How can we know that we are blinded by error? One of the best
tests is to mark our reaction to those passages of Scripture which seem to need
modification, which, we think, cannot mean just what they say.
My attention has been called to a remarkable example of this. Dr. E. W. Bullinger
was one of the most open-minded of men and, at the same time one who insisted as few
others on the literal acceptance of God's words. Yet, I am told, all through his comments
he modified those expressions which make God a party to evil.
For instance, in Isaiah 63:17 we read "O Lord, why hast Thou made us to err
from Thy ways and hardened our heart from Thy fear?" (A.V.). His comment is:
"made us=suffered us," and "hardened=let us harden." Now there is
absolutely nothing in the Hebrew text to distinguish these words as he suggests. It is
simply the reaction of his unbelief.
The same is seen when others come to the word all. So long
as there seem to be such passages in the Scriptures, we may be certain that there is a
lack in our faith, not in the sacred volume. It is remarkable, moreover, how godly and
intelligent men face these passages all their lives and calmly ignore or
"explain" them, not seeing them as warning signals, warning of unbelief.
How many glibly say, "Oh yes, I believe that all is of God." But the
moment their belief is tested it falls back on "common sense," or it brings up
some other passage which is supposed to contradict it. Just here we implore our readers to
be rigidly honest with themselves and, first of all, acknowledge that they do not believe,
in case its simple meaning is not acceptable. Only then will it be possible for God to
open their eyes to His deity and to the prevailing unbelief, which is shared by the
enlightened saint as well as the blatant infidel.