AS GRACE is the essential element and chief
characteristic of the
present administration, it behooves us to inquire thoroughly as to
its part in the service of the saints. We have dwelt much upon
the greatness of the grace which God has granted to us,
especially in the evangel of our salvation, but have neglected to
emphasize the grace that we should show in giving it to
others. Let us then inquire what the Scriptures have to say as
to the manner and method of conveying this grace to those whom God
has chosen, whether it be the evangel, for their salvation, or the
spiritual blessings among the celestials, in Christ Jesus.
When the twelve apostles were commissioned to go to the
sheep of the house of Israel, to herald the nearness of the
kingdom and to do marvels, then Jesus said to them, "Gratuitously
you got, gratuitously be giving" (Matt.10:6-8). This saying is
usually diverted and applied to the support of the preaching of
the gospel today, especially in raising funds for "the Lord's
work." But note that our Lord was speaking to His apostles, not
to those who heard them. They were to give gratuitously, not
money, which they were not allowed to carry, but the evangel of
the kingdom. Even if they did not herald the evangel of the
grace of God, nevertheless, they were exhorted to herald
without charge. How much more should we, who have a much greater
grace to give, do it gratuitously!
Paul also uses this word, gratuitous, of his service
to the
nations. To the Corinthians he wrote that he brought the evangel
to them gratuitously (2 Cor.11:7). When he went to them, he
found a Jew, named Aquila, who was a tentmaker by occupation. Being of a
like trade, he remained
with him and worked (Acts 18:3). He stayed in Corinth a year
and a half. When he was in want at times, he was replenished by
brethren from Macedonia. False apostles, fraudulent workers, also
came there, who enslaved and devoured the saints and obtained
from them, yet he differed from them in this matter in being more
exceedingly weary than they (2 Cor.11:13,20,23). So also in
Thessalonica. He toiled and labored, working night and day, so as
not to be burdensome to any of them (1 Thess.2:9).
Paul was not a rich man. Indeed, he was very poor in
ordinary sense of the word. Yet who, except Christ, among the
millions of mortals who have inhabited this mundane sphere, have
given the world so much as he? And how much was he paid for this
toil and travail, this suffering and sorrow? How much did he get
for the celestial gratuities which he so graciously gave to all
who would accept them? Nothing that the world could call gain. The
Jews stoned him to death. The gentiles arrested him. And his own
disciples forsook him. Such was his salary, his stipend, his
Very early in my life of faith I was given a strong
desire to
emulate Paul's spirit in this particular. It seems certain now
that the reason that I was privileged to regain so much of Paul's
riches of grace, was an ardent longing to dispense it
gratuitously to others. During a long life since then, I have
observed that those who did not dispense according to this
motive, either could not grasp the grace which Paul preached, or
were not able to retain it, if they did not give it out
gratuitously. Even in Paul's day there were those who taught
what they must not, on behalf of sordid gain (Titus 1:11).
The money received in this way is shameful or vile, but how few
realize this! Almost all consider it hallowed now.
In spiritual wealth, Paul was the richest of all
mortals. To him was entrusted the dispensation of the greatest of
all treasures, that is, the evangel of the grace of God (Acts
20:24). As he himself said, as poor, he made many rich, as having
nothing, yet retaining all (2 Cor.6:10). This is our privilege
also. However little of earth's riches we may possess, yet we are
in a position to dispense unlimited celestial gratuities to all
who will accept them. Blessed, indeed, is it to enjoy God's grace
ourselves, but is it not much more blessed to be able to impart it
freely to others?
We may think that we are not able to earn much more
than is
necessary for food and shelter, so that we can give little for the
Lord's work in the way of money or earthly goods, but we must
remember that celestial values are reckoned according to that
which one has not, rather than what one has. The widow's mite
was worth more than all the rest. Even small amounts may grow
great in God's sight if they are used according to this principle.
Used for tracts, or for free literature which really does set
forth the grace that Paul preached, they may increase your
spiritual donations enormously. Used for tracts or literature
which evades or denies the grace of the present administration,
they may be profitless, or even harmful, to both the one who gives
and to those who get. It is grace that multiplies the value of
our gifts and service.
Even the saints, as a rule, are so far from Pauline
and methods that almost all consider them impractical and even
wrong. Paul himself recognized this, and gave quite a few good
arguments against his own position. Now these are quoted freely
in order to nullify his real teaching. We pray that our readers
will bear with us when we seek to show that the dispensation of grace
should be gracious, not through professional hirelings, but
by those who, like Paul, their model, work, in order that they may
eat their own bread. Paul gave gratuitously, but did not eat
gratuitously (2 Thess.3:8).
Paul wrote to the Thessalonians to put themselves
every brother who did not imitate him, for he did not eat his
bread gratuitously, from anyone. He said: "with toil and labor are
we working night and day...that we may be giving ourselves as a
model for you to be imitating us." While he was with them, he
gave this charge to them, "If anyone is not willing to work,
neither let him eat." Furthermore, he wrote, "If anyone is not
obeying our word through this epistle, let it be a sign to you as
to this man, not to commingle with him." The whole passage
should be read and pondered by those who wish to give their gifts
in accord with God's counsel (2 Thess.3:6-16). We cannot expect
to have our gifts credited to our account in that day if we ignore
Paul's example and practice. If, however, this were applied to the
churches today, what would become of the "ministry?"
The apostle Paul himself gave us the best arguments in
of a supported ministry. He asked, "Who is warring at any time and
supplying his own rations? Who is planting a vineyard and not
eating of its fruit" (1 Cor.9:7)? It was written also that the
plower ought to be plowing in expectation, and the thresher to
partake of his expectation. To the Corinthians Paul expostulates,
"If in expectation, we sow the spiritual in you, is it a great
thing if we shall reap of your fleshly things? If others are
partaking of this right from you, are not rather we?
Nevertheless, WE DO NOT USE THIS RIGHT, but we, are foregoing
all, lest we may be giving any HINDRANCE to the evangel of
The word hindrance seems harsh in this connection.
Can a collection and the acceptance of it by the preacher ever
hinder the evangel? Indeed, it can! To preach and explain how
graciously God justifies and conciliates, and then pass the hat,
and take payment even from those who have not accepted it,
throws a dark pall over the message which no eloquence can explain
away. The preacher who told his congregation that the evangel,
indeed, was free, but they just had to pay the freight, only made
his position ridiculous. How many times have some sinners not only
heard what is supposed to be the "free" gospel, and have even
paid the freight, yet this very thing has hindered them from
realizing its graciousness! They become gospel-hardened. Then,
when it comes to them from an untaxed, untainted source, it dawns
upon them as freely as the rising sun!
Even stronger arguments may be based on the divine
of the temple. "Are you not aware that the workers at the sacred
things are eating of the things of the sanctuary? Those settling
beside the altar have their portion with the alter. Thus the Lord
also prescribes that those who are announcing the evangel are to
be living of the evangel. Yet I do not use any of these
things...What, then is my wage? That, in bringing the evangel, I
should be placing the evangel WITHOUT EXPENSE..." (1
Cor.9:13-18). What shall we think of those who use the arguments
Paul used to his right to a living, and then fail to add that
he refused to use them? Let us hope that no one who reads these
lines has this on his conscience!
In this administration of transcendent grace the
thing may not be ideal. We have no real right to any of the
spiritual blessings we enjoy, such as the owner of a vineyard has
to eat its fruit, or a Levite to the sacrifices on the altar. We
are more like a man who is given the privilege of distributing a
large sum absolutely gratis, when he has already received his own
portion. Would it not spoil
the graciousness of the transaction if he demanded a handout?
An elder in an ecclesia who presides, especially one
toils in the word and teaching, is worthy of double honor. He
evidently works for the ecclesia, and is like the threshing ox,
which is not to be muzzled. He is worthy of his wages (1
Tim.5:17,18), and may be supported, if he needs it and desires it.
On the other hand, to Timothy, a young man, not an
Paul gives advice which may seem contrary to his words elsewhere.
Under the figure of a soldier, he warns him not to become
involved in the business of a livelihood. Too many, in these
days put all their time and strength into a business, leaving very
little for the Lord's work. This should be avoided (2 Tim.2:4).
Looked at as a contestant in the games, Timothy is
warned to
obey the rules. This is most applicable in these days, when
religious work is judged solely by results, without considering
whether the methods were scriptural or not.
As a farmer who grows fruit for others, must first feed
himself with it, so it is with the Lord's servant. Unless he
himself first enjoys the precious truth, he is in no position to
present it to others for their delectation. Timothy concerns young
men, not elders.
Long experience has shown that, usually, the saint who
for hire subconsciously loses his sense of God's grace, and finds
it impossible to really believe or teach the full truth for today.
Realizing the situation in Christendom, we have great sympathy for
those who are caught and carried along by the traditional tide.
One pastor confided to me that he was never so happy as when
working for a living. We have tried to save some from its grasp,
but the adversary, who is back of the current apostasy, has many
stratagems, and seeks to uphold them in their unscriptural practices, for
very few of
the saints are spiritual enough to help them. They rather confirm
them in their apostasy and contribute to their hire. In this way
the saints are robbed of their most precious possession, the
enjoyment of the transcendent grace which is theirs in Christ
When there was a brother who would not work for his
Paul advised the Thessalonians that they should not have
fellowship with him, that it might abash him and lead him to earn
his keep. At present the opposite course is pursued. We are
exhorted to contribute regularly to his support. Today young
people are trained as church workers by special schools and
institutions. I am told that a part of the curriculum is, in
coarse language, "How to get the money." They are not taught to
give gratuitously, but to get generously. Some of them have
even come to us and tried to teach us the most successful methods
to this end, but we could not help abhorring such dubious devices.
How far has even the cream of Christendom fallen from the path of
Paul! Many of their instructions are clearly contrary to the
spirit inculcated in his epistles, and subversive of the
motive which inspired our pattern apostle (2 Tim.3:10).
Those who do not realize the vital value of grace in
practicing, as well as preaching the evangel for today may think
this too trivial a matter to lead to the loss of fellowship. At
present, however, the fruits of tolerating and encouraging it are
clearly seen in the curse of clericalism, which, in turn, has led
to the almost total lack of light on the transcendent grace of
this administration. This should convince us that it is a vital
matter. It is especially important in the beginning of any fresh
endeavor to enlighten the saints, and supremely so, when this new
light seeks to reveal the transcendent grace of God. In
beginning our witness we sought to be gracious even to those who
didn't see this truth, or would not act upon it, but they have
conclusively convinced us
that, if we do not practice grace we cannot effectively
preach it, and we are in danger of falling from it ourselves.
All of God's saints are His ambassadors today. It
no elaborate training to entreat and beseech people to be
conciliated to God (2 Cor.5:20). This is the true "gospel" that
they need. Yet where is the evangelist who does this? Tremendous
sums are expended on campaigns and preachers with the object of
"winning souls" by horrible threats and emotional upheavals, the
very reverse of the preaching of peace with God through the
sacrifice of Christ. It has come to the point when we could almost
say that none of the gospel preachers are ambassadors, but
threateners, and the converts are held by fear rather than love.
The machinery of modern Christendom demands immense
sums for
salaries, buildings, etc., so there is a constant call for
contributions, and there are many "plans" for extracting money
from the communicants. Some assess each member with a definite
amount, and even drop from their rolls those who do not pay. In
one case a very poor woman, whom the neighbors helped to survive,
was expelled from membership on this account, and it nearly broke
her heart. It drove me from that Sunday School, even though I was
not a believer then. So the question arises, "To whom and how much
should each one, contribute to the Lord's work?"
Some seek to "go by the Bible," so practice tithing.
"give a tenth," in the confident expectation that, as it was in
Israel, God will more than make it up to them. This was quite the
thing to do under law, but it is altogether out of line with the
present grace. Paul, who gives us the truth for today, does not even
mention tithing.
He certainly did not get a tenth of the income of all his
converts! What a vast fortune that would have been! He practiced
his own precept, and gave as gratuitously as he had received.
The only tune that Paul called for a "collection," it
not for himself or for his fellow workers, but for the Jewish
saints. Moreover, he would not allow one to be taken when he was
present (1 Cor.16:2). How much did he call for? No definite
amount, no percentage was demanded, only as God had prospered
each one. As this was credited to them according to that which
they did not have, each one could give as much as anyone else.
This is the simple course which allows all to freely express their
feeling of thankfulness to God. The same principle is apparent in
another passage, where giving was according to how they thrived,
or even beyond, as the poor ecclesias of Macedonia, who had to
entreat Paul to take it from them (Acts 11:29)!
But a collection of this character is quite out of date
today. In those days the saints among the nations participated in
Israel's spiritual things, so were indebted to them. Hence
they ministered to the poor saints in Jerusalem (Rom.15:25). We
are not indebted to the Jews today for our spiritual riches,
especially not our celestial blessings. All these are ours direct
from God, as joint tenants, with equal rights and privileges. Now
Jewish saints are joint tenants of our spiritual allotment, so we
are not called upon to give them a special place in material
The grace of God was bestowed on the ecclesias of
in a special way. In a test of much affliction, the superabundance
of their joy and the corresponding depth of their poverty,
superabounded in the riches of their generosity, for, according to
their ability, and beyond their ability, of their own accord, with much
entreaty they
besought Paul for the grace and fellowship of the service for the
saints, and not according as Paul expected, but themselves they
gave first to the Lord, and to him through the will of God (2
Cor.8:2-5). After all, God is not so much interested in the
apparent amount of the gift as its comparative size, and the
extent in which it involves the giver. Because the widow's mite
represented her whole livelihood, it amounted to more than the
oblations of all the rest. God values the attitude of the heart,
not the size of the sum. He does not need aught but the response
of love.
It should be borne in mind that there was no such thing
the early days as a collection in a church, such as we know it.
Yet, in the collection that was made for the Jews there was much
which is helpful for us today, notably the spirit in which the
gifts were given. This is especially true of the passage in 2
Cor.9:6,7, which reads: "who is sowing sparingly, sparingly shall
be reaping also, and who is sowing bountifully, bountifully shall
he be reaping also, each according as he has proposed in his
heart, not sorrowfully, nor of compulsion, for the gleeful giver
is loved by God."
When Paul was in Corinth and in want, the brethren from
Macedonia supplied his needs (2 Cor.11:9). This shows us God's
method of sustaining His work, without giving it the taint of
commercialism. When anyone, like Paul, is doing a gratuitous work
in which others would like to have a part, not being able to do it
themselves, it is their privilege to aid him, by whatever means in
their power. This may look like hire from without, but it is
totally different in spirit, though few may be able to discern
this. Today there may be many circumstances which require the
cooperation of others, such as missionary work, but there should
never be a charge, or a request, or a "collection" from those who
are benefitted, lest it seem that God is selling His grace for sordid
gain (Titus
The Macedonians gave to Paul, who was giving
Is not this a good rule to follow? He doubtless applied their
gifts to his own needs, yet it enabled him to give all the more.
Thus this gracious spirit is preserved. They did not benefit,
neither did Paul. The Corinthians did. Yet they paid nothing.
This seems to be the ideal method of giving for those who cannot
take a public part in spreading the truth. Paul had answered the
Macedonian cry and helped them. They, in turn wish to help the
Corinthians, and do it through Paul. So today, those who are
helped should help their helper to help others.
As we have seen, the Macedonians participated with
Paul, as
he tells them in his epistle to the Philippians (Phil.4:15). This
same word occurs in Galatians 6:6 which now reads, "Now let him
who is being instructed in the word be contributing to him who
is instructing in all good things." Here English idiom seems to
demand the word contributing, which might be construed as
giving to him, instead of sharing or participating with him in
his work of teaching others. The Philippians did not "contribute"
to Paul as payment for teaching them, but participated with him
in teaching the Corinthians, who evidently did not contribute
To test this matter we give all the pertinent passages,
that the reader, by actual trial will see that contribute to
does not give the correct sense.
We are to participate with teachers, in their
others, not to pay them for instructing us, but to help them to
teach others without charge, as Paul did. We will correct the
Concordant Version accordingly in the next edition. It was
impossible for us to escape the influence of the customs of
Christendom in this case, but we are eager to correct any such aberrations
when we discover
Rom. 12:13 participating in (filling) the needs of
Rom. 15:27 if the nations participate in their spiritual
1 Tim. 5:22 nor yet be participating in the sins of others.
Heb. 2:14 the little children have participated in blood
1 Peter 4:13 you are participating in the sufferings of Christ
2 John 1:11 participating in his wicked acts.
Gal. 6: 6 Let him who is being instructed in the Word be
participating with him who is instructing, in all
good things. (CV Revised text)
Today, of course, it would be considered very wrong,
anyone has spent years in a theological institution in order to
learn the preaching profession, to require him to serve for
nothing. We are not asking anyone to do this. Nor are we asking
anyone to do right. We are beseeching all to be gracious. The
Adversary has made it so that almost all who professionally preach
the evangel are forced to accept hire for their efforts. They have
our profound sympathy. Even should they insist on the absolute
graciousness of the evangel, their acts speak louder than their
words, and deny this, and thus they hinder the reception of the
conciliation. That is why this precious truth has become an
enigma to Christendom today.
Negatively, we should not support any institution which
not recognized in the Scriptures. It cannot help being like a
Bible School which wished to indicate that it was founded on the
Bible. So it was pictured by a big building built on a closed
Bible. But alas! the building was so big that the Bible could not
be opened! So with most theological institutions, especially if
they train their students not to give out the evangel gratis.
But, you say, must preachers and teachers not be trained before
they can fulfill their function? They should know the evangel and
as much else of the Scriptures as possible. But how few of these
schools teach even the leading elements of the evangel,
justification and reconciliation! Yet thousands have learned of these
truths without entering an
institution of learning. They are far more fitted to make it known
than a professional, whose training hinders him from accepting the
We have been asked to start a school, to prepare
preachers to
proclaim the true evangel. But this not only has no example in the
Scriptures, but involves an unnecessary expense. A true
evangelist, called by God, can learn the truth from the Version,
along with written expositions. Instead of a school, we provide
our friends with a concordant version, which is the best text
book, without a theological veil, so that the truth can be seen
and understood. And it provides teaching by means of printed notes
and expositions which help the reader to understand what is
written, including this and other subjects which are usually
overlooked elsewhere.
Dear old Dr. William H. Walker used to thank God for
what he
called "paper ministry," that is, the use of the printed page in
place of preaching by word of mouth. An audience was usually
confined to those in one place, within hearing distance of the
speaker. This limited its scope. The printed page may be spread
world-wide. In these last days it may seem almost a hopeless task
to reach very many with the ministry confided to us. The number of
believers is limited, and the number who are open to further light
or who are mature enough to enjoy the transcendent truths which we
teach is comparatively small, and they are scattered all over the
world. Yet it is not nearly so seemingly hopeless as Paul in a
Roman prison, seeking to make known the transcendent truth for
today with nothing but a pen and a few parchments.
It is a striking circumstance that the special truth
today was never preached by Paul. It was made known by letters.
So, also, the revival of this truth today is spread mostly by the written
and printed word. Long experience
has shown that this is by far the most fruitful and inexpensive
way of reaching those whom the Lord has prepared to receive it. In
some lands, where printing and even mimeographing is forbidden,
our friends still send out hand-written articles, and those who
receive them must make a written copy for themselves, then pass it
on to others! Yet they value the truth all the more. Those among
them who are clerics are not allowed to spread them.
From the beginning we realized that, if we were to
reach any
considerable number, it could be done only with the printed page,
by free tracts and publications, and the cooperation of those who,
like ourselves, wished to give gratuitously. Therefore we not only
give freely as much as we are prospered, but seek to enable our
friends to do the same by publishing for them the literature that
they need. Few of them are able to spread the truth by speaking,
but nearly all can use the printed word. Thus we really enable
many evangelists and teachers, who otherwise could have little
opportunity to exercise their office of ambassador or teacher, to
fulfill the service to which they are called.
There are some unavoidable expenses in connection with
ministry," which only a rich man could normally overcome, that is,
the cost of publishing and postage. Of course, even an oral
ministry usually has expenses, such as the rent of an auditorium,
and this is usually provided by others who are in sympathy. But
the cost of printed matter is too great for an ordinary workman to
provide. So we have sought to preserve the gracious spirit by
giving to those who cannot pay, when possible, and by enlarging
our work into a non-profit "Concern," in which others share the
necessary expenses with us. So it is possible to expand without
The postage, also, is an unavoidable expense. It would
be much higher if the magazine were not listed as second-class matter. To
do this, however, we must have a subscription price. But this is so low
that few cannot pay it, and to them it is sent gratis.
As the work grew, and it became impossible to get the
difficult type-work done, we did some of it ourselves at half
price. Then the office work demanded full time, so that it is now
on a salary. As the Hebrew version cannot well be done by others,
we have bought a machine and hope to do our type setting better
and more economically ourselves. In this way the Concern seeks to
get the most out of the funds confided to it, and enables its
supporters and others to preach on paper without pay.
The literary and translation work, however, we hope to
gratuitous, though, at times it seems beyond our powers. But God
has always intervened hitherto, and marvelously blessed our little
store, so that we have had enough, and could even share with
others in distress. But the enormous labor and time spent in
making concordances and indexes, and checking the version was
done, and is still being done, by a number of faithful, tireless
associates, whose names are unknown and whose "salary" waits until
that day when we all will receive a reward according to the
graciousness and selflessness of our service for Him.
We hope our readers will realize and appreciate the
that, even if they pay for our literature, especially the version
and related books, the price, as a rule, does not cover the cost
of publishing and distributing, because our market is
comparatively limited. But the much greater effort devoted to
laborious research, etc., is given freely, as we are able,
"without money and without price." We, and our many associates and
helpers delight in giving gratuitously, and trust that those who
benefit by our labors will receive it in that spirit. We realize
that, if we preach grace, we must practice it, if we wish others
to receive it.
Now that we are about to publish parts of the Hebrew
Scriptures, it may lead to special financial strains. The price of
printing and binding is now so excessive that it would ordinarily
cost more than double what it formerly did. There is quite a
demand, which will help some. Yet we ask our friends to join us in
prayer, that we may be given the strength and the help and the
means to present the saints with a complete Concordant Version.
Beyond this there should be a Hebrew text (in Latin letters) with
sublinear, as well as concordances, as in the case of the Greek.
We can think of nothing of greater value to the saints of God,
than these aids to the knowledge of His inspired revelation.
The great truths which God has so lovingly confided to
which feature transcendent grace, demand a far more gracious
spirit and gratuitous method in making it known than any other of
God's dispensations. If the twelve apostles were told to give as
freely as they had received, surely we, who have obtained a much
greater grace, should excel them in this matter. Paul went even
further. He paid for the privilege in suffering and distress. The
tragic feature of this is that, if the message is not given
gratuitously, it loses its grace. Almost always, those who take
hire fall out of grace. Some merit is demanded of the recipient,
so that it loses its force and flavor. This has characterized the
course of Christendom. May God preserve us from it in the future!
Compared to the great religious groups and other
agencies in
the world today, our work is as nothing. They collect billions in
order to broadcast their dubious doctrines, and support vast
organizations to spread much error and confusion, along with the
measure of truth which all possess. But we seek, in our minute
measure, to enhance the spiritual value of the sums confided to
us, by using them to make known the transcendent grace with
which we are blessed. This, we feel sure, multiplies their value
many times.
Paul kept the faith (2 Tim.4:7). That was much easier
him, in some ways, than it is for us today, for he had it given to
him from above, while we had to begin with much error, which we
had to discard. He used the language of inspiration. We had to use
translations, and most of these are already far from the faith on
vital themes. When we seek to make one to conform to the faith,
the clergy and laity of Christendom, even though split into so
many conflicting sects, are almost unanimous in rejecting and
denouncing it, for, in most cases, their very livelihood depends
on preserving error. Gracious giving might have hindered, or even
healed this disastrous development in Christendom, and seems the
only practical preventive and means of recovery. Only so can the
motive be unmixed with selfish interests.
We are well aware how unacceptable this course is, and
contrary to the trend of the times. Nevertheless, we pray that our
friends will be given grace and strength to stem the tide of
popular opinion, and stand with us in our efforts, not only to
recover and reveal the gratuitous grace of God, but to
practice it in our lives and in our service for Him. Has not God
graced us with a greater measure of His light in order that we may
share it with others? Is it not only our duty, but our privilege,
to make it known in such a way as accords with its character? Only
thus can we hope to give God the greatest glory, and gain the
praise of our Lord at the dais of Christ. Oh! that God would give
us men who will give out God's grace gratuitously!