of Men. It will be sought after by those not looking for rewards from
ecclesiastical organizations, but looking rather to hear from God, "Well done good
and faithful servant." It will be treasured by those who are NOT concerned about the
scorn or rejection of men, but are looking for a heavenly treasure that CAN NOT be taken
away. If, on the other hand, you value more the praise and commen- dation of Religious
Societies, then you have your reward. I will attempt, in the pages that follow, to
present, with logic and reason, some of the truths which God has seen fit to reveal to me
regarding His dealings in Salvation and Judgment toward the ultimate goal of The
Reconciliation of ALL.
The following is a brief excerpt from the book, "Christ Triumphant," by
Thomas Allin, pages 220-224 and 312-316.
We now turn to an examination of the very many passages in the New Testament that
clearly declare, or imply, the salvation of all men -- how numerous these are we shall
see. The time has fully come for appealing with all boldness on behalf of the larger hope,
alike to the letter and the spirit of the New Testament. One thing only I ask, which
common fairness and honesty require, that our Lord and His Evangelists and Apostles may be
understood to mean what they say. Thus, we shall look at a FEW instances out of MANY. When
they speak of all men, I assume them to mean ALL men, and not some men. When they speak of
all things, I assume them to mean ALL things. When they speak of life and salvation as
given to the world, I assume them to mean GIVEN, and not merely offered. When they speak
of the destruction of death, of the devil, and of the works of the devil, I assume them to
mean that these shall be DESTROYED and not preserved for ever in hell. When they tell us
that the whole of Creation suffers but that it shall be delivered, I assume that they mean
an ACTUAL deliverance of all created things. When they tell us that Redemption is wider,
broader, and stronger than the Fall, I assume that they mean to tell us at least this,
that ALL the evil caused by the Fall shall be swept away. When they describe Christ's
empire as extending over all things and all creatures, and tell us that every tongue must
join in homage to Him, I assume them to mean what these words convey in their ordinary
sense. If I did not, should I not, in fact, be making God a liar ???
What does the traditional creed require? It practically requires a MUTILATED BIBLE.
More than this, it bids us to expunge precisely that which is noblest and divinest in Holy
Scripture. I have no desire to ignore "the Terrors of the Lord" -- (see next
chapter.) They deserve and shall have full recog- nition. I do insist, however, that those
teachers misread Holy Scripture who forgets that its essential purpose is to unfold His
name, Who is "our Father", and to proclaim His full victory in the extinction of
all evil, and not in its perpetuation in hell. I protest against teaching that
"All" means in scriptural phrase absolutely "All" when some evil is
foretold, but that "All" means only "some" when spoken of final
salvation. So rooted is this most inequitable mode of interpretation, that it has become
involuntary. The restitution of all things means, we are told, that only some beings are
to be restored, while some are tortured for ever, or annihilated. That God shall be
finally "All in All" means that He will shut up many for ever in endless evil,
to blaspheme and hate Him eternally, and only save the rest. That His tender mercies are
over all His works means, in the ordinary creed, that His tender mercies expire at the
gates of hell. Solemn as is the question, there is something almost ludicrous, when we
find those who so teach, then turning around to charge us with evading the words of
I submit that the entire history of exegesis contains no stranger fact than this
persistent ignoring of so large a part of the New Testament. To bring this out clearly, I
append the following chain of passages from a long series. They, clearly and closely
linked, claim for Christ a saving empire co-extensive with the race, or (perhaps) rather
with the whole universe. This connection is clearly marked, for each passage suggests or
contains the same central idea, and thus forms a link in a continuous chain. This chain
begins at creation, when all things were created by Christ, who therefore, as S. PAUL
implies, reconciles (in fact, re-creates) all things unto God.-- Col. 1:16-20. Hence, His
work is the restitution of all things -- Acts 3:21. He is Heir of all things -- Heb. 1:2.
In him all nations are to be blessed -- Gal. 3:8. The Father has given Him authority over
all flesh, to give to whatsoever was given to Him eternal life -- S.Jno 17:2 (see
original). So all flesh shall see the salvation of God -- S.Luke 3:6. For God, Whose
counsel is immutable -- Heb. 6:17,18, Whose attitude towards His enemies is love
unchanging -- S.Luke 6:27-35, will have all men to be saved -- 1 Tim. 2:4, and all to come
to repentance -- 2 Pet. 3:9. He has shut all up unto unbelief, in order that He may show
mercy upon all -- Rom. 11:32. For (out) of Him, as Source, and unto (or into) Him, as End,
are all things whatsoever --Rom. 11:36. He has, therefore, put all things in subjection
under Christ's feet -- Eph. 1:22. So we are assured that God will gather into one all
things in Christ -- Eph. 1:10. His grace comes upon all men unto justifi- cation of life
-- Rom. 5:18. So Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands --
S.Jno. 13:3, promises by His Cross to draw all men unto Himself -- S.Jno. 12:32. For
having, as stated, received all things from the Father -- S.Jno. 3:35, all that was given
comes to Him, and He loses none --S.Jno. 6:37-39, but if any stray, goes after that which
is lost till He finds it --S.Luke 15:4, and so makes all things new -- Rev. 21:5.
Thus He comes in order that the world through Him may be saved -- S.Jno. 3:17. His
grace brings salvation to all men -- Tit. 2:11. He takes away the sin of the world --
S.Jno. 1:29. He gives His flesh for its life -- S.Jno. 6:51. Because the gifts and calling
of God are without repentance (are irrevocable ) --Rom. 11:29, He gives life to the world
-- S.Jno. 6:33. He is the Light of the world -- S.Jno. 8:12. He is the propitiation for
the sins of the whole world -- 1 Jno. 2:2. He is the Saviour of all men -- 1Tim.4:10.
He destroys the works of the devil, not some of them only -- 1 Jno. 3:8, and the devil
himself -- Heb. 2:14. He abolishes death -- 2 Tim. 1:10. He is manifested to put away sin
-- Heb. 9:26, and thus subdues all things unto Himself -- Phil 3:21 (the context clearly
shows this subjugation to be conformity to Himself). He does not forget the dead, but
takes the gospel to Hades -- 1 Pet. 3:19, of which He holds the keys -- Rev. 1:18. He is
the same (Saviour) for ever -- Heb. 13:8. Thus, even the dead are evangelized -- 1 Pet.
4:6, and death and Hades destroyed -- Rev 20:14. All are therefore made alive in Him -- 1
Cor. 15:22. Christ finishes, completes His work -- S.Jno. 17:4, restores all things --
Acts 3:21, and there is no more curse -- Rev. 22:2,3. Every knee of things in heaven and
earth, and under the earth, bends to Him -- Phil. 2:10. The creation is delivered from the
bondage of corruption -- Rom. 8:21, and every creature joins in the song of praise -- Rev.
5:13. So comes the END, when He delivers up the Kingdom to God, Who is then ALL IN ALL --
1 Cor. 15:24-28.
These passages are, I repeat, not taken at random and piled up any way. They are the
expression of that Purpose that runs though the Bible. It is a Purpose first stated in
man's creation in God's image; a Purpose to be traced in the Law, the Psalms and Prophets;
and most clearly in the New Testament. From it we learn that (I.) Christ came, claiming as
His own the entire human race, to the end that He might save and restore the WHOLE, and
not any fraction of it, however large. (II.) He came with full power "over all
flesh", having received power in heaven and on earth -- over all hearts, all evil,
all wills. (III.) He lived and died, and rose again, victorious in the fullest sense,
"having FINISHED His work," as He expressly claims.
Thus, to deny the absolute universality of Christ's redeeming sway, as destined to
embrace ALL SOULS AND ALL THINGS WHATSOEVER, seems no less than to withdraw from the New
Testament an essential and vital part of its teaching. For here we are not dealing with
some few passages, in which it might be possible to say that "ALL" was used in a
lax sense. We have a connected series in which link follows link, a series in which the
actual, not the potential, universality of Christ's kingdom is the center and essential
thought. Let us now consider a little more in detail, the passages themselves, taking them
in their natural and fair meaning, not obscured by traditional gloss.
Here the question is simply this, will Jesus Christ really do what He has come to do,
or will He fail -- as the traditional creed , in spite of all denials, indubitably teaches
?? Will He save that which was lost and not some of the lost merely, a totally different
thing ?? How can "that which was lost" be saved, if any soul be finally lost ??
Lastly, a chapter has been devoted to pointing out how full the New Testament is of
passages too often explained away, and yet teaching, or implying, the final salvation of
all. So important is this evidence, that I here append a brief summary. We have seen how
to Christ is assigned a kingdom absolutely without bound or limit, how all flesh shall see
the salvation He gives. You have read how the Good Shepherd seeks on, till each sheep He
has lost is found, and how the Son of Man came to seek and to save, not some of the lost,
but simply "that which was lost". This might also be rendered, "the
destroyed", so little does "destruction" involve final loss. His mission is
exactly described as having for its object the salvation of the world, and He is said to
take away the sin of the whole world. Do these terms represent a partial salvation? Are
they honestly consistent with it? Again, it is said all things have been given to the Son,
and that all that is so given shall come to Him. He is repeatedly described as the
"Saviour of the world", which yet He does not in fact save on the popular view.
He is called the "Light the world". He is said not to offer, but to give life to
the world, a totally different thing. He says (no words can be more absolute), speaking of
His Cross, that He will draw all men unto Himself. He adds, that He came not to judge, but
to save the World. Can you, on any fair theory of the meaning of human language, reconcile
all this with the horrors of endless evil? If the sin of the whole world be taken away,
how shall there be a hell for its endless punishment. If all things without exception (the
original is the widest possible) are given to Christ, and all so given to Him shall come
to Him, can you reconcile this with unending misery? Let us go on, however. We find
language employed by the Evangelists quite as decisive against the popular creed as that
just quoted. When, for instance, we read in S.John how God's Son was manifested for the
very purpose of destroying the works of the Devil, we are forced to inquire if that is
consistent by any possibility with preserving these works in hell for ever? Is there no
significance in Christ's telling us that He is "alive unto the ages", and has
the keys of hell and death? Then again, what do the promises to make all things new, and
that there shall be no more curse or pain mean? If these be not promises of universal
restoration, what are they? Lastly, ponder over the vision of the Apocalypse, where every
creature in heaven, on earth, and under the earth (the dead), joins in the song of praise
to God. Can you truly say that anything less than an universal salvation can satisfy the
plain sense of these words!!
To (virtually) evade such words is bad enough, but having done so, to charge
universalists with fearing to appeal to Scripture is surely not fair. Take next, a very
large body of fresh passages teaching: the larger hope, from the Epistles of S. Paul, S.
Peter, and Hebrews. S.Paul, especially, is full of glowing anticipation of the assured
triumph of Christ's kingdom over all evil. Thus ABRAHAM is to receive the world and no
less as His portion, i.e., in the elect, all are to be saved. Whatever sin has done to
injure man is to be more than repaired by the grace of Christ. Is it, however, possible to
undo all that sin has done, if a single soul (1.) be left in endless evil? Would not
S.Paul be speaking untruly in such a case? Surely a fair answer is due to this inquiry
(even though a fair answer seems to lead to universalism). Further, the Apostle says that
the whole creation shall be delivered into the glorious liberty of God's children. Again,
all Israel is to be saved (and being the firstfruits, their salvation involves that of the
entire world). The Apostle affirms that God's gifts and calling are without repentance
(irrevocable). This is very significant, for what is the popular creed but an assertion
that God's gifts can be set at naught finally. Further, what S. Paul asserts is echoed in
the Epistle to the Hebrews, which assures us of the immutability of God's counsel. Again,
if God has shut up all in unbelief, it is, as S. Paul says, that He may have mercy upon
all. Does "all" mean "some" in the latter clause, and not in the
Again, he assures us that if the first ADAM brought death universally, then the last
ADAM brings universal life, and that if sin abounds, much more shall grace abound.
However, in saying that the last ADAM has in fact failed in myriads of cases to undo the
evil caused by the Fall, you are giving these words a flat contradiction. Then, as to
Christ's empire, we are told that to Him every knee shall bow, i.e., "All creation,
all things, whatsoever and wheresoever may be." -- (LIGHTFOOT on Phil. 2:10) and
every tongue confess --the original term means thanksgiving, rather, is the very term used
of our Lord's giving His Father thanks -- S.Matt 11:25. Finally, we are told that one day
-- at the End -- God shall be All in All. It is the Father's good pleasure to sum up all
things in Christ, to reconcile all things unto Himself through Christ. Are we indeed to
believe that anything can be reconciled to God by being consigned to hopeless evil? For it
is a virtual, if unconscious, evasion to say that all things are reconciled to God, if,
after countless generations have sent their contingents to the devil, some one generation
and those succeeding it, shall be fully saved. Further, the Apostle assures us that the
living God is the Saviour of all, that Jesus Christ has abolished death, and that the
grace of God brings salvation to all men. Are these statements fairly consistent with a
partial salvation? Why also, do our opponents never allude to the noble and most inspiring
hope, suggested by such a passage as Rom. 11:36?
S.Peter, too, speaks to the same effect. He tells of Christ's preaching the Gospel to
the dead, who had been disobedient and died -- a story whose significance is the greatest
possible, as indicating how behind the veil Christ works on to heal and to save even those
who died in sin. He adds, that the Lord is not willing that any should perish. Is God's
deliberate counsel --such is the original word -- to come to nothing? Then, in the Epistle
to the Hebrews, we have same remarkable testimony, e.g., the assertion that all things are
to be put under Christ. It is stated that His object in dying was to destroy the devil --
that once, at the conclusion of the ages, He has appeared to put away, i.e., abolish sin
by His sacrifice of Himself. Can anyone explain how the abolition of sin can be consistent
with maintaining evil in hell for ever? Thus, the traditional creed seems to stand
hopelessly opposed to the teaching of Scripture. Does it not almost deny God Himself,
because if we are to believe in God at all, there is no room for a defeated God.
Therefore, either God in fact really wills to save all men, and if so, He will assuredly
accomplish this, or He does not so will. The first proposition involves the larger hope --
the second is mere Calvinism. I can see no rational alternative.
Such is a brief outline of the teaching of the New Testament, for I have not quoted all
its promises of universal salvation. It is no case of building upon Eastern metaphors, of
dogma resting upon mistranslations or misconceptions of the original, as in the case of
the traditional creed. It is evidence, clear and unambiguous, and repeated. We have
without doubt line upon line, promise upon promise, assertions reiterated, accumulated,
yet amid all their variety, closely linked and pointing to one central thought. This
thought is none less than the completeness of the triumph of Jesus Christ!! It includes
the boundless nature of His saving empire over all, to the assurance of a victory won by
His Incarnation, His death, and His Resurrection over all the powers of evil.
"The Father willed through Christ to reconcile the universe once more unto
Himself, and so to restore all things whatsoever and wheresoever they be." -
-LIGHTFOOT on Col. 1:19,20.
(1.) "If but one soul were to remain in the power of the devil, death, or hell, to
all endless eternity, then the devil, death, and hell would have something to boast of
against God. Thus death would not be entirely swallowed up in victory, but always keep
something of his sting, and hell would ever more be able to make a scorn of those who
would say, 'O hell, where is, thy victory?'"- The Everlasting Gospel -- Paul
Seigvolck, 1753.
The following treatise will be an expansion of the outline appearing at the end of this
book. If you wish a very quick overview of the Biblical validity of my assertions, or to
search out for yourself the scriptural references that I will be using, the outline will
be an excellent reference tool. Since no intelligent discussion of any subject can be
carried on unless all parties involved attach the same meaning and frame of reference to
the symbols and words of the language being employed, I will begin my writing by
conducting a brief Concordant inquiry into a few of the key Hebrew and Greek expressions
that we will be dealing with. Please DO NOT let the idea of considering the Hebrew and
Greek languages of the Holy Scripture overwhelm you. Let me state up-front that I am a
Layman (as you may also be), and I DO NOT read either Hebrew or Greek, nor is it necessary
for you to do so to follow what I will be discussing. What IS necessary is an open heart,
a teachable spirit, and a hunger to know the God of Creation and of the Holy Bible - the
Over the centuries, God has continually made available to man greater measures of
revelation and better tools to search and understand His Word, to the end that we might
KNOW HIM who is beyond human comprehension in a greater, deeper way. This work (this book)
owes a great debt of gratitude to a number of these tools. The first tool is the work and
ministry of a man by name of Adolph Ernst Knoch, and the ministry that represents his life
work and love, the Concordant Publishing Concern. Out of this ministry came a Bible
Translation called the Concordant Literal New (and Old) Testament and the writings and
insight of A.E. Knoch and many other authors. The second tool of TREMENDOUS value to the
layman such as myself is the computer, together with computerized Bible Translations,
Lexicons, and Concordances. There are currently many, many excellent computer bible
research programs, but one that I use and heartily recommend is called the ON-Line-Bible.
The basic module is the KJV, together with both Hebrew and Greek Lexicons, and a
Concordance keyed to the Strong's numbers. Another VERY appealing feature about it is its
price. It is FREE, except for a small disk duplication and distribution charge. If you
have never used a Computer Bible, this one will revolutionize your Biblical Research. What
may have previously taken you hours will now take minutes !!! As I mentioned in the
beginning of this book, the Concordant Ministry also has their New Testament on computer
disk. If you would like more information on how to effectively and inexpensively use this
tool, please contact me. Now to begin !!!!!!!!!
As I stated earlier, our first task is going to be to clarify some very confused
Biblical words, and to lay a common foundation so that we might both be thinking the same
thoughts and talking the same language. The following discussion IS NOT going to be based
upon a lot of emotional, religious rhetoric. It is rather going to be based upon THINKING,
logic, scholarship, study, reason, and the scientific method of cause and effect, premise
and conclusion -- All of these being keyed to and having their foundation in God's written
revelation of Himself, the Holy Bible. If this prospect does not appeal to you -- If you
are not willing to examine God's word with an unbiased heart and a willingness to abandon
all ideas and concepts that can not be reconciled to a dissection of that word, no matter
how dear and cherished they may be -- Then you would probably be well advised to quit
reading now before your spirit becomes offended. Jesus said that HE is the Way, the Truth,
and the Light. He also said that we CAN NOT truly know Him (and therefor can not know the
Father) if we prefer the doctrines, dogmas, and traditions of MEN !! In John 3:19, the
Bible makes a startling statement --It says that, "Light came into the world, but
that men PREFERRED the darkness !!" It also say in Romans chapter 1 that men's minds
became darkened because, "They did not see fit to honor God as Truly GOD."
The first and hardest concept that we are going to have to reach a common understanding
on before we can continue any further is the idea as stated in the KJV and others as
"Eternal", "Forever", and "Forever and Ever". Neither the
Hebrew nor the Greek knows any such concept ! I am not going to devote a great deal of
space to this idea because A.E. Knoch has many excellent, in depth studies available
through the Concordant Ministry. Simply write them at the address given in the beginning
of this book and ask for their Order Blank. If you plan to continue beyond this point, I
also strongly encourage you to order their Literal New Testament. If you have, or have
access to a computer, it would be of tremendous help for you to order a copy of the On-
Line-Bible so that you may research my points for yourself. You will never really
understand or believe what I am going to be presenting unless you are interested enough to
do so. In fact, I DO NOT want you to believe on my word alone. Why should you -- Who am I
-- You don't know me ??? There is already enough emotional, brain-washing rhetoric in the
Body of Christ without my adding to the supply !! What I desire to provoke in you is a
Holy Spirit fueled hunger, that like the Bereans, you will seek out these things for
yourself. Thus may God use one or many of you to go BEYOND what He has already revealed of
Himself and His purpose to men of the past, and reveal new facets of His "Mystery
Hidden from Ages Past". If I loose you at this point, may God richly bless your life
and grant to you the grace that "The eyes of your heart might be enlightened in order
that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious
inheritance in the Saints, and His incomparably great power for us who believe."
In the Greek Scriptures, the word rendered "Eternal" in the KJV is the word
"Aeon"(Strong's Reference # 165), which in fact denotes an age or a determinate
period of time. The exact length of time is of no importance for our discussion. That this
is so is born out by the fact that the word is translated "age" twice in the KJV
and many times more in other translations. The word rendered "Everlasting" and
"Forever" is the adjective of this word "Aeonian" (# 166). My outline
will give you the exact number of different words that the KJV uses to translate these 2
words. That these words can NOT possibly denote the concept of "Eternity" as we
have come to give it meaning may be born out by looking at a number of scriptures. These
passages ascribe to the "Aeons" both beginning and end, as well as indicating
that there is more than ONE "Aeon" in Gods timetable. Please refer to the
outline. Another interesting contradiction of our revered KJV may be seen in IC2 and IC3.
One speaks of "a world without end" and the other speaks of "the end of the
world". Now which is it ??? A sane, rational mind would agree that BOTH can not be
right. The KJV also tells us that there was a time BEFORE the Eternity(s) began ???????
More than this I don't wish to say on this subject at this time, other than that God is
working through a series of "ages" or "Aeons" to accomplish a purpose
(Eph.3:11), and that none of these ages is "Eternal". If we can agree so far, we
can go on. If we can not agree, than we BOTH have a problem. My problem will be that most
of what I have to say will be to you Heresy and/or foolishness since we will NOT have a
common frame of reference. Your problem will be that given your meaning of the words under
consideration, much of God's word is contradictory and foolish, and makes no rational
sense (if that is important to you).
The second concept that we are going to examine is the time honored tradition of man's
"Free Will". I propose to demonstrate that God has bestowed upon man the dignity
of "choice", NOT "Free Will". Free Will to me implies a
self-determinate sovereignty. If man DOES NOT posses this self- determination, than his
will IS NOT FREE, for it is subject to the control and influence of one or more outside
and/or inner influences. Also, if man has a "Free Will", then I contend that
Satan, a being FAR greater in power and glory than man, must also most certainly have a
"Free Will". If you hold the foregoing statements to be true, then I assert that
we do NOT have ONE supreme, sovereign GOD, but rather THREE Sovereign, Independent, Self-
determinate Beings who fit our theological definitions of "gods". Consider the
ultimate implication of this position. If a puny creature like Man can resist, contradict,
and thwart God's will, then surely Satan can do likewise. If this is true, than God IS NOT
in control of the universe no matter WHAT word tricks you may pull out of your theological
bag !! If God does NOT have ultimate and absolute control over the universe and all that
is in it, what assurances do you or I have that He can really accomplish that which He
promises ?? How do we know after we get to "Heaven" that sin may not break out
into the universe again ?? What confidence do we have that Satan might not escape from the
Lake of Fire and seduce some other world into sin ?? Whatever your opinion on this subject
may be, God's Word most certainly DOES NOT support such a concept.
If you subscribe to the current crop of platitudes such as "The Holy Spirit is a
gentleman" and "God never forces anyone to do anything," you are going to
be greatly shocked and at a loss to explain some of His clear declarations in His Word.
Take for instance Isaiah 43:13, where God clearly proclaims, "I Am God. I do as I
wish, and who can withstand Me?" It seems that Job, in the book bearing his name, had
a similar exalted opinion of himself and Man in general, as does Orthodox Christianity
today. He felt that surely, if God would only give him a chance, he could explain a few
things and straighten God out on certain matters. Finally, when he DID get a chance to
talk with God face-to-face, the outcome was that Job's view of himself was properly
adjusted. He was brought to see that previously, he had spoken ONLY from second-hand
knowledge of things he had heard from others and really knew nothing about himself. Now
that he had seen and heard God in person, he realized just how small, weak, and ignorant
he really was. If you will refer to the scriptures in item II of the outline, you will
readily see that what is portrayed in God's Word is that there is but ONE FREE WILL, and
that belongs to God alone. He states quite emphatically that ALL wills and creatures move
in conformity to the council and dictates of HIS WILL. We may BELIEVE that we are making
independent choices based upon our "Free Will", but God is there, constantly
working behind the scenes to move ALL according to the council of HIS Purpose (Eph. 1:11).
While I will admit that our human vanity, mind, pride, and ego may chafe under this
truth, that does NOT render it any less true. So strongly is this "Ego-Need" to
be in control entrenched within Man's heart, that he has substituted for the scripture of
Rom 3:4, "Let God be true though every man be a liar," HIS rendering of,
"Let God's Word be made a lie so that MAN's word may be true!" The Apostle Paul
goes to great pains, especially in the Book of Galatians, to establish the fact that
Salvation is purely the work of God alone, requiring NO contribution from Man. He stresses
over and over that it was a work finished from, "before the Ages began", totally
complete and lacking in nothing -- a gift bestowed by a loving God upon His Lost and
Wayward Children !! Jesus states repeatedly that for THIS purpose was He sent, To seek and
save that which was lost." Yet, in the arrogance and conceit of his egotistical
heart, Man insists that it is HE who must hunt for and seek after God until HE (Man) finds
Him !! Then, by great labor in penitence and many "Good Works", must secure and
maintain this "Gift of Salvation". Even the more enlightened souls pride
themselves upon the fact that THEY were "Wise and Intelligent" enough to see the
wickedness of their ways and to grasp hold of this bounty of salvation. This, even though
Jesus also stated very clearly that, "No man can come to Him unless His Father draws
that man." The absolute need of establishing this truth firmly in our mind will
become clear as my arguments continue. See "The Problem of Evil and the Judgments of
God," by A.E.Knoch, pps. 121-144 for a superb discussion of this matter of Wills.
Third in our line of inquiry today is the concept of "Hell". In the KJV and
other versions, this one English word is used to render four different Greek and Hebrew
words. They are "Sheol" in the Old Testament, the New testament equivalent
"Hades", "Gehenna", and "Tartarus". In the OT, Sheol carries
the concept of "the unseen or the imperceptible", and this idea is carried into
the NT by the word "Hades". This may be seen where quotations from the OT that
used the word "Sheol" are rendered "Hades" There is NO Biblical
warrant (except for ONE very figurative example in Luke 16:23) for considering
"Sheol" or "Hades" as a place of torment or punishment, as both the
just as well as the unjust went there at death. A fine example of the bias of the KJV is
in Acts 2:27,31, where they have the Soul of Jesus after His crucifixion in
"HELL" (Hades).
"Gehenna", also known as "The Valley of Hinnom", was a refuse dump
south of Jerusalem used to burn and dispose of garbage and dead carcasses.
"Tartarus", used only one time in the Bible (Peter 2:4), appears to be a prison
where the sinning angels are being held until the Day of Judgment. Another place lumped
into the classic "Hell" by many Christians is "The Lake of Fire" of
Revelations. This is, however, a distinctly different place with a distinctly different
purpose. A rather interesting scripture is Rev 20:14, "Death and HELL were thrown
into the Lake of Fire." If the Lake of Fire is merely another name for
"Hell", how could it be thrown into itself ?? If it IS NOT "Hell",
then what is it and what is its purpose ??
The Biblical function of "HELL", or Sheol and Hades, seems to be as the
resting place for the dead when the Spirit of God is separated from the body, and the
"Soul" or "Sensations" ceases. There the just await the "Last
Trump of Christ", when they shall be called forth and raised immortal, and the unjust
await the Great White Throne Judgment. This was of necessity a VERY brief and sketchy
discourse on the vital subject of Death and "Hell". For much more depth, I
highly recommend "Death, Resurrection, and Immortality," by Joseph E. Kirk,
available from the Concordant Publishing House.
The forth "Sacred Cow" that we are going to investigate is that of
"Man's Immortality" or the theological doctrine of the "Immortality of the
Soul". When Satan tempted Eve (and Adam) in the Garden of Eden, he offered them the
duel lie "You shall NOT DIE and you shall be like God." Human philosophy and
Orthodox Theology have propagated these lies down to the present day !! Man says that
mankind is Immortal, i.e., that we have "Immortal Souls" (whatever a
"Soul" separated from Body and Spirit might be). He says that upon death, this
"Immortal Soul" either goes to be with God, or passes on into the regions of
"Hell" to be tormented by Satan and his legions for "Eternity" or
"Forever and Ever".
As usual, God's Word portrays a different scenario. He says in 1 Tim 6:15,16 that there
is ONE ONLY who is immortal, and that is God. He says further, that immortality has been
revealed or brought to man through His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ (2 Tim 1:10). The
Bible states that the dead in Christ shall be MADE alive (quickened). It is this power
from Christ, imparted to us, that grants immortality (see Strong's reference 2227, 11
occurrences). Finally, let's take a look at 1 Cor 15:53-55, where the context is concerned
with the Last Trumpet, when the dead in Christ shall be raised and the living in Christ
shall be changed. Here is the unmistakable assertion that we, who are MORTAL and
CORRUPTIBLE, must put on IMMORTALITY AND INCORRUPTION !! It also states quite clearly
that, "The dead in Christ shall be RAISED." If they have already ascended upon
death to be with the Lord, where are they being RAISED from ??? Finally, at the
consummation of the ages, the last enemy, Death, will finally be destroyed. Until that
time, it would appear that Death is still very much "alive" and active,
continuing to claim his victims. It might also be noted that in Luke 20:26, Jesus states
that those taking part in the age to come and the resurrection from the dead, "Will
no longer be able to die." I contend, along with many clear assertions of God's Word,
that at death we DIE. Our body returns to the ground, our Spirit returns to God, and our
soul returns to Sheol (Hades) or the Unseen, awaiting the resurrection. At that time, the
just will be raised and granted Immortality, never to die again, and the unjust will be
raised to judgment. More on this subject, and the importance of it to our line of
reasoning, will be unveiled as we proceed.
The fifth travesty of translation (or better MIStranslation) that we are going to
investigate is the word "Judgment", and the BIBLICAL concept of judgment verses
that which exists in the minds of modern man. To the minds of most men today,
"Judgment -Condemnation - and Damnation" are synonyms (they mean the same
thing). In fact, the KJV uses these three words to translate the same Greek word (Strong's
Ref.# 2920). It is automatically assumed that, when God brings men before Himself for
"Judgment", it is REALLY for the purpose of accusing, condemning, punishing, and
damning !! Thus it may come as a severe shock for us to consider that the BIBLICAL concept
of the word "Judge and Judgment" is in reality one of correcting injustice or
making right that which is wrong. It is NOT damnation BUT correction. This was the purpose
of God in appointing Judges in Israel to render Judgment to the people. Discipline would
be closer in meaning, but that word has also been twisted and distorted in the minds of
men today.
We may thank our revered KJV in great part for hiding this concept behind a thick veil
of confusion and misapprehension. The word "Judgment" appears 285 times in the
Old and New Testaments. It is used to render NO LESS than 24 different Greek words (see
outline). The two Strong's Ref.#'s that we are going to consider here (for time and space
sake) are 04941 in the OT and it's NT equivalent 2920. That 2920 corresponds to 04941 may
be seen from the NT quotes of OT passages. Three examples are Isa 42:1 to Math 12:18, Isa
42:3 to Math 12:20, and Isa 53:8 to Acts 8:33. If you have any doubt as to the personal
bias of the KJV translators, consider that in 44 passages, 2920 is rendered
"Judgment". Then, where it suits their theology in Math 23:33, Mark 3:29, and
John 5:29, they render the SAME word "Damnation" !!!!
It is my contention, based upon a concordant analysis of the Word of God, that the
PRIMARY meaning of "Judgment" when executed by God is toward Correction. That
is, it is Remedial, with the aim of setting right that which is wrong, of making straight
that which is crooked, or of bringing forth Justice from INjustice. In the OT, many of the
passages that use the word "Judgment" from Strong's # 04941 (which is the
primary one we are considering at this time) tie it together with executing Justice and
doing Right (Gen 18:19,25; 1 Cron 18:14). Both the Books of Psalms and Proverbs speak of
"Judgment" as something to be desired and beneficial, like Wisdom. The Book of
Isaiah is particularly instructive in this respect. Many times God reprimands Jerusalem
because He looked for Justice, Mercy, Righteous, and JUDGMENT to be found there -- and
THEY WERE NOT. Therefore, He says, He will purge her of her dross and sins with a Spirit
of JUDGMENT, then she will return to Him as the spotless bride that He intended her to be.
God's ENTIRE dealings with the nation of Israel was a Parable in which He reveals His
purpose and heart in Judgment. He calls it His "Strange Work" and His
"Alien Task" (Isa.28:21). Judgment IS NOT God's ordinary dealing with His
creation, but rather His EXTRAordinary !! The history of Israel and almost ALL the
utterances of His OT Prophets show forth His heart regarding judgment. Jer 30:12 - 31:14
is a prime example demonstrating this heart. First, He condemns Israel for her wickedness,
telling her that, "Your wound is incurable, your injury beyond healing, there is NO
remedy for your sore, NO healing for you. "Then He makes sure that Israel clearly
understands that it was NOT some outside enemy or foreign invader that did these things to
her, but that it was GOD Himself who was responsible. He clarifies that it is also NOT
some vindictive act of vengeance, but is done for her healing and restoration. He comforts
her with the promise that, "I will restore your health and heal your wounds. I will
have compassion on you and restore your fortunes." Why will He do this ?? God assures
Israel that it is because, "I have loved you with an everlasting love and have drawn
you with loving-kindness to build you up again." I ask you, "If this is God's
heart in the temporal, is it NOT also His heart in the much greater spiritual ??"
On this passage, I conclude my point. In Type and Shadow, the OT teaches that God's
"Judgment" IS NOT Damnation - It is the Spirit of Cleansing and Restitution.
YES, in certain cases God's Judgment may be severe, VERY Severe. It is non-the-less NOT
Damnation, nor is it "Eternal". When it has done the work for which it was
intended, the blessed results are reconciliation and fellowship with God. Please reference
"The Problem of Evil and the Judgments of God," by A.E.Knoch, pps. 227-344, for
an Excellent, in-depth analysis of this subject.
You say that you believe that every word in the Bible is to be taken literally. You
assert loudly that EVERY word, from Genesis to Revelation is absolutely true. You blithely
proclaim that there are NO contradictions in God's Holy Word. Fantastic !! Let us now look
at some of the, "Dark Sayings of God" -- the things "Hard to
Understand", and see how they fit into your theology. If "Aeon" means
"Eternity" or "Forever" (What "Forever-and Ever" might mean
is another point worthy of earnest thought) -- If the unbeliever is to be tormented in the
Orthodox "Hell" for this "Eternity -- And the fate of the unbeliever is
sealed at his/her death -- then I offer the following passages for your learned comments.
Refer to the outline, item IV:
- Math 12:32 - this verse refers to the sin against the Holy Spirit. Is it perhaps
possible, from the wording of this verse, that there might be forgiveness for OTHER SINS
in the Age (World) to come. Also, I sincerely pray that there may be forgiveness for the
translators of the KJV for their unwarranted rendering of the word "Aeon" at
this point as "World". Perhaps it was because even THEY did not think that it
made sense to write "In this Eternity or the Eternity to come."
- Luke 12:46-48 - Since this parable is comparing an earthly master to our Heavenly
Master, the question that comes to mind is, "Will there be varying degrees of torment
in "Hell" ?? However, if a moments logical reflection is given to the matter, it
will have to be conceded that ANY degree of torment, extended into "Eternity",
becomes infinite in magnitude. How then, can you have varying degrees of infinity ??
- Acts 2:27,31 - After His ordeal of betrayal, torture, humiliation, and crucifixion, when
even the Heavenly Father turned His back on Him, was the "Soul" of Jesus REALLY
committed to "Hell"?? Was this the just deserts for the spotless Lamb of God
after He triumphantly proclaimed, "It is finished!!" If Jesus did, in fact, go
to "Hell", then I ask you, "For what purpose ??"
- Romans 2:14-16 - Is it possible that, on the Day of Judgment, those who have done
"by nature" the things written in the Law will be excused for certain parts of
their conduct ?? Also, if man has a totally "depraved" or "sinful
nature", how can he keep any of God's Law "by nature" ??
- 1 Peter 3:18-20 and 4:6 - These passages present some REAL difficulties for Orthodox
Exegesis. They claim, in clear English, that Jesus went and preached to those Spirits who
were in prison and to the DEAD.
At long last we reach the CLIMAX of this book, the point to which ALL the preceding was
merely preparatory. It is here that we will approach the Grand Declaration of God's Holy
Word, namely, that His ultimate intention is nothing less that the Reconciliation of ALL
things. In Eph 1:10; Col 1:20; and Philp 2:10,11, He clearly states, if we have eyes to
see and a heart to believe, that this ALL refers to things in Heaven, things ON the earth,
and things UNDER the earth. This certainly seems to encompass God's WHOLE creation !! In
other words, if we will look past our unbelief, past our hardness of heart, past the
traditions and the dogmas of man, and finally, past the prejudices of Orthodoxy, we will
see that the true heart of God's Word is UNIVERSAL RECONCILIATION or UNIVERSAL SALVATION.
If you have stayed with me to this point in the book and have followed the sequence of
arguments that I have lain before you, I am going to ask one final indulgence of you. That
is that you will CAREFULLY consider the sequence of scriptural passages that I am going to
conclude with. Dwell upon them, meditate upon them, let them sink deep into you mind like
the life-giving spring rains, dissect them and inspect them. When you have done all this,
if the English language has any meaning and words mean what we say that they do, then,
though you MAY NOT YET agree with me, you WILL have to agree that there is some vast
discrepancy between these clear declarations of the Bible (God's Word) and Orthodox
Doctrine (Man's word). I entreat you again, not for my sake (for who am I but one of MANY
of God's spokesmen) but for yours. It is my sole desire that your heart might be set free
from the fear and prejudice of Man's Doctrines, and be released into the freedom to soar
to greater heights of knowing God and understanding His Grand Purpose !
Don't let the heart of the Pharisee dwell in your breast. Contrary to how they are
often portrayed by the Church, many of the Pharisees were good, devout and holy men as
pertaining to the Law. Their weakness was that they preferred the, "Praise of Men
over the Praise of God." They allowed their human Dogmas, Doctrines, and Prejudices
to DISPLACE and REPLACE God's Word and a vital relationship to Him. Thus were their,
"Ears stopped and their Eyes blinded," and when their long awaited Messiah DID
come, they neither COULD nor WOULD acknowledge Him because He DID NOT comply with THEIR
Religious System !!! Before we begin this grand consummation, allow me to repeat, by way
of refreshment, a number of key points that have previously been established:
- God has divided this era of His dealing with Man into a number of "Aeons" or
ages. These consist of various and/or undefined periods of time. The exact number of
"Aeons" is not important right now, though there seems to be Biblical support
for the number FIVE. Also, the number of years in each "Aeon" does not in any
way affect our stream of discussion. What IS important is that God's redemptive dealings
with Man ARE NOT "ETERNAL", but take place within the sphere of these various
"Aeons". Thus, the unbeliever does not suffer "Eternal Damnation", but
rather Judgment and "Aeonian" or age-abiding chastisement.
- Neither Man nor Satan has "Free Will" as it is commonly understood (or better
mis-understood), but rather has freedom of choice, with God more than able to work behind
the scenes to direct and influence said "choosing". Thus God, as He repeatedly
proclaims in His Word (and as WE repeatedly ignore), moves ALL things according to the
council of HIS WILL. As Shakespeare so aptly put it, "All the world is a stage, and
the people merely players." This DOES NOT make us puppets, but it DOES make us merely
Creatures (and NOT gods as we would like to think) in the hands of our Creator. We are the
clay in the hands of the great potter, fashioned according to HIS design and purpose.
- God's "Judgment" IS NOT vindictive punishment. It is most certainly NOT the
angry outburst of a frustrated, impotent God against an unruly creation which has broken
free from the will of its weaker Creator !!!! Judgment is the ultimate tool in the hand of
the Great Potter to restore His cracked and broken creations back to beauty and
usefulness. It is the Good Shepherd finding and restoring the "Black Sheep" back
to the fold. It is the Loving and Ever-patient Father, bringing the Prodigal once more
into the family.
- "Hell" is NOT a place of "Eternal" torment where "the worm dies
not and the flame never ceases", Judgment IS NOT vindictive torment, and man does NOT
inherently posses immortality. Upon his death, man's body returns to the earth, his spirit
returns to God, and his soul returns to Sheol, Hades, or the "Unseen", awaiting
the resurrection. At the "Last Trumpet", believers will be raised to meet our
Lord in the air where we will be granted Spiritual bodies with the resulting immortality.
Unbelievers will await the "Great White Throne Judgment". There, their sins will
be "Judged" and they themselves will be dealt with in such a way as to effect
their final restoration. They will then be cast into the "Lake of Fire which is the
Second Death", awaiting the consummation at the end of the "Aeons".
- Thus will ALL be saved by the "Blood of the Sacrifice of the Lamb", Jesus
Christ. Believers are saved during this "Aeon" of Grace by Faith in Him whom we
have not seen and in His Word. Our sins are purged by the "Fire of the Holy
Spirit" working in us NOW. Unbelievers will be saved by Sight and by Judgment in the
day of the "Great White Throne". Their sins will be purged by the fires of
Judgment on that day when "Heaven and Earth shall flee from the face of Him who sits
upon the throne," and all things shall be exposed to His and their gaze. Thus shall
WE reign and rule with Him during the last two "Aeons", while the unbelievers
shall, during this time, be cast into the "Lake of Fire". Finally, at the end of
the "Aeons", shall come the grand consummation. At last sin, death, suffering,
and pain shall be no more, ALL shall be made alive and restored to fellowship with their
Father and Creator, and God shall fulfill His Word. He shall finally be ALL in ALL of His
Creatures !!!
As we reach the consummation of this book, we are going to spend the remainder of the
time analyzing in detail a large number of scriptures that explicitly state this Glorious
Goal. These can only be denied by deliberate intent. They ARE NOT ambiguous or "Dark
Sayings", but are quit the contrary clear and concise expressions of the English
language. You MAY choose to disbelieve them and cling rather to your own doctrine. God has
given you this option. You CAN NOT, however, say that they do not exist or really do NOT
say what the seem to say. If these scriptures do not say what the clear rendering of
English would attribute to them, then NONE of the scriptures can be relied upon to say
anything meaningful, for the English language will have lost any meaning!! If this is the
case, then your faith rests upon NOTHING, and you are the most foolish and wretched of men
(or women)!!!
Before beginning the investigation of the afore-mentioned scriptures, I want to address
two pointed questions for your consideration. The first is for the fathers among my
readers. I appeal to the love in your fallen human nature that you have for your own
children. Before you say that you can't reason from man to God, I would remind you that
Jesus thought otherwise. In Math 7:11, He asks the question, "If YOU, being wicked,
know how to give good gifts to YOUR children, will not our Heavenly Father do MUCH MORE
for HIS Children?" Which of you fathers, if you had the power to change the
situation, would rest content to watch as EVEN ONE of your offspring writhed in the
torment of ENDLESS FIRE? Yet it says of Jesus in Isaiah 53:11, "He will see the
result of the suffering of His soul, and be SATISFIED." BE SATISFIED, with not one of
his offspring in the torments of "Hell", but millions upon untold millions !!!
There is something seriously wrong with your concept of Love, let lone with your concept
of God, if you can truly believe this !!!
It say in 1 Tim 2:4 that God, "Wills that ALL men be saved." It DOES NOT say
"Wishes", but "Wills". Ephesians 1:11 also says that God, "Works
ALL things according to the purpose of HIS Will." In the teaching of Orthodox
Christianity, this leads to one of two conclusions -- Either the Holy Scriptures lie, and
God REALLY Wills that untold millions should burn in the torments of "Hell", or,
despite all of the empty claims of Christendom regarding the Sovereignty and
All-Encompassing Power of its "god", He is really only a second-rate deity,
overruled and frustrated in His "desires" by the much stronger wills of Satan
and MAN. If such is the case, it would appear that Satan's taunt toward Eve was quite
correct when he promised her that, "She would be as God." Actually, she has
EXCEEDED God, in that her will is superior to His !!!" Such is the "god"
that Orthodox Christendom is proud to worship and exalt in. In truth, salvation becomes
NOT HIS work, but rather MY work. He only OFFERS salvation. In the final analysis, it is
wholly up to me to grasp hold of it and preserve for a lifetime, for a "god" who
is shackled by MY WILL can certainly NOT be depended upon to insure my ultimate
deliverance. Well, I praise God with my whole heart that He, by His Sovereign Grace, has
opened my eyes and heart to see the truth that, though this might be YOUR "god",
it is most surely NOT the Great "I AM" of the Holy Scriptures !!!
The second point that I would have you to meditate upon came by way of a Prophetic
Utterance during a worship service at the church I attend. It was a challenge to the
assembly NOT to diminish HIS power by OUR lack of faith and/or excess of arrogance. The
question that was poised by God to us was as follows: "When I reached out my arm to
redeem you, was YOUR heart less wicked than that of other men? Did YOU posses a greater
level of goodness and righteous in My sight than other men? Were YOU less in need of MY
Grace and Salvation, or perhaps LESS LOST and rebellious than other men? Was there perhaps
some GOOD THING IN YOU that brought about YOUR redemption ??" If you would say,
"NO, I was as ALL of Adam's Children, equally in need and equally lost," then I
ask you, 'If MY Love and Grace was sufficient to redeem YOU, why then do you say in your
heart that it can not redeem ALL MEN ???'"
With these points for you to ponder upon, we will now move into a consideration of the
concluding scriptures. The scriptures for this final dissertation will be found in the
Outline Item VII. There they are listed in Scripture order, but I am going to group them
according to thought for our discussion. The first set of passages that we are going to
consider begins with Romans 5:12-21 and 1 Cor 15:22. They are both FIRST in order and
FIRST in significance to the theme under scrutiny. The Apostle Paul at this point rises to
profound heights of mathematical logic as he labors to prove that the extend of redemption
not only equals but EXCEEDS the extent of sin.
His argument may be broken down into the following points:
- Sin entered into the world through ONE man--Adam. Through him, sin was passed through to
ALL the rest of his descendants, or to ALL humanity. After Adam, NO ONE had a choice in
the matter. They ALL came into the world as Sinners.
- Jesus Christ, the SECOND Adam, came to nullify or undo the damage that the first Adam
brought upon his race.
- The Second Adam bears the same relationship to the human race, that of Father or
procreator, as did the First Adam. Therefore, the results of HIS actions will be AT LEAST
as inclusive as those of the First Adam.
- Paul, however, claims that the results of the work of the Second Adam will FAR EXCEED
those of the First Adam.
- What were the respective gifts of the two Adams ?? Through the First Adam SIN and DEATH
spread to ALL MEN. Verse 15 states that by the trespass of the one man (Adam) the
"MANY" died. Now let me ask you clearly -- Who are the "MANY" ?? If
the "MANY" does NOT refer to ALL humanity, then you are telling me that there
were some SINLESS beings that Jesus DID NOT need to die for. However, Romans 3:23 and 5:12
say that ALL have sinned. Also, make a clear note of this -- This "MANY" DID NOT
have to do anything to be constituted sinners. It was their inheritance from their father,
Adam !!
- Verse 19 goes on to say that IN LIKE MANNER, or according to the same rule or principle,
the gift of the Second Adam will overflow to this SAME "MANY". If the
"MANY" that received the gift of the First Adam means ALL of Humanity, by what
possible manner of reasoning can you make the "MANY" that receive of the gift of
the Second Adam to be anything less than ALL of humanity ?? What is the gift of the Second
Adam ? It is nothing less than that the "MANY" shall be JUSTIFIED and made
- Paul actually says, if our hearts and faith can be stretched to believe and receive it,
that the gift of Jesus Christ will bring EVEN GREATER GLORY than this. He says that the
"gift IS NOT like the trespass." The disobedience of ONE MAN brought death to
the "MANY". How much greater weight of glory will be released into the universe
by the OBEDIENCE of the ONE MAN, Jesus Christ?
- In closing this point, it is interesting to note that Orthodox Christianity makes Paul
to be a liar on this point and the Obedience of Christ to be a trifling thing compared to
the Disobedience of Adam. According to them, Adam's sin brought death and destruction to
ALL men, while the GLORY of the Father will actually impart Life and Righteous to only a
VERY SMALL handful of humanity.
- 1 Cor 15:22 sums this point up quite explicitly. It states that, "As in Adam ALL
die, so in Christ shall ALL be made alive." Perhaps at this point you will defend
your doctrine of "Eternal Damnation" by insisting that even those in
"Hell" are alive. Then I ask YOU, "Can they be 'in Hell' and be 'in Christ'
at the same time??" As I read the Scripture, it asserts that to be "in
Christ" is to be connected to the Life of the Vine, to have the impartation of the
Holy Spirit, and to be partakers of all of the gifts and fruits of the Spirit. In other
words, it is to have "Resurrection Life and Immortality". As Paul further states
in 2 Cor 5:17, "If ANYONE is IN CHRIST, he is a NEW Creature. The old has passed
- This line of reasoning is also contained in Isaiah 53:11,12, where Isaiah is foretelling
the suffering of the Messiah. Here he states that the Messiah will justify
"MANY", as He will bear the sins of this same "MANY".
Moving along, we encounter another of Paul's mathematical--logical arguments in 2 Cor
5:14, linked with Romans 6:5,8. I would like to regress a moment for the sake of the
mathematically minded among my readers, and consider the form of his logic on this point.
It is the same form that he used in the previous point. Paul uses an algebraic formula
that says if C=A and C=B, then C=A=B. Here is the breakdown of Paul's Reasoning. Romans
6:5,8 breaks down as follows:
C= IF we have been united with Him in HIS Death (or we have died with Him).
A= We will be united with Him in His Ressurection.
B= We will also Live with Him.
2 Cor 15:28 goes on to make the Glorious Assertion which the LOVE of CHRIST Compels us
to proclaim, namely, "That we are CONVINCED that one (Jesus Christ) DID indeed die
for ALL, therefore, ALL have died." Theorem C is therefore true, that we HAVE ALL
been united with Him in His death. It therefore follows that Theorems A and B need also be
true, that we ALL will be united with Him in His Ressurection and will ALL live with Him.
As it states in 1 Cor 15:23, however, "But each in his own turn."
The theological mechanics of exactly HOW ALL Humanity died, first in Adam and secondly
in Christ, are outside the scope of our present discussion. However, I am sure that you at
least ACCEPT the fact that in the First Adam all died, with the consequence being that ALL
Humanity was rendered sinful (you MUST believe this if you are an Orthodox Christian).
This being the case, then you are compelled to accept that in the Second Adam ALL died
again, with the result being Justification to ALL Humanity.
The Apostle Paul makes an impressive and enlightening statement in 1 Tim 1:15,16, where
he states, "Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves FULL ACCEPTANCE: Christ Jesus
came into the world to SAVE SINNERS -- of whom I am the WORST. But for that very reason I
was shown mercy, so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His
UNLIMITED patience as an EXAMPLE for those who would believe on him and receive 'Aeonian'
life." Talk about a scripture pregnant with revelation !!!! Let us take some time and
outline a number of the key issues that Paul raises here.
Apparently Paul feels that what he is unveiling here is of PARAMOUNT importance, as he
begins by pointing out that what he is about to say is worthy of FULL acceptance. What is
worthy of Full acceptance ?? The fact that Jesus came into the world to SAVE SINNERS !!!
You say, "Of course, ALL Christians believe that." I ask you, however, to follow
closely to what I am about to lay before you and see if, in fact, "ALL
Christians" REALLY believe this, and whether this point has anywhere near FULL
Both Jesus and the Apostle Paul state that He (Jesus) came to, "Seek and to SAVE
that which was LOST" Luke 19:10 (Consider also the parables of the Lost Sheep and the
Lost Coin in Luke 15:3-10). As I have pointed out earlier, Paul states in 1 Tim 2:4 that,
"God WILLS that ALL men be saved." Now I put the following question to you
plainly and challenge you for an Honest, Intelligent answer. The question is simply this,
"Would not a sane, rational, intelligent man (or woman) find it exceedingly strange
that an ALL powerful, ALL knowing, ALL loving, SOVEREIGN God who claims that what He
decrees none can contradict, and who governs the Universe according to the "Council
of His Will", would fail as miserably in His avowed purpose as Orthodox Christianity
proclaims ??? If it is true that He came to actually SAVE the lost (which is what the Word
of God states) and not merely to make an "Offer of Salvation" to those with the
inner strength and goodness to accept it (which is what Orthodox Christianity claims to be
true), then any man with an eye to see will have to confess that Jesus failed miserably in
His Mission. According to the Theology of "Eternal Damnation", those who are the
deepest in Sin, those who are the MOST LOST, those who are the Greatest Sinners, are
precisely those who ARE NOT found and saved !! Jesus denounced the self righteous
Pharisees by reminding them that He DID NOT come for the righteous but for SINNERS. The
self righteous Christians need this SAME reminder, it would appear. Paul announced that
Jesus called and saved him, the WORST of SINNERS, as an example of His (God's) UNLIMITED
Grace and Patience.
Least you claim that I am merely wresting selected Scriptures out of context to support
my claim, let us look further. It seems to have been the peculiar characteristic of the
Pharisees to MAJOR in the "Letter of the Law" and to totally overlook the
weightier matter of the "Spirit of the Law". Let us as Christians beware that we
do not succumb to the SAME TRAP. Take heed lest you allow certain passages of totally
overshadow and nullify the Spirit of the ENTIRE BIBLE.
I would say that the Entire Theme of the Old Testament could be summed up by the
passage from Lamentations 3:31-33, "For men ARE NOT cast off by the Lord forever.
Though He brings grief, He will show COMPASSION." Surely this knowledge was what kept
the Nation of Israel going during their long periods of desolation. They knew that though
the Lord God would chastise them severely for their Sins and Rebellion against Him, yet
there would come a day when He would tenderly draw them back to Himself again. They knew
this because it was His constant message to them through His Prophets !!
What then is God's Revelation to men in the New Testament? Is it to be LESS than that
of the Old Testament? The Apostle John begins his Letter with the words in verse 1:29,
"Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the Sins of the WORLD." This is further
amplified by Jesus Himself when He proclaims in John 12:31,32, "If I am lifted up, I
will draw ALL MEN to Myself." The Apostle Paul has MUCH to say on this theme. In 1
Tim.2:5,6 he testifies that Jesus, "Gave Himself as a Ransom for ALL." In 1
Tim.4:10 and 2 Tim.4:9,10 he states that Jesus "Is the Savior of ALL men." The
author of the Book of Hebrews adds to this weight of testimony the statement in Heb.2:9
that, "Jesus tasted death for the sake of EVERYONE." In 1 John 4:14, the Apostle
John again reminds us that, "The Father sent His Son to be the Savior of the
It would appear, at least in MY mind, that if Jesus came with the avowed purpose to
SAVE ALL MEN (or the World), then He will IN FACT, save ALL MEN. If He does NOT, I can
think of only TWO reasons. The first would be that He and the Father LIED, that was never
really their purpose. The second would be that He and the Father were to WEAK to
accomplish their stated purpose. They were overpowered by Satan and Man's Sin, and
therefore, they FAILED. Are YOU ready to subscribe to one of these two reasons why untold
multitudes of those that the Father sent Jesus to save should ROT FOR ETERNITY in the
"Flames of Eternal Hell?", particularly in light of the fact that it states in 2
Peter 3:9 that God ," Is NOT WILLING that ANY should perish."
Three more enlightening scriptures, worthy of "full consideration", are Heb.
9:26, 1 John 2:1,2, and 1 John 3:8. If Jesus, "Appeared to DO AWAY with sin,"
and His mission was successful, then how then can SIN multiply and fester unto ALL
ETERNITY in the "Pit of HELL" ? Secondly, if Jesus is REALLY, "The
Propitiation for the sins of the WHOLE WORLD," how is it that most of this WORLD will
have to pay the price for their sins themselves for "Eternity in Hell" ?? Now
this word Propitiation is an interesting religious word. It is rendered in the OT by the
expression "Mercy Seat". This was the place where, once a year on the Day of
Atonement, the High Priest sprinkled the blood of the sacrificial lamb as a covering for
the sins of the people of Israel. Take note -- if you were a member of the Nation of
Israel, you did not need to do anything for your sins to be covered. God accepted the work
of the High Priest and of the Blood on your behalf. It says in the verse under scrutiny
that the High Priest, Jesus, sprinkled HIS Blood for the sins of the WHOLE WORLD. The word
Propitiation is also defined to mean an APPEASING sacrifice unto God. If, therefore, God
has been appeased (or reconciled) toward the WHOLE World, why does He insist upon
"pouring out His wrath and fury upon those in 'Hell' (and for 'Eternity' no less)
???" Our third point is that John states that, "The reason that the Son of God
appeared was to DESTROY the Devil's Work." Surely the Devils work can HARDLY be
destroyed when he is allowed to gloat for eternity over the millions upon millions of
God's miserable creatures that he has succeeded in seducing away from their Father and
subjecting to unimaginable torment in the "Flames of Eternal Hell".
The last group of scriptures that we are going to explore relate to what might be
called "God's Ultimate Intention or Purpose". They may be found in Acts 3:21,
Romans 14:11, 1 Cor.15:28, 2 Cor.5:18,19, Eph.1:9,10, Philp.2:9- 11, and Col.1:19,20.
These scriptures reveal to us the glorious intent of God's Heart, which is that in the
Grand Consummation, when all of His plan has been completely fulfilled, He will restore
EVERYTHING into harmony with Himself. ALL of Creation, ALL lost Creatures (Man included),
all things in Heaven and on the earth and under the earth will be reconciled again to
their Creator. It was the Father's Good Pleasure that through His Most Beloved Son, Jesus,
as the ONLY Mediator, that ALL THINGS should finally be brought together under ONE HEAD,
the Father !!!! Then and ONLY then shall the Father's Heart be satisfied, when He shall
finally be ALL in ALL of his Creation. Not only will the Father's Heart be finally filled,
but HIS Universe will enter into the JOY for which it was created, and at long last EVERY
KNEE will bow ... to the Glory of the Father. To this I say, "Amen and Amen, Come
SOON Lord Jesus !!!"
I have one final closing point to make. So pervasive and ingrained is the need to twist
the clear declaration of these scriptures, that varied and many ploys have been attempted.
One of these is to make Romans 14:11 and Philp 2:9-11 imply a FORCED subjection of God's
enemies to His imposed rule. A moment's research and consideration of these 2 verses will
soon expel that notion. First off, the word rendered "Confess" is Strong's #
1843, which is also used in passages where the meaning is to "praise or thank".
Enemies subjected by brute force are HIGHLY unlikely to "Thank or Praise" their
subjector, even if He is God. Regardless of WHAT warped opinions' men have come up with,
beings in "Hell" are even LESS likely to be doing much "Thanking or
Praising". Also, exactly where is the "Glory to the Father" from the fact
that the vast majority of His precious creation has been lost to despair and destruction,
His power and His Wisdom not being sufficient to save them ???
What I have endeavored to present to you in the foregoing pages has been nothing less
than the CLEAR, UNQUESTIONABLE assertions of God's Word. Yes, it IS true that there are
passages in our revered "Authorized Bible" and other translations which SEEM to
allege doctrines that would contradict much of what I have said. Granting that these are
faithfully rendered according to the Greek and Hebrew (which most of them ARE NOT), my
closing question to you will simply be this, "What will you do with the truths and
passages which have been brought to your attention??" They CAN NOT simply be cut out
of your Bible and discarded !! Will you at least consider the POSSIBILITY that there is
something wrong (or at least lacking) in the Orthodox view of God, His relationship to us
as His Creation, and what is commonly taught about God's "Judgment, Hell, and Eternal
Damnation" ??
Jesus made one of the saddest observations regarding the Jews of His day when He
exclaimed, "Seeing, they do not see, and hearing, they do not hear." What He was
saying was that their Pride, their Hardness of Heart, their obstinacy in the Religious
Doctrines of Men, and their SIN had made their hearts and minds so Blind and Deaf that
they COULD NOT, they WOULD NOT recognize and honor Him as their long awaited Messiah. It
can only be concluded by careful observation of the facts that this same Blindness, this
same "Veil of Moses" rests upon the majority of Christendom today.
I recently encountered a classic case of this Mysterious Malady in a book that I just
finished reading. It is entitled "The Holiness of God", by RC Sproul. Right up
until the last chapter, the author was doing a superb job of expounding upon what is meant
by "the Holiness of God" and of the Biblical call for us as Christians to be
"Holy, for He is Holy". As a matter of fact, on the back flap, Chuck Colson,
author of "Loving God", referred to Mr. Sproul as, "One of the most
Brilliant Thinkers of our day". As he entered into the last chapter, something must
have gone astray within his thinking processes. He commences with loud applause for an
early American preacher named Jonathan Edwards and perhaps his most famous sermon,
"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God". It is probably best to allow you to draw
your own conclusions about this sermon, so I am reproducing a small portion of it
following. You might also draw your own conclusions about the state of a great deal of
Evangelical Christianity by the Standing Ovation that they seem to insist upon rendering
to Mr. Edwards and his sermon.
Note: This is a portion of the sermon by Jonathan Edwards:
The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider, or some
loathsome insect, over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked. His wrath towards
you burns like fire. He looks upon you as worthy of nothing else, but to be cast into the
fire. He is of purer eyes than to bear to have you in His sight. You are ten thousand
times more abominable in His eyes than the most hateful venomous serpent is in ours. You
have offended Him infinitely move than ever a stubborn rebel did his prince. Yet, it is
nothing but His hand that holds you from falling into the fire every moment. It is to be
ascribed to nothing else, that you did not go to hell the last night; that you were
suffered to wake again in this world after you closed your eyes to sleep. There is no
other reason to be given, why you have not dropped into hell since you arose in the
morning, but that God's hand has held you up. There is no other reason to be given why you
have not gone to hell, since you have sat here in the House of God, provoking His pure
Eyes by your sinful, wicked manner of attending His solemn worship. Yea, there is nothing
else that is to be given as a reason why you do not this very moment drop down into hell.
O sinner! Consider the fearful danger you are in! It is a great furnace of wrath, a
wide and bottomless pit, full of the fire of wrath, that you are held over in the hand of
that God, whose wrath is provoked and incensed as much against you, as against many of the
damned in hell. You hang by a slender thread, with the flames of divine wrath flashing
about it, and ready every moment to singe it, and burn it asunder. You have no interest in
any Mediator, and nothing to lay bold of to save yourself, nothing to keep off the flames
of wrath, nothing of your own, nothing that you ever have done, nothing that you can do,
to induce God to spare you one moment. . . .
Your wickedness makes you, as it were, heavy as lead, and to tend downwards with great
weight and pressure towards hell. If God should let you go, you would immediately sink and
swiftly descend and plunge into the bottomless gulf. Your healthy constitution, and your
own care and prudence, and best contrivance, and all your righteousness, would have no
more influence to uphold and keep you out of hell, than a spider's web would have to stop
falling rock.
Note: This section is a comment by Mr. Sproul:
In the application section of the sermon, Edwards places great stress on the nature and
severity of God's wrath. Central to his thinking is the clear notion that a holy God must
also be a wrathful God. He lists several key points about the wrath of God that we dare
not overlook.
- Whose wrath it is. The wrath of which Edwards preached was the wrath of an infinite God.
He contrasts God's wrath with the anger of men or the wrath of a king for his subject.
Human wrath terminates. It has an ending point. It is limited. God's wrath can go on
- The fierceness of God's wrath. The Bible repeatedly likens God's wrath to a winepress of
fierceness. In hell there is no moderation or mercy given. God's anger is not mere
annoyance or a mild displeasure. It is a consuming rage against the unrepentant.
- It is an everlasting wrath. There is no end to the anger of God directed against those
in hell. If we have any compassion for our fellowmen, we would wail at the thought of a
single one of them falling into the pit of hell. We could not stand to hear the cries of
the damned for five seconds. To be exposed to God's fury for a moment would be more than
we could bear. To contemplate it for eternity is too awful to consider.
Now Mr. Sproul, as I was able to deduce from his writing, tends to be a Calvinist, or a
professor in the predestination of man by a Sovereign God. As to this point, VERY GOOD,
for I have made it quite clear that I see God as being Totally Sovereign, governing ALL
THINGS according to the Council of HIS WILL alone !! Hold this fact in your mind for a
moment -- I shall return to it shortly. Mark also the fact that the theme of his book
pertained to the absolute Justice, Love, Wisdom, and Judgment of God, as entailed by His
Holiness. The point at which I began to notice that there was indeed something discordant
about Mr. Sproul's thinking was where he could see NO DIFFICULTY with reconciling a Being
of these qualities and possessing TOTAL, UNASSAILABLE POWER over against what he was
applauding in Jonathan Edwards sermon !!
In the event that you see NO contradictions either, allow me to explain to you my
observations. These not only outline the Calvinistic precepts put forth by Mr. Sproul but,
to a large part, the "thinking" of main-line Christianity. What I especially
wish you to note in the following, however, is not so much MERELY the precepts themselves,
but what is more important, the CONCLUSIONS that MUST follow if you truly BELIEVE these
- God is a Sovereign, HOLY God. He is self-defining, self-actuating, self- governing,
self-determining. He answers to NO power outside of Himself and confers with NO Council
other than Himself. Absolute power is contained with-in Him and Him ALONE, and there is NO
other independent power outside of Him.
- He is a God of perfect Love, perfect Justice, perfect Mercy, perfect Understanding,
perfect Judgment, in who is "No Shadow of Turning", NO possibility of error or
of Failing. In other words, He is Perfectly HOLY, or set apart TOTALLY from ALL else in
the universe.
- He has created ALL universes and ALL creature (including MAN) according to His Plan,
purely toward the end of fulfilling His Purpose and displaying His Glory. ALL His Ways and
ALL His Acts and ALL of His Purposes are Perfect and Flawless.
- There currently exists a gap between this HOLY God and fallen, sinful Man, which, on his
own, NO MAN CAN BRIDGE. Hence we find that Jesus alone is this bridge. Furthermore,
according to Mr. Sproul on pages 232,233 (and according to the Bible, I might add),
fallen, alienated man has NO desire to seek after God, absolutely HATES God, and possess
NO power to see, discern, or understand the things of the Spirit. Therefore, as Jesus
Himself asserted, "NO man comes to Me (Jesus) UNLESS the Father draws him."
We will now draw our conclusions (or rather the conclusions of Orthodox Christianity
and of Mr. Sproul) from these FACTS and observations:
- God created the Universe, Man, and all else contained within it according to His perfect
Plan, exactly as He wished it to be.
- God empowered both Satan and Man to be exactly as they are to be found today, within the
perfect wisdom of His Plan and Intention, and under His perfect control.
- Man did NOT choose to come into this world as a sinner and as an enemy of God. This is
his lot at birth, and he must live and act under a curse not of his own making. Man is
TOTALLY impotent to save himself or to even avail himself of the salvation wrought for him
in Jesus Christ. Unless God reaches out His Hand of Grace and draws a man to Himself, and
places in his being the Light and Power to respond to what has been made available to him,
he is HOPELESSLY Lost and Damned.
- This being the case, then God must do this for EVERY MAN, or NO MAN can be saved !!!!!
- God DOES NOT do this for every man (or so say the scribes of Orthodox Christianity).
Therefore, it is God Himself who decrees that SOME men might be saved and that OTHER men
might be damned. Thus said Calvin and his followers, if I understand correctly
- If this is what YOU say , then I say that you DO NOT worship the GREAT "I AM"
of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures. NO !! I say that you worship one of the idolatrous
demons of the Canaanites, who "I AM" said to destroy. These demons far more
resembled the "god" who Jonathan Edwards so delighted in, one who, "Holds
you over the pit of Hell as one holds a spider, who abhors you, who looks upon you as a
loathsome insect, and deems you worthy of nothing else but to be CAST INTO THE FIRE."
My friend, if this is the "god" whom you profess, and represent as his
ambassador, may your ultimate wishes be fulfilled by him.
Another stunning example of the myopic spiritual blindness that the doctrine of
"Eternal Damnation" forces upon those who must twist not only the Holy
Scripture, but their own reason, logic, intellect, and conscience in order to uphold it,
may be clearly seen in an excellent tract by Dr. C. D. Cole, entitled, "The Bible
Doctrine Of Election". Here is a brilliant Biblical discourse from the Baptist
Perspective on Election vs. "Free Will"- Calvinism vs. Arminianism. The article
is worthy of careful reading and analysis. Many of the arguments and scriptual defences
that are presented in defence of the Doctrine of Election are EXACTLY the same ones that
are presented in defense of the Doctrine of Universal Reconciliation. As one reads it, he
sits almost in eager expectation, awaiting that final spark of divine revelation that will
burn away the veil of religious blindness and prejudice from the author's eyes, opening to
his vision the door into that world where finally God will be "ALL in ALL of His
The author opens his expose with the statement, "Election means that the destiny
of men is in the hands of God. " He then continues with a brilliant defense of the
doctrine of the ABSOLUTE Sovereignty of God, HIS Purpose, HIS Will, HIS Electing Grace,
and the ABSOLUTE lostness, helplessness, and hopelessness of man. After filling us with
such expectation, he ends with this Sparkling Conclusion. "Those who go to Hell will
have nobody to blame but THEMSELVES !!!" What Religious Rot ! What Doctrinal Dribble
! What Theological Trash ! Here the author builds a profound case proving that man's
birth, life, and death are TOTALLY in the hands of a Supreme, Sovereign God, and he then
turns around in conclusion and offers this obtuse sacrifice of Hypocritical Holiness to
the God of Orthodox Doctrinal Correctness. I have reproduced the text of this article
below for your reading pleasure and consideration.
General Remarks to Disarm Prejudice
There is no doctrine so grossly misrepresented. Brother A.S. Pettie's complaint against
the enemies of total depravity is equally applicable here, when he says, "From
hostile lips a fair and correct statement of the doctrine is never heard". The
treatment that the doctrine of election receives from the hands of its enemies is very
much like that received by the primitive Christians from pagan Roman Emperors. The ancient
Christians were often clothed in the skins of slain animals and then subjected to attack
by ferocious wild beasts. So the doctrine of election is clothed in an ugly garb and held
up to ridicule and sport. We will now try to strip this glorious truth of its false and
vicious garment with which enemy hands have robed it, and put upon it the garments of
holiness and wisdom.
1. Election is not salvation but is unto salvation. "What then? Israel has not
obtained that which he seeks for; but the election (elect) has obtained it, and the rest
were blinded" (Ro. 11:7). "God has from the beginning chosen you to
salvation" (2Th. 2:13). Now then, if the elect obtain salvation, and if election is
to salvation, election must precede salvation. Men are saved when they believe on Christ
not when they are elected. Roosevelt was not president when he was elected, but when he
was inaugurated. There was not only an election to, but an induction into the office.
God's elect are inducted into the position of saintship by the effectual call, (the
quickening work of the Holy Spirit) through which they become believers in the Gospel.
See: 1 Co 1:29 2 Th 2:13,14
2. Election is not the cause of anybody going to hell, for election is unto salvation.
Neither is non-election responsible for the damnation of sinners. SIN is the thing that
sends men to hell, and all men are sinners by nature and practice -- sinners altogether
apart from election and non-election. It does not follow that because election is unto
salvation that non-election is unto damnation. SIN is the damning element in human life.
3. Election belongs to the system of grace. In Paul's day there was a remnant among the
Jews who were saved according to the election of grace (Rom. 11:5). The attitude of men
towards election is the acid test of their belief in grace. Those who oppose election
cannot consistently claim to believe in salvation by grace. This is seen in the creeds of
Christendom. Those denominations that believe in salvation by works have no place for the
doctrine of election in their confessions of faith; those that believe in salvation by
grace, apart from human merit, have not failed to include election in their written creed.
One group is headed by the Roman Catholics, the other is headed by the Baptists.
4. Election does not prevent the salvation of anybody who wants to be saved. But the
distinction needs to be made between a mere desire to escape hell and the desire to be
saved from sin. The desire to be saved from hell is a natural desire -- nobody wants to
burn. The desire to be saved from sin is a spiritual desire resulting from the convicting
work of the Holy Spirit, and God's electing grace is the very mother of this desire. To
represent election by saying that God has spread the Gospel feast, and a man comes to the
table hungering for the bread of life; but God says "No, this is not for you, you are
not one of my elect", is to misrepresent the Holy Doctrine. Here is the truth -- God
has spread the feast but the fact is nobody wants to come to the table. "They all
with one consent began to make excuse". God knew just how fallen nature would act,
and He took no chance on His table being filled, so, He tells His servant to go out and
compel them to come (Luke 14:23). Were it not for the redemptive work of Christ there
would be no Gospel feast; were it not for the compelling work of the Holy Spirit there
would be no guests at the table. A mere invitation brings nobody to the table.
5. Election means that the destiny of men is in the hands of God. Many of us have
regarded as an axiom the statement that every man's destiny is in his own hands. But this
is to deny the whole tenor of Scripture. At no time is the destiny of the saint in his own
hands, either before or after he is saved. Was my destiny in my own hands before I was
saved? If so, I regenerated myself; I resurrected, by my own power, myself out of a state
of sin and death; I am my own benefactor and have nobody to thank but myself for being
alive and saved. Perish such a thought! By the grace of God I am what I am. Joh 1:13 Eph
2:1-10 2Ti 1:9 Jas 1:18
Is my destiny in my own hands now? Then I will either keep myself saved or I will lose
my salvation. The Bible says we are kept by the power of God through Faith. 1Pe 1:15 Ps
37:28 Joh 10:27-29 Php 1:6 Heb 13:5
If my destiny is not safe in my own hands after I am saved then how could it possibly
be safe in my own hands before my conversion? The saint dies, his body is consigned to the
grave and becomes a dust-heap. Is his destiny in his own hands then? If so, what hope has
he of ever coming out of the grave with an immortal and incorruptible body? None at all if
his destiny is in his own hands. Such a theory, that the destiny of the saint is or ever
has been in his own hands, reverses the very laws of nature and implies that water can
rise above the level of its source; that man can lift himself into the attic by his
boot-straps; that the Ethiopian can change his color, and the leopard can remove his
spots; that death can beget life; that evolution is true and God is a liar. The theory
that one's destiny is in his own hands begets self-confidence and self-righteousness; the
belief that destiny is in the hands of God begets SELF-ABNEGATION AND FAITH IN GOD.
6. Election stands or falls with the doctrine of God's sovereignty and man's depravity.
If God is sovereign and man is depraved, then it follows as a natural consequence that
some will be saved, none will be saved or, all will be saved. The practical results of
election are that some, yea many, will be saved. Election is not a plan to save a mere
handful of folk. Christ gave Himself a ransom for many. Mt 20:28 Re 5:9
God's sovereignty involves His pleasure Joh 5:21 Mt 11:25-27
His power Job 23:13 Jer 32:17 Mt 19:26
and His mercy. Ro 9:18
7. The elect are manifested in repentance and faith and good works. These graces, being
God-wrought in man, are not the cause but the evidences of election. 1Th 1:3-10 2Pe 1:5-10
Php 2:12,13 Lu 18:7
The man who doesn't pray, who has not repented of his sins and trusted
Christ, and who does not engage in good works has no right to claim that he is one of
God's elect.
Some False Views Examined and Refuted
Many professing Christians really have no view of election. They have not given it
enough thought and study to even have any opinion about it. Many have erroneous views. We
shall notice some of them.
- The view that men are elected when they believe -- This view is easily refuted for it is
contrary to both common sense and Scripture. Election is to salvation, and therefore, must
precede salvation. It is nonsense to talk about electing a man to something he already
has. If the man has salvation when he believes, election at that point would not be
- The view that election pertains only to the Jews -- This view robs Gentiles of the
comfort of Ro 8:28-39.
- Moreover, Paul, who was an apostle to the Gentiles, says that he endured all things for
the elect's sakes that they might obtain salvation. 2Ti 2:10
- The view that election took place in eternity, but that it was in view of foreseen
repentance and faith. According to this view, God, in eternity, looked down through the
ages and saw who would repent and believe and those who He foresaw would rep ent and
believe were elected to salvation. This view is correct in only one point, namely, that
election took place in eternity. It is wrong in that it makes the ground of election to be
something in the sinner rather than something in God. Read Eph 1 :4-6 where election and
predestination are said to be "According to the good pleasure of His will" and
"To the praise of the glory of His grace". Eph 1:4-6
This view, thought the popular one with the majority of Baptists today, is open to many
(i) It denies what the Bible says about man's condition by nature.
The Bible does not describe the natural man as having faith. 1Co 2:14 Joh 3:3
Both repentance and faith are gifts of God, and God did not see these graces in any
sinner apart from His purpose to give them. "Him has God exalted with His right hand
to be a Prince and a Savior, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of
sins", Acts 5:31 "When they heard these things they held their peace, and
glorified God, saying, 'Then has God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto
life'", Acts 11:18. "In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if
God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledgment of the truth" 2Ti
2:25. See also: Eph 2:8-10 1Co 3:5
Election was not because of foreseen faith, but because of foreseen unbelief. It is not
the election of God's faithful ones, but the faith of God's elect, if we are to keep
Scriptural words. Tit 1:1
(ii) It makes the human race differ by nature, whereas the Bible says we are all by
nature children of wrath and all clay of the same lump. Eph 2:3 Ro 9:21
Men are made to differ in the new birth. Joh 3:6
(iii) It perverts the Scriptural meaning of the word "foreknowledge". The
word as used in the Bible means more than foreknowledge about persons, it is the
foreknowledge of persons. In Ro 8:29,30, the foreknown are predestined to the image of
Christ, and are called, justified and glorified. In 1Pe 1:2, the word for
"foreknowledge" is the same as "foreordain" in the twentieth verse of
the same chapter, where the meaning cannot be "foreknowledge" about Christ.
God's foreknowledge about persons is without limitations; whereas, His foreknowledge of
persons is limited to those who are actually saved and glorified.
(iv) It is open to the strongest objection that can be made against the Bible view. It
is often asked, "If certain men are elected and saved, then what is the use to preach
to those who are not elected?" With equal propriety we might ask, "If God knows
who is going to repent and believe, then why preach to those who according to His
foreknowledge, will not repent and believe?" Will some repent and believe whom He
foreknew would not repent and believe? If so, He foreknew a lie. Right here is the
weakness of much of modern missions. It is based upon sympathy for the lost rather than
obedience to God's command. The inspiration of missions is made to rest upon the practical
results of missionary endeavor rather than upon the delight of doing God's will. It is the
principle of doing a thing because the results are satisfactory to us. If we are faithful,
God is as pleased with our efforts as when there are no results. Ponder 2Co 2:15,16
The elect prior to their conversion are known only to God. We are to preach the gospel
to every creature because He has commanded it. He will take care of the results. Compare
with: Is 55:11 1Co 3:5,6 Joh 6:37-45
It is ours to witness; it is His to make our witnessing effective.
The Doctrine Defined, Explained and Proved
What is election as the term is used in the Bible? Election means a choice; to select
from among; to single out; to take one and leave another. If there are a dozen apples in a
basket and I take all of them, there has been no choice; but if I take seven and leave
five there has been a choice.
Election, as taught in the Bible, means that God has made a choice from among the
children of men. In the beginning God set His choice upon certain individuals, whom He
gave to His Son, and for whom Christ died as their substitute, who in time hear the Gospel
and believe in Christ to life everlasting. Let us amplify by raising three very pertinent
questions. 1. WHO DOES THE ELECTING? Who chooses the persons to be saved? If men are
chosen to salvation, as the Scriptures affirm, who does the choosing? There must be a
selection or universalism. The language of Scripture seems peculiarly definite in reply to
this question. Mark 13:20 speaks of the ELECT, whom He ELECTED, rendered in our version,
"The elect's sake whom He has chosen". The word election is associated with God
not with man. God is the CHOICER, His people are the CHOSEN, and grace is the source. The
theology, that God votes for us, the Devil votes against us, and that we cast the deciding
ballot is entirely outside the pale of Scripture teaching, and is almost too ridiculous to
notice. Joh 15:16 2Th 2:13 Eph 1:4
2. WHEN WAS THE ELECTING DONE? For the answer we must look to the Scriptures. But the
BIBLE answers with sunlight clearness. In Eph 1:4 we read that "He chose us in Him
before the foundation of the world". The expression, "before the foundation of
the world is found in Joh 17:24, where it speaks of the Father's eternal love for the Son,
and in 1Pe 1:20, where it refers to the eternal determination of the Divine mind
concerning the death of Christ. There are many similar expressions. ELECTION IS ETERNAL!
Re 13:8 2Th 2:13 2Ti 1:9
3. WHY WAS THE ELECTING DONE? Was it on the ground of something good in
the sinner? Then nobody would have been elected for there is none good. Holiness is not
the cause but the effect of election. We are chosen that we should be holy not because we
are holy (Eph 1:4). Nor, as we have already seen, is election in view of foreseen
repentance and faith. Election is the cause of repentance and faith and not the effect of
these graces. To say that God chose men to salvation because He foresaw that they would
repent and believe and be saved is to attribute foolishness to the infinitely wise God. It
is as if the president should issue a decree that the sun must rise tomorrow because he
foresees that it will rise; or as if a sculptor should choose a certain piece of marble
because he foresaw that it would make itself into the image he wanted. We challenge any
Arminian to raise these questions and get his answers from the Scriptures.
Objections Considered and Answered
Many objections are brought against this doctrine. Sometimes the objectors are loud and
furious. Alas! that so many of these objectors are in Baptist ranks. To preach this
old-fashioned doctrine of our faith as did Bunyan, Fuller, Gill, Spurgeon, Boyce, Broadus,
Pendleton, Graves, Jarrell, Carroll, Jeter, Boyce Taylor and a host of other
representative men of our denomination is to court the bitterest kind of opposition. John
Wesley himself never said harsher words against this blessed tenet of our faith than do
some so-called Baptists of today. Arminianism that offspring of popery, has had an
abnormal growth in the last decade or two as the adopted child of a large group of
the critic, for he who makes this objection limits both God's mercy and power. He admits
that God's mercy is limited to the believer, and to this we agree; but he denies that God
can cause a man to believe without doing violence to the man's will, and thus he limits
God's power. We believe that God is able to give a man a sound mind (2Ti 1:7) and make him
willing in the day of His power. (Ps. 110:2) At this point we must face two self-evident
propositions. First, if God is trying to save every member of Adam's fallen race, and does
not succeed, then His power is diminished and He is not the Lord God Almighty. Second, if
He is not trying to save every member of the fallen face, then His mercy is limited. We
must of necessity limit His mercy or His power, or go over boots and baggage to the
Universalist's position. But before we do that, let us go "to the law and to the
testimony", which says, "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will
have compassion on whom I will have compassion... Therefore has He mercy on whom He will
have mercy and whom He will He hardens" (Ro 9:15- 18). It needs to be said for the
comfort and hope of great sinners, that God's mercy is not limited by the natural
condition of the sinner. All sinners are dead until God makes them alive. He is able to
take away the heart of stone. No man is too great a sinner to be saved. We can pray for
the salvation of the chief of sinners with the assurance that God can save them if He
will. "The King's heart is in the hands of the Lord as the river of water; He turns
it whithersoever He will" (Pr 21:1). We rejoice to say with Jeremiah that there is
nothing too hard for God. We can pray for the salvation of our loved ones with the feeling
of the leper, when he said, "Lord, if You will, You can make me clean" (Mt 8:2).
When Robert Morrison was about to go to China, he was asked by an incredulous American if
he thought he could make any impression on those Chinese. His curt reply was, "No,
but I think God can." This should ever be our confidence and hope when we stand
before sinners and preach to them "CHRIST AND HIM CRUCIFIED".
bad heart. It would obligate the CREATOR to the CREATURE. It makes salvation a divine
obligation. It denies the right of the potter over the clay, of the same lump to make one
vessel to honor and another to dishonor. Using this reasoning, it makes the governor of a
sovereign state unjust when he pardons one or more men, unless he empties the prison and
turns all the prisoners loose. Our view of election is in harmony with what even the
Armenians allow to be proper and just for a human governor. All can see that a governor,
by pardoning some men, does not harm others, who are not pardoned. Those who are not
pardoned are not in prison because the governor refused them a pardon but because they
were guilty of a crime against the state. Isn't God to be allowed as much sovereignty as
the governor of a state? Salvation, like a pardon, is something that is not deserved. If
it were deserved, then God would be unjust if He did not bestow it upon all men. Salvation
is not a matter of justice but of mercy. It wasn't the attribute of justice that led God
to provide salvation but the attribute of mercy. Justice is simply each man getting what
he deserves. Those who go to hell will have nobody to blame but themselves, while those
who go to heaven will have nobody to praise but God. Ro 9:22,23
WILL. However, the objector is wrong again. Our view explains and supports the doctrine of
"WHOSOEVER WILL". Without election the invitation to "WHOSOEVER WILL"
would go unheeded. The Bible doctrine of "WHOSOEVER WILL" does not imply the
freedom or ability of the human will to do good. The human will is free, but its freedom
is within the limits of fallen human nature. It is free like water; water is free to run
down hill. It is free like the vulture; the vulture is free to eat carrion, for that is
its nature, but it would starve to death in a wheat field. It is not the buzzard's nature
to eat clean food; it feeds upon the carcasses of the dead. So sinners starve to death in
the presence of the bread of life. Our Lord said to some sinners, who were in His very
presence "You will not come unto me that you might have life" (Joh 5:40). It is
not natural for a sinner to trust in Christ. Salvation through trust in a crucified Christ
is a stumbling block to the Jew and foolishness to the Greek; it is only the called, both
Jews and Greeks, who trust it as the wisdom and power of God. 1Co 1:23,24
Here is a physical corpse. Is it free to get up and walk around? In one sense, yes. It
is not bound by fetters. There is no external restraint. But, in another sense, that
corpse is not free. It is hindered by its natural condition. It is its nature to decompose
and go back to dust. It is not the nature of death to stir about. Here is a spiritual
corpse -- a man dead in trespasses and sins. Is the man free to repent and believe and do
good works? Yes, in one sense. There are no external restraints. God does not prevent but
offers inducements through His Holy Word. But the corpse is hindered by its own nature.
There must be the miracle of the new birth, for except a man be born from above he cannot
see or enter into the Kingdom of God. Joh 3:3-3:5
It is painful to some of us to see our brethren forsake the faith of our Baptist
forbears at this point and join the ranks of the Roman Catholics and other Armenians. If
anyone doubts this charge, let him read the article of faith adopted by the Catholics at
the council of Trent (1563). I quote their statement on the freedom of the human will --
"If anyone shall affirm that since the fall of Adam man's free-will is lost, let him
be accursed." Alas, in this day, such a spirit is not confined to the Roman
Catholics. Horatius Bonar makes the following quotation from John Calvin: "The Papist
theologians have a distinction current among themselves -- that God does not elect men
according to their works which are in them, but rather as He He foresees that they will be
Ah, the real trouble with the objector is not election; it is something else. His real
objection is to total depravity or human inability to do good. I can do no better here
than to quote from Percy W. Heward of London, England. He says, "It seems to me that
the majority of objections to God's sovereign grace, to God's electing love, are actually
objections to something else, namely objections to the fact that man is ruined. If you
probe beneath the surface you will find that very few object to election. Why should they?
Election harms no one. How can the picking of a man out of doom harm anyone else? The real
objection at the present day is not to election, though that word is made the catchword of
sad controversy -- the real objection is to that fact which is revealed in Psalm 51, that
we are formed in iniquity, that we are born sinners by nature, dead in sins, until, as we
read concerning Paul in Galatians 1, "It pleased God, who separated me from my
mother's womb and called me by His grace to reveal His Son in me..." Ah, beloved
friends, we deserve nothing but doom. Acknowledge this and election is the only hope.
Acknowledge that we are poor lost sinners, dead in trespasses and sins, only evil
continually; acknowledge that there is in man no natural spark to be fanned into a flame
but that believers are born again of incorruptible seed which the Lord places; acknowledge
that if anyone is in Christ that there is a new creation, for we are His workmanship,
having been created in Christ Jesus; and election must be at once recognized."
Every real believer on his knees subscribes to our view of election. You cannot pray
ascribing some credit to self. Sovereign grace will come out in prayer though it may be
left off the platform. No saved man will get down on his knees before God and claim that
he made himself to differ from others who are not saved, but with Paul he says, "By
the grace of God I am what I am." In praying for the lost, we supplicate God to
convict and convert them. We do not depend upon the freedom of their wills but beg God to
make them willing to come to Christ, knowing that when they come to Christ He will not
cast them out. Jo 6:37
A Methodist minister once went to hear a Presbyterian minister preach. After the
sermon, the Methodist said to the Presbyterian, "That was a pretty good Arminian
sermon you preached today." "Yes," replied the Presbyterian, "We
Presbyterians are pretty good Arminians when we preach and you Methodists are pretty good
Calvinists when you pray." MORE TRUTH THAN POETRY HERE!!
BAPTISTS. The fact is that it is so old-fashioned that it has about gone out of fashion .
The ignorance betrayed in such a claim is indeed pitiable. In refutation we resort to two
sources of information (a) Confessions of faith; (b) Statements of representative
preachers and writers.
The Waldenses declare themselves as follows: "God saves from corruption and
damnation those whom He has chosen from the foundation of the world, not from any
disposition, faith or holiness that He foresaw in them, but His mere mercy in Christ Jesus
His Son, passing by all the rest according to the irreprehensible reason of His own
free-will and justice." THE DATE OF THIS CONFESSION WAS 1120!!!
The London Confession (1689) and the Philadelphia Confession (1742) read as follows:
"By the decree of God, for the manifestation of His glory, some men and angels are
predestined or foreordained to ETERNAL LIFE through Jesus Christ, to the praise of His
glorious grace; others being left to act in their sins to their just condemnation, to the
praise of His glorious justice."
The New Hampshire Confession (Article 9): "We believe that election is the eternal
purpose of God according to which He graciously regenerates, sanctifies and saves sinners;
that being perfectly consistent with the free- agency of man, it comprehends all the means
in connection with the end; that it is a most glorious display of God's sovereign
goodness, being infinitely free, wise holy and unchangeable; that it utterly excludes
boasting and promotes humility, love, prayer, praise, trust in God, and active imitation
of His free mercy; that it encourages the use of means in the highest degree; that it may
be ascertained by its effects in all who truly believe the Gospel; that it is the
foundation of Christian assurance; and that to ascertain it with regard to ourselves
demands and deserves the utmost diligence."
John A. Broadus, former president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary:
"From the divine side, we see that the Scriptures teach an eternal election of men to
eternal life simply out of God's good pleasure."
A.H. Strong, former president of Rochester Theological Seminary: "Election is the
eternal act of God, by which in His sovereign pleasure, and on account of no foreseen
merit in them, He chooses certain of the number of sinful men to be recipients of the
special grace of His Spirit and so to be made voluntary partakers of Christ's
B.H. Carroll, founder and first president of the Southwestern Baptist Seminary:
"Every one that God chose in Christ is drawn by the Spirit to Christ. Every one
predestined is called by the Spirit in time and justified in time, and will be glorified
when the Lord comes." Commentary on Romans, page 192.
J.P. Boyce, founder and first president of Southern Baptist Seminary: "God, of His
own purpose, has from eternity determined to save a definite number of mankind as
individuals, not for or because of any merit or works of theirs, nor of any value of them
to Him; but of His own good pleasure."
W.T. Conner, professor of theology, Southwestern Baptist Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas:
"The doctrine of election means that God saves in pursuance of an eternal purpose.
This includes all the gospel influences, work of the Spirit and so on, that leads a man to
repent of his sins and accept Christ. So far as man's freedom is concerned, the doctrine
of election does not mean that God decrees to save a man irrespective of his will. It
rather means that God purposes to lead a man in such a way that he will freely accept the
gospel and be saved."
Pastor J.W. Lee, of Batesville, Miss.: "I believe that God has foreordained before
the foundation of the world that He would save certain individuals and that He ordained
all the means to bring about their salvation on His terms. Men and women are not elected
because they repent and believe, but they repent and believe because they are
To the above list of well known and honored Baptists we could add quotations from Gill,
Fuller, Spurgeon, Bunyan, Pendleton, Mullins, Dargan, Jeter, Eaton, Graves, and others too
numerous to mention. It is sadly true that many of our pastors hold election as a private
opinion and never preach it. We personally know a number of brethren who say that election
is clearly taught in the Bible, but that we cannot afford to preach it, because it will
cause trouble in churches. This is worse than compromise: it is surrender of the truth. It
is a spirit that leads preachers to displease God in order to please men. The writer
believes that silence upon this subject has wrought more harm than open opposition to it.
Those who openly oppose election will, sooner or later, make themselves ridiculous in the
eyes of all Bible loving Baptists.
It is said that belief in the doctrine leads men to say, "If I am elect, I will be
saved; if I am a non-elect I will be lost, therefore, it matters not what I believe or
do." The same objection has been persistently made against the doctrine of the
preservation of the saints. This is bald rationalism. It is the setting of human reason
against divine revelation. It takes no account of the operation of the grace of God in the
human heart. If Baptists surrender election on such a ground, to be consistent, they will
have to surrender the doctrine of preservation on the same ground. Election does not mean
that the elect will be saved whether they believe on not, nor does it mean that the
non-elect will be damned regardless of how much they may repent and believe. The elect
will be saved through repentance and faith, and both are gifts from God as already shown;
the non-elect do not repent and believe.
The objection we are now considering is simply not true to fact. Believers in election
have been and still are among the most godly. Augustus Toplady challenged the world to
produce a martyr from among the deniers of election. The Puritans, who were so named
because of the great purity of their lives, with few exception (if any), were believers in
personal, eternal, unconditional election, and of course, in the security of the believer.
Modernism, that spawn of the pit, is rapidly adding to the number of its adherents, but
they are coming from the ranks of Arminianism. Others have challenged the world to find a
single Higher Critic, or a single Spiritualist, or a single Russellite, or a single
Christian Scientist, who believes in the absolute sovereignty of God and the doctrine of
election. Without an exception these awful heretics are Arminians to a man. This is a
significant fact that is not to be winked at.
boldly assert that if unconditional election should find universal acceptance among us
that we would cease to be a missionary people. There is an abundance of historical
evidence with which to refute this claim. Under God, the father of modern missions was
William Carey, a staunch Calvinist. Andrew Fuller, first secretary of the society that
sent Carey to India, held tenaciously to our view of election. It did not destroy the
missionary spirit of these men. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating."
Belief in election did not destroy the missionary spirit in Judson, Spurgeon, Boyce,
Eaton, Graves, Carroll and a host of other Baptist leaders. The Murray church, which Dr.
J.F. Love called the greatest missionary church on earth, heard election preached by Boyce
Taylor for nearly forty years. The greatest missionary churches among us today are those
that have been purged from the heresies of James Arminius.
Election is the very foundation of hope in missionary endeavor. If we had to depend
upon the natural disposition or will of a dead sinner, who hates God, to respond to our
gospel, we might well despair. But when we realize that it is the Spirit that quickens, we
can go forth with the gospel of the grace of God in the hope that God will cause some, by
nature turned away, to be turned unto Him and to believe to the saving of the soul.
Election does not determine the extent of missions but the results of it. We are to preach
to every creature because God has commanded, and because it pleases Him to save sinners by
the foolishness of preaching. W e believe more in election than the Anti-Mission Baptists.
We believe that God elected means of salvation as well as persons to salvation. He did not
choose to save sinners apart from the gospel ministry. Ro 1:16
Election gives a saneness to evangelism that is greatly needed today. It recognizes
that sinners "believe through grace" (Acts 18:27) and that while Paul may plant
and Apollos may water, God gives the increase. Arminianism has had its day among Baptists
and what has it done? It has given us man- power, but robbed us of God's power. It has
increased machinery but has decreased spirituality. It has filled our churches with
Ishmaels instead of Isaacs by its ministry of "sob stuff" and with the methods
of the "counting house".
If this tract needs further Scriptural support, the following Scriptures will give it:
Ps 65:4 Ac 13:48 Joh 6:37,44,45 17:1,2
Many years ago there was a popular song by a singer named B.J. Thomas entitled,
"There are none so blind as those who WILL NOT see." Another man by the name of
William James is credited with saying, "Many people think they are thinking when, in
reality, they are merely REARRANGING their Prejudices." If this book merely
challenges you to TRULY THINK, to meditate deeply upon that which you "THINK that you
think", then regardless of the outcome of your reflections, in my mind it will have
In Conclusion, I would like to offer in prayer to all who have made it to the end of
this treatise, the words of the Apostle Paul from Ephesians 1:17- 19, "I keep asking
that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the spirit of
wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. I pray also that the eyes of your
heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you,
the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and His incomparably great power for
us who believe." Particularly to those who could joyfully embrace Dr. Cole's article
on Election, I earnestly pray to God that He might break the Religious Bondage of the
false doctrine of "Eternal Damnation" that Satan has so effectively used to
blind the eyes of His earnest seekers. You are so VERY close to the Revelation of the God
whose ultimate purpose and heart is nothing less than, that at the Conclusion of the Ages,
He might finally be ALL in ALL of His Creatures.
Continue Paging Down for the Outline !!!
Universal Reconciliation
I. The AGES in Scripture
A. Ages (165), 128 Occurrences - Translated in the King James
Ever - 71
World - 38
Never - 6
Evermore - 4
Age - 2
Eternal - 2
Misc. - 5
B. The Adjective of Age, Age-Long (166), 71 Occurrences - King James
Eternal - 42
Everlasting - 25
World Began - 3
Forever - 1
C. Ages or Aeons vs. "Eternal, Forever, and Forever and Ever."
1. Before the AGES (World) BEGAN.
Acts 15:18
1 Cor. 2:7
Eph. 3:9
2 Tim. 1:9
Titus 1:2
2. The END of the AGES (World).
Math. 13:39,40,49
Math. 24:3 Math. 28:20
1 Cor. 10:11
Heb. 9:26
3. World WITHOUT END (King James) ????
Isa. 45:17
Eph. 3;21
4. More than ONE AGE.
Math 12:32
Eph. 1:21 Eph. 2:7
2 Tim. 4:10
Titus 2:12
Heb. 1:2 Heb. 6:5 Heb. 11:3
II. Free Will vs. God's Sovereignty
I put to DEATH and I bring to LIFE, I have WOUNDED and I will HEAL. Deut
No one can deliver out of my hand. When I act, WHO CAN RESIST IT? Isaiah
I bring peace and CREATE EVIL, I the Lord do ALL THESE THINGS. - Isaiah
Who can speak and have it happen, IF THE LORD HAS NOT DECREED IT?
Lamentations 3:37,38
He has torn ... He will heal. He has injured, He will bind up our wounds.
Hosea 6:1
You did not choose me, but I CHOSE YOU. - John 15:16
For this reason they COULD NOT BELIEVE ........ He (God) has blinded their
eyes and deadened their hearts. - John 12:39,40
By grace you have been saved, through faith -- and this NOT FROM
YOURSELVES. It is the GIFT FROM GOD. - Romans 2:8
For the creation (creature) was subjected to frustration.... BY THE WILL
OF THE ONE WHO SUBJECTED IT, in hope that the creation (creature) WILL BE LIBERATED FROM
It's BONDAGE. - Romans 8:19-21
In all things, God works for the good,.... ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE.
Romans 8:28
It DOES NOT DEPEND ON MAN's DESIRE OR EFFORT, but on God's sovereign
choice and mercy. - Romans 9:10-18
Does not the potter have the right to make out of the clay (WHATEVER HE
WISHES ). - Romans 9:19-23
God's Sovereign election and use of the Jews that salvation might be
brought to the Gentiles. - Romans Chapter 11
God has bound ALL MEN over to disobedience, that HE may have MERCY ON THEM
ALL. - Romans 11:32
Him who works out Everything in conformity with the purpose of HIS WILL.
Eph. 1:11
It is God who works in you TO WILL AND TO ACT, according to HIS GOOD
PURPOSE. - Philip 2:13
God send them a powerful delusion, SO THAT THEY WILL BELIEVE THE LIE. 2
Thes 2:11
God ... who has saved us and called us -- not because of anything we have
done, but because of HIS OWN PURPOSE. 2 Tim. 1:9
III. "Hell", Sheol, and Hades
- Sheol - Strong's Reference 07585 - [65 times in KJV] [Grave - 31] [Hell - 31] [Pit - 3]
- Gehenna - Strong's Reference 1067 - [12 times in KJV] [Hell - 9] [Hell Fire - 3]
- Hades - Strong's Reference 86 - [11 times in KJV] [Hell - 10] [Grave - 1] Because You
(God) will not abandon Me (Jesus) to HELL.(KJV) - Acts 2:27,31
- Tartarus - Strong's Reference 5020 - [1 time in KJV] [Cast Down to Hell - 2 Peter 2:4]
- Lake of Fire Death and "Hell" were thrown into the Lake of Fire - Rev 20:14
IV. Immortality
They CAN NO LONGER DIE. - Luke 20:36
The LAST Enemy to be destroyed is DEATH - 1 Cor 15:26
The mortal must be clothed WITH IMMORTALITY (110). - 1 Cor 15:53-55
God, the blessed and only ruler...... who ALONE IS IMMORTAL (110). 1
Timothy 6:15,16
Lexicon Searches:
Immortality - 110
Incorruptible - 861, 862
Made Alive - 2227
Alive - 2198
V. God's Dealings in "Judgment" - 285 References
A. Old Testament
Strong's Reference #'s - 01777, 01779, 01780, 02940, 04055, 04941, 06415,
06417, 06419, 06485, 08196, 08199, 08201 Ref. # 04941 - To do Right - 397 References
Gen 18:19,25
1 Cron 18:14
B. New Testament
Strong's Reference #'s - 144, 968, 1106, 1341, 1345, 1349, 2250, 2917,
2929, 2922, 4232
Ref. #2920 - 47 References - Relates to OT # 04941
Math 12:18 -> Isa 42:1
Math 12:20 -> Isa 42:3
Acts 8:33 -> Isa 53:8
NOT Damnation as in:
Math 23:33 - Mark 3:29 - John 5:29
C. God's "Judgment" as represented by His dealings with Israel
Jer 30:12 - 31:14
VI. Things "Hard to Understand"
Will not be forgiven, EITHER IN THIS AGE ( KJV - World) OR THE AGE (KJV -
World) TO COME. (IS there forgiveness for OTHER sins in the age to come ??). - Math 12:32
By you words you will be ACQUITTED, and by your words you will be
CONDEMNED. - Math 12:37
The servant who KNOWS his Master's will but does not do it will be beaten
with MANY BLOWS. The one who DOES NOT KNOW will be beaten with FEWER BLOWS. - Luke
Their thoughts now accusing, now EVEN DEFENDING them (On the day of
judgment). - Romans 2:14-16
For the scripture says of Pharaoh, "I raised you up for this very
purpose, that I might DISPLAY MY POWER IN YOU." - Romans 9:16-23
Through Whom (Holy Spirit), also He (Christ) went and preached to the
SPIRITS that were IN PRISON. - 1 Peter 3:18-20
The Gospel was preached even to those that are NOW DEAD. - 1 Peter 4:6
VII. ALL Creation shall be Redeemed
The Lord has laid on HIM the iniquity of us ALL - Isaiah 53:6
He will see the result of the suffering of His soul, AND BE SATISFIED. -
Isaiah 53:11
My righteous servant will justify MANY ....... He bore the sins of MANY. -
Isaiah 53:11,12
For men are not cast off by the Lord FOREVER. Though He brings grief, He
will show COMPASSION. - Lamentations 3:31-33
Father in Heaven IS NOT WILLING that ANY ....... should be lost. Math
Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin - Luke 15:3-10
The Son of Man came to seek and to save WHAT WAS LOST. - Luke 19:10
He takes away the SIN of the WORLD. - John 1:29
ALL that the Father gives me WILL COME TO ME. - John 6:37,39,44,65
I will draw ALL MEN to MYSELF. - John 12:31,32
He (Jesus) must remain in Heaven until the time comes to RESTORE
EVERYTHING. - Acts 3:21
Through the disobedience of ONE MAN the many were made sinners, so through
the obedience of the ONE MAN, the MANY WILL BE MADE RIGHTEOUS. - Romans 5:12-21
EVERY knee will bow before me, EVERY tongue will confess to God Romans
14:11 - Confess (1843)
As in Adam all die, so in Christ shall ALL BE MADE ALIVE. - 1 Cor. 15:22
So that GOD may be ALL IN ALL. - 1 Cor 15:28
The love of Christ is constraining us, judging this, that if ONE DIED FOR
the SAKE of ALL, CONSEQUENTLY the ALL DIED. - 2 Cor. 5:14
God was in Christ, RECONCILING the WORLD to Himself. - 2 Cor. 5:18,19
To bring ALL THINGS in heaven and on earth together under ONE HEAD. - Eph.
That at the name of Jesus, EVERY KNEE should bow ......... and EVERY
tongue confess ....... to the GLORY of the Father. Philp. 2:9-11 - Confess (1843)
For God was pleased ....... that through HIM (Christ) to reconcile to
Himself ALL THINGS........ on earth or in heaven. - Col. 1:19,20
Jesus came to save sinners ..... of whom I am the WORST - 1 Timothy
God our Savior, who WILLS THAT ALL MEN BE SAVED. - 1 Timothy 2:4
He gave Himself A RANSOM for ALL. - 1 Timothy 2:5,6
We have put our hope in the Living GOD, who is the SAVIOR of ALL MEN - 1
Timothy 4:10
He is the SAVIOR of ALL MEN. - 2 Timothy 4:9,10
He tasted death FOR the SAKE of EVERYONE. - Hebrews 2:9
He has appeared .... TO DO AWAY WITH SIN. - Hebrews 9:26
Not willing that ANY SHOULD PERISH, but that ALL come to repentance. - 2
Peter 3:9
He is the propitiation .......... for the SINS of the WHOLE WORLD. - 1
John 2:1,2
The reason that the Son of God appeared was to DESTROY the DEVIL'S WORK. -
1 John 3:8
We have seen and testify that the FATHER has sent HIS SON to be the SAVIOR
OF THE WORLD. - 1 John 4:14