INTRODUCTION (1:1-3) The Swift Unveiling of Jesus Christ. Blessing on the Reader, Hearer and Keeper. |
| | | | MESSAGES TO THE ECCLESIAS (1:4-3:22) Reward according to acts (2:23, etc.) | | | | THE THRONE (4:1-11:18) The Political Deliverance of the Earth. Preparatory Vision: The Throne, the Scroll and the Lambkin (4:1-5:14). THE SEVEN SEALS restore Earth's Sovereignty to God. The Four Horses (Providential): Distant Conquest, War, Famine, Pestilence (6:1-8). The Saints Slain. The Great Convulsion. (6:9-17) Preparatory Vision: The 144,000 and the Vast Crowd (7:1-17) THE SEVEN TRUMPETS The First Four The Land, the Sea, the Waters, the Sun (8:7-12) The Three Woe Trumpets, the Abyss, the Euphrates Preparatory Vision: The Messenger and the Open Scroll (10:1-3) THE SEVEN THUNDERS The Little Scroll Eaten The Temple Measured. The Two Witnesses (11:1-14) The Seventh Trumpet (11:15-18). | | | | | THE TEMPLE (11:19-20:15) The Religious Deliverance of the Earth The Ark of the Covenant in View (Faithful Israel Redeemed 11:19). The Star-Crowned Woman and her Male Son (12:1-2,5-6,14-16). The Dragon and his Messengers (12:3-4,7-12,17). The Wild Beast and his Prophet (13). The 144,000 and the Blessed Dead (14:1-13). The Harvest, blessing (14:14-16) The Vintage, judgment (14:17-20) The Tabernacle of the Testimony in View (Apostate Israel Destroyed). THE SEVEN BOWLS The Unfaithful Woman (17:1-6) The Scarlet Wild Beast (17:7-11) The Ten Horns (17:12-13) Great Babylon (18-19:5) The Marriage of the Lambkin, blessing (19:6-10). God's Great Dinner, judgment (19:11-21). Satan Bound: The Millennium (20:1-4). The Former Redurrection: Judgment of Saints (20:5-6). Satan Loosed: The Brief Era of War (20:7-10). The Latter Resurrection: Judgment of Sinners (20:11-15). | | | | | | | | | | THE TEMPLE (21:1-27) The Lord God Almighty and the Lambkin (21:23) The Holy Jerusalem Descends from Heaven. | | THE THRONE (22:1-5) The River of Life (not lightning and thunder) Issues out of the Throne bringing Blessings (not wrath). | | MESSAGES TO THE ECCLESIAS (22:6-17) Pay according to work (22:12) | CONCLUSION (22:18-21) Curse on him who Adds or Subtracts from this Scroll. The Swift Coming of the Lord Jesus.