THE EXPRESSION "immortal soul" flatly contradicts
another popular
saying "The soul that sinneth, it shall die." Both cannot be
true. In the original there are other passages which confirm the
latter. Twice a dead soul is spoken of, but in both cases the
Authorized Version has altered it to "dead body" (Num.8:6;
Haggai 2:13). Now where does God ever speak of the soul as being
immortal? On the contrary, He distinctly denies immortality to all
except Christ, now that He has been vivified, and is beyond the
reach of death (1 Tim.6:15,16). The doctrine of the soul's
immortality is the false foundation of our creeds. Though
definitely denied by the Scriptures, it continues to be the basis
on which Christianity rests. As a result the facts as to the human
soul and spirit are practically unknown, and resurrection, rousing
and vivification, which are vital to God's truth, are almost
Theology is thoroughly mistaken as to every aspect of
sin. It
fails to see that sin is a falling short. It ascribes it to an
evil "principle," instead of a lack of spirit. It transmits death
through sin instead of sin through death. It refuses to
acknowledge that Christ can cope with sin through His sacrifice.
It makes it eternal instead of limiting it to the eons. It makes
it an unwanted intruder into God's plans instead of a means to
accomplish His purpose. It seeks to show that Satan originated it,
and so robs God of His deity. It seats sin in human nature instead of in
the flesh. Now we wish to show
that theology is astray as to sin's entrance also. From this it
would almost seem that theology is the greatest sinner of them
To understand why it was that Eve could not resist the
prompting of the flesh, we may consider the same situation under
the law. God's instructions to the first pair proved to be
impotent, just as the law later was weak through the flesh,
(Rom.8:3). Even today there are many saints who strive to keep
the law (which itself is a serious sin), but they find that the
flesh foils their efforts (Rom.7). Even those who are delivered
from the bondage of the law still find a conflict, in which the
flesh lusts against the spirit (Gal.5:17). Crucifixion, not
salvation, is the fitting fate for the flesh (Gal.5:24). It
betrayed Eve, it destroyed Israel, it is the weakness and the woe
of humanity.
That theological stand-by, the "fall," is a term
never used
in this connection in the Scriptures, hence I have been suspicious
of it, knowing that such words often cover a mass of ignorance,
and hinder an approach to the truth. Besides, it is one of those
traps which are baited with enough Scripture to snare the seeker
after truth. If I had come right out and said that I did not
believe in the "fall," the statement would have created a false
impression, as if I did not accept what the Scriptures say with
reference to the offense of Adam, which opened up the way for sin
and death to all his descendents. As a fact, I did believe what
they say, but not what theology has to say regarding a "fall,"
of which God's Word does not speak. The term was invented in order
to relieve God of the responsibility of Adam's action, and so
block the way to the truth, that, ultimately, all is out of God.
The idea which the "fall" is supposed to convey is
something like this: God made all things perfect and never
intended that Adam should transgress. He wanted Adam to enjoy a
sinless, happy existence in paradise for all eternity. But,
somehow, without God having anything to do with it, and without
His fault, Adam spoiled His whole plan by eating an apple which He
did not want him to eat. Apples are generally a healthful fruit. I
usually eat one early in the morning, with no ill effects, but,
somehow, it turned Adam and Eve into sinners beyond reclaim,
except for who are rescued through the death of Christ by faith.
We dare not speak of this as due to a mistake on God's part, so we
shove it off His shoulders to those of Adam, who passed on the
blame to Eve, who, in turn, passed it on to the serpent. To show
that we think it was really due to something like an accident on
the part of our first parents, we call it the "fall."
Few think deeply enough to ask, Why did Adam fall?
Why did
not God make him so that he could not disobey? God can do this,
and has done it in the case of Christ, and will do it for all His
saints in resurrection. Why did He plant a tree right in the
middle of Eden which could cause his fall, and then forbid him to
eat of it? Would it not have been much wiser and safer to root it
out altogether, and not allow a single tree of this kind anywhere
within his reach, not even outside of the garden? And why allow
the serpent access to Eve? Why create a serpent at all if that was
the kind of an animal it was? But, deeper still, what was there
in Adam and Eve which responded to the suggestion of the serpent,
and was tempted by the fruit of the tree? Is it not clear that,
before they sinned, there was something within them which
yielded to the words of the serpent and caused them to eat of the
forbidden fruit? What was this? Scripture calls it the flesh.
Apart from the outward incentive to call forth the
of the flesh and cause it to step over the mark, all was very
good. In Eden, man's whole environment was calculated to meet his physical
desires. Nothing afflicted his
soul, and he knew no evil. It needed the suggestion of the serpent
to stir up the flesh in opposition to God. Evidently its
disposition even then, as now, was enmity to God, or Eve would
have resented the insinuations of the serpent. It did not have the
ability to please God. It was not subject to God's law
(Rom.8:7,8). These traits are not the result of mortality and
sin. They were inherent in human flesh, put there by the Creator,
for the same reason, that He planted the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil, and sent the serpent into the garden. If Adam had
been created immortal and sin-repellant, why plant the tree or
send the serpent? It was all a part of the same plan, and was
rooted deep in the heart of God, which craved the love and
adoration of sinners saved by grace.
Adam was mortal and depended on food and air for his
subsistence. Had these been withheld, he would have wasted away.
His life was contingent upon the continual renewal of his flesh by
the blood due to the vitality derived from the soil and
atmosphere, which, in turn, receive their vital virtues from the
sun. Hence he was by no means immortal. Shut off the air from his
lungs for a short time, and his spirit would have left him. Cut
off food from his stomach for a long period, and his soul would
have departed. Moreover, if he should breathe devitalized air, or
gas, or should eat a substance which would interfere with the
operation of his internal organs, such as we call poison, even if
he should not die at once, it would introduce a gradual decay
which would lead to death if no remedy were used to set matters
right again.
It was the flesh in Adam that was vulnerable. To us
flesh seems to be the substantial, permanent part of a human
being. On the contrary, it is merely an evanescent, vitalized form
of the ground on which we walk. The flesh of everyone changes
continuously, so that, literally, we
are not the same flesh that we were some time ago. The
self-consciousness, the so-called "personality," is not inherent
in the flesh at all. We certainly are the same person after having
lived half a century, but we may have had seven different fleshly
frames within that period. The figure "all flesh is grass" (1
Peter 1:24) expresses this most graphically. Most of us fail to
find the figure and simply take it that humanity is as grass,
and will pass away into oblivion. Not so. Only one feature of
mankind is as evanescent as that.
The flesh is that corruptible part of man, as he is
constituted, in the first creation, which brought in infirmity,
dishonor and death, and which continues to be the seat of sin. It
is in contrast to other elements in man, and in conflict with
them. Therefore we do not read that the corruption of all mankind
brought on the deluge, but that all flesh had corrupted its way
(Gen.6:12). Adam's life was limited because he also was flesh
(Gen.6:3). God did not destroy all animals, but all flesh
(Gen.6:17). It is startling and illuminating to read that, by
works of law, no flesh at all shall be justified, yet we
ourselves are justified by faith (Rom.3:20-24). Moreover, the
flesh may be exterminated, yet the spirit saved (1
Cor.5:5). No flesh shall glory (1 Cor.1:29), and what a
catalogue is given of the works of the flesh (Gal.5:19)! We
should always distinguish between the whole man and the flesh,
which is the knave, the rogue, the villain in the tragedy of
The important point to apprehend is that the flesh in
human pair, even before sin came in, was imbued with a leaning, a
tendency, a disposition, a predilection, a proclivity, a proneness
toward, a desire or lust for (1 John 2:16; 2 Peter 2:18)
soul-satisfaction and pleasure and soulish wisdom, that amounted
to a will (Eph.2:3; Rom.8:3), which was at enmity with God
(Rom.8:7), which made it sin's flesh (Rom.8:3), as well as man's. It is
usual to ascribe "innocence" to Adam and his wife.
This term is not used of them, and must be kept out of this
investigation, lest it lead us astray. The fact is that both Adam
and Eve are called flesh, and this figure, rather than the literal
body, or man, is used of him and the race thereafter in close
connection with corruption and death (compare Gen.2:23,24 with
So-called "Conditionalists" rightly claim that man is
mortal, and that there is no immortality except in Christ. But
the word "conditional" is not in the Scriptures, and is rather
indefinite. It seems to suggest that man must do his part in
securing life, so I have kept clear of it, although I was
convinced that man is not immortal and the only way he can receive
endless life is through Christ, not through Adam. I would prefer
to use the term as applied to Adam before he transgressed, and to
all who eat of the tree of life in the eons to come. Adam had
interminable life under certain conditions, so we may say that he
had "conditional" immortality. So long as he was supplied with the
necessary sustenance, ate nothing harmful, and was not destroyed
by violence, there is no question that he would continue to live
indefinitely. The same is true if he had been given access to the
tree of life. That would even counteract harmful food, such as he
had eaten. It gives "conditional" immortality.
The favorite lesson of a Sunday school superintendent
based on the following clever words, which were put on the
blackboard as he proceeded:
With this as a basis he would expatiate especially on
the vileness
of the "devil." As an aid to the memory it was good. As an
expression of Scripture it was bad, for it suggests that Satan is
the source of man's immoral sins. It calumniates the Adversary and
exculpates the flesh. Satan is not associated with the
unmentionable depravities of humanity. These arise out of his own
heart. They are resident in his flesh.
A simple and effective method of discovering the vast
difference between the works of the flesh and the efforts of the
Adversary is to study all the references to each in a concordance.
Then it will be seen that Satan does not tempt men to commit the
crimes we usually catalogue as immoral, while these are the
specialty of the flesh. In general we may classify the crimes
committed by or through Satan as spiritual. They are directed
against God and His great goal rather than concerned with the
corruption of man. Even when they affect the flesh, they aim at
the spirit.
Perhaps the most striking passage to show the
between Satan and the flesh is 1 Corinthians 5:1-5. Corinth seems
to have been a very immoral city. Even one of the saints there
sank below the level of that degenerate age, and Paul, though
absent, directs the ecclesia how to deal with the case. We might
imagine that he had fallen into the clutches of Satan, and that
the apostle would seek to deliver him from the power of the
Adversary. He does the very opposite! He is not snatched away
from Satan in order to be saved, but delivered to the Adversary in
order that his flesh may be exterminated. So it is that his
spirit was saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. Satan is a spirit
and is concerned with our spirits, not our flesh, except as it
reacts on the spirit.
Job's case is very clear on this point. Satan did not
him to engage in an orgy of immorality. He filled his flesh with
misery, so that Job should curse God and die (Job 2:9). The false
friends did not apprehend this fact. Even Job did not understand that the
real struggle was between God
and Satan. Only at the end did he grasp the great truth that
Satan's attack on his flesh was used by God for his highest
spiritual benefit. It is thus that the Adversary fulfills his
mission. It is his job to see that man is tried and tested, not,
indeed, to prove his power, but to demonstrate his impotence.
When our Lord was tried by the Adversary, again it was
attack on His spiritual relationship to God, rather than any
enticement to moral delinquency, and our Lord countered it
accordingly. After having fasted for days, what crime could there
be in turning stones into bread to assuage His hunger? Is not this
miracle only the acceleration of the usual process of nature?
Stone is weathered by the sun and air, and turned into soil.
Plants reach down and take from it the substance and vitality
which, in turn, is stored up in the grain. This is ground and
kneaded and baked into bread for human consumption. He Who does
this in the course of eons can do it in a second. In its place it
is eminently right and commendable. Probably we shall experience
an even greater miracle constantly in the glorious bodies which
will be ours when vivified. Perhaps we will live directly on the
sunlight which turns the stone into bread (Matt.4:1-4).
But the error here is fundamental. All life is sourced
God and it is not right to use His sustaining forces apart from
His direction. Man, as he is now constituted, must, indeed, live
on food which once was a stone, but not on that alone. He must
eat in accord with the word of the God Who created the food, and
Who sustains the eater. At present man is not constituted to eat
stones, for God wishes him to experience the evil connected with
the production of his food. There must be toil and trial and tears
in order to put him in his proper place before His Creator, and
the Model Man is not going to evade these because He has the power
to do so. He was still on the way to the cross, which must precede
the path to the crown. Satan's object was not to make Him a glutton or a
winebibber, as His human enemies called Him on a later occasion,
but to draw Him away from absolute dependence on the word of the
living God.
The cleverness of the Adversary is evident in his next
proposition. Seeing that Christ is determined to be guided by the
Scriptures, he quotes a passage to show that his request is in
accord with what is written. He takes our Lord to that corner of
the temple area which is built up high above the Kidron valley. I
have stood upon the wall at this point, but it made me dizzy to
look down. It certainly was not a temptation for my flesh to cast
myself down. Rather the opposite, for the flesh shrinks from the
possible suffering which would ensue if death were not
instantaneous. Yet He certainly had no need to be afraid. His
hour had not yet come. If He could walk on water, why not on air?
After His resurrection He went to a spot within sight of the
temple, on the other side of the Kidron, on the Mount of Olives,
and ascended to heights which dwarf the temple wall to
In the ninety-first (really the 85th) Psalm there are
precious promises to the one who trusts in Jehovah and makes Him
his refuge. Above all others, our Lord had a right to "claim the
promises by faith." How many of the Lord's dear people try to do
this today! How many are disappointed! How it has destroyed faith
in the word of God! How much hypocrisy it has engendered! If they
really believed this passage, many would take much pride in
displaying this faith by jumping down from all sorts of dangerous
places, in order to put God on trial, to see if He is true to His
word. But this is not faith, but the lack of it! It would be in
direct conflict with another Scripture which forbids such dealings
with the Deity. The Psalmist did not write concerning such a man.
The promises are for those who really trust, and do not need to
try to see if it is true. Such was the nature of Satan's trial.
It made no appeal to the passions.
In his third attempt to win worship from our Lord,
Satan is
largely on Scriptural ground, and much that he says is true. The
kingdoms of this world are in his hand, and he is able to give
them to the man who will worship him. On the other side, Christ is
entitled to this glory and will yet take His place at the head of
the nations. Nevertheless our Lord indignantly spurned the offer,
and bade Satan go hence, because he had claimed the worship that
belongs to God alone and to those who represent Him.
The spiritual character of these trials should help us
understand that the mission of Satan is not in the realm of flesh,
but of spirit. He is opposed to faith in God, even when he
artfully suggests that we put God on trial or when he produces
Scripture for his suggestions and demands. Few saints, alas! are
able to counter with Scripture as our Lord did, because they do
not intelligently apprehend the role in which Satan has been cast
by God, and confuse it with that of a mythical "devil" who
inflames the flesh and leads men to vile and vicious deeds. Only
indirectly, as in the case of Adam, does the Adversary influence
mankind in the direction of immorality, that is by leading him
into opposition to God's will, and thus away from his conditional
Satan sowed the darnel or "tares" among the disciples
of the
kingdom. This figure is most suggestive. An immoral man could
hardly qualify, for the point lies in the outward likeness of
the two plants. Immorality cannot well be disguised sufficiently
to fulfill the figure. On the contrary, as the disciples would be
moral and upright, it would be such characters who could keep a
place among them without detection (Matt.13:19).
Judas was an acknowledged apostle of our Lord for
years. No
one could have occupied such a public position for long if he had
even a taint of immorality about him. Yet he is characterized by
the same title as the Adversary (John 6:70).
It was the self-righteous Jews whom our Lord
as the offspring of the Adversary (John 8:44). Such a sinister
name was never given by Him to tax gatherers and sinners. He
showed the sincerest sympathy for those whose flesh had led them
into sin, but utmost harshness clothed His dealings with those who
were under the guidance of Satan. This is reversed today. The
minister in the pulpit may be far more deserving of condemnation
than a gutter bum, yet we applaud the one and abhor the other.
Surely God's thoughts are not ours and His ways are not our ways!
That mankind is incurably opposed to God, even without
Satan's temptations, is fully demonstrated by the thousand years
during which the Adversary will be bound. Such a long period of
probation, under the beneficent rule of Israel, in whose hearts
God's law has found a place, during which there will be physical
blessings such as this earth has not yet seen, ought to cure
mankind of their enmity toward God. Instead of that, it flashes
into a flame as soon as Satan reappears.
Satan, as well as man, fails because of the infirmity
man's flesh. He seeks to serve man, and is on the side of reform
and world betterment - apart from God. He has most cleverly
deceived Christendom, even as he deluded Eve, so that it now is
well organized to further his schemes for a better world, without
acknowledging the sovereignty of Israel's Messiah.