HUMAN TIES exist in order to reveal the bonds that bind
us to God. Creation and birth, slavery and sonship, marriage and divorce,
are all used as shadowgraphs or illustrations of God's relation to the
human race. These stations in life help us to realize our relationship to
God. They are of great value also in regulating our conduct so as to
please Him. We are not only connected to the rest of creation, but also to
the Creator. Today the saints are the beloved children and chosen sons of
God, our Father. Israel was the wife of Jehovah, was divorced, and will
yet return to Him as the bride of the Lambkin. His doings reflect their
light upon our earthly relationships, which are regulated and varied, so
as to reveal His heart.
In our booklet "On Baptism" we have shown how doctrine varies to accord
with divine relationship. In this study we will seek to show that
conduct also differs to agree with God's attitude. This is clearly shown
in the matter of divorce, which changes its grounds in succeeding
administrations to accord with the character of God's dispensations. In
each case it harmonizes with the divine dealings. When hardhearted Israel,
enslaved under the bondage of the law, failed so fearfully in fulfilling
its conjugal duties as the wife of Jehovah, so that He was compelled to
divorce her, a man could send away his wife for any fleshly reason
(Deut.24:1-4; Matt.19:3-9). Our Lord, in his ministry to Israel, altered
this to correspond to His more merciful mission. The nation was forgiven
everything except unfaithfulness to God, and so a man could not put away
his wife except for this single cause. Under the more gracious ministry of
Paul a spiritual distinction is made between believers and unbelievers. As
no separation is possible between the saint and God, so there is none
between a man and his believing wife. But, as there is no close union
between God and an unbeliever, the bond between a saint and a sinner may
be broken by the latter, since no bond binds him to God.
Moses could issue the challenge: "What great nation is
there that has God near to it as Jehovah, our God, in all that we call to
Him? And what great nation is there that has statutes and judgments as
just as all these laws which I set before you this day?" And we must agree
that, in the main, the Mosaic law is the most just that has ever been
given. But there are parts of it which do not appear so to the unspiritual
mind, and one of these is the law concerning divorce (Deut.24:1-4). It
seems one-sided. The man has all the rights, the woman all the wrongs.
There was no provision that, if she should be unfavorably impressed by
his physical imperfections, she could get rid of him! Neither was there
any mediator between them. The man was constituted judge, jury, and
witnesses. He could easily become a tyrant with so much power, as the
woman had no right of appeal. How shall we discover the justice of this
There can be no question that the grounds laid down for divorce by Moses
were changed by our Lord. It was not, indeed, that the law allowed a
divorce for every, or any, cause, as the Pharisees put it, but only
because of some "nakedness," as the Hebrew idiom has it, probably some
physical defect not visible when clothed. The Greek version used by our
Lord and His hearers has the word "indecency" here. This the hard-hearted
law breakers made a pretext, so that they could get a "legal" divorce for
any cause. But what was the real, spiritual ground for granting this
concession? Was it not because, at that time, they were under the law, in
the flesh? A physical defect in a wife would correspond to sin in Israel.
God was demanding perfection in the flesh, and put Israel away because
they did not come up to His standard, as well as for leaning on other
lovers. Only the man could divorce. The wife had no such privilege. This
seems unjust until we see that the man represents Jehovah, and the woman
His erring people.
Only in the high court of Jehovah will we be able to see the transcendent
righteousness of this procedure. We are concerned primarily with the
welfare and happiness of husband and wife during their sojourn on earth.
If we had our way we would give them a free ticket to heaven immediately.
That is a false mirage. It is not God's object during the wicked eons. As
a divine institution, marriage is a medium by which God reveals Himself.
The nation of Israel, under the very law in which we find this statute,
was related to Jehovah as a wife to her possessor. The man had to picture
the place of Jehovah. The legal contract was with Israel in the flesh,
and it demanded perfection in the flesh. Hence it was that a woman could
not cover up any physical defect without invalidating the contract, any
more than Israel could fail in the flesh and still remain in the house of
In those days a man did not get to see his wife until the marriage veil
was lifted after the wedding ceremonies. So it was that Jehovah gradually
lifted the veil from Israel and revealed what she really was in the flesh.
That is the burden of the Hebrew Scriptures. In the wilderness and in the
land, under the judges and under the kings, by means of priests and
prophets, we behold the corrupt flesh of the chosen nation, and do not
wonder that Jehovah would not have her. Surely no one could insist that He
keep her in his house forever! Therefore it is that, at the conclusion of
this long period of unveiling, Isaiah (50:1) asks: "Where is the scroll
of divorce of your mother, with which I sent her away?" This seems to have
been for Israel's sins, her physical defects, as it were. But Jeremiah
(3:8) cites another cause why Israel (the ten tribes) were cast off, that
is, unfaithfulness.
Perhaps we can see the justice of this procedure more easily if we
consider the case of Jacob. He was brought to Leah and was deceived. So
the sons of Israel pretended to be and do all that Jehovah demanded. It
took centuries to unmask the nation, before Jehovah divorced her. The law
of divorce portrays this situation. The nation was taught, not only by
precept, but by continually recurring examples, that Jehovah would break
His covenant if they did not keep the law.
The custom of marrying sight unseen seems to be practiced still in some
parts of the Orient. I met a man in Jerusalem whose home was in Egypt. He
told us that it was far safer to buy a slave than to marry a wife. He had
arranged for a wife once, and she turned out to be old and ugly, so he
divorced her. I saw many veiled women in Palestine. At first I thought it
a pity that their features should be hid from view. But later I changed my
mind. By some inadvertence, on several occasions, the veil was thrust
aside and I got a glimpse of the face beneath. I can only say that they
looked much better veiled than otherwise! And so it was with Israel. The
exposure that we have of them in God's Word has not enamored us. Israel in
the flesh, under the law, was no pleasant sight for Jehovah!
A woman, divorced under Moses' law could, after another marriage, never go
back to her first possessor. This, again, seems hard to reconcile with
modern brands of justice. But when we see its spiritual counterpart, then
it is understandable and imperative. Israel has failed under the first
covenant and can never be under it again. Only the election in it who
sought shelter under sacrifice, and was true to Him, will be included in
that newborn nation that will make the new covenant. Jeremiah (3:1)
refers to this prohibition, yet Jehovah invites them to return to Him. The
reason given is not the law, but Jehovah's kindness. Again Jeremiah
(3:14) says: "Return, sons of backslidings, avers Jehovah, for I possess
you, and I will take you, one of a city, and two of a family, and I will
bring you to Zion." An election shall return to Him. Is not this a
foretaste of the ministry of our Lord?
Changed spiritual conditions led our Lord to alter the
grounds of divorce in His day. He said, "Now it was declared: whoever
should be dismissing his wife, let him give her a divorce. Yet I am saying
to you that everyone dismissing his wife (outside of a case of
prostitution) is making her commit adultery, and whosoever should be
marrying her who has been dismissed is committing adultery."
When our Lord came, He made it very clear that He had not come to
demolish the law or the prophets, but to fulfill them. He declared
that not one iota or one serif should pass from the law till all should be
occurring (Matt.5:17). Yet it is evident that He did not mean by this
that it all continued in force. He set a limit when He said that the
prophets and the law prophesy till John the baptist (Matt.11:13).
Moreover, in His Kingdom code, He has no hesitancy in altering the law of
Moses! So that there should be no doubt about this, He actually quotes
Moses and makes a new and different statute. This is very striking, and
certainly shows that one cannot use the law for a rule of life, without
qualification. In the question of divorce we are certainly through with
it. Now that we know the fact, the question arises, Why did He change
the law?
Once again, the key lies concealed in Jehovah's new relationship to
Israel. The coming of Christ introduced a vast change. The law through
Moses was given, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. The law
had revealed Israel's unfitness in the flesh, so they were divorced. That
lesson had been thoroughly demonstrated. The law seemed to carry the
implications that they could keep it. Christ came because they could
not keep it. He did not try to get them to obey, because they had shown
that they would not. This proved the need of a Saviour. He did not
herald law, but repentance, and He gave Himself as their Sacrifice. God's
relation to Israel changed. They had been divorced. They could not return
under law. But they could become His again under a new covenant, calling
for faithfulness to Him. That is why the conditions of divorce were
altered by our Lord. The old would be misleading, as Jehovah is through
with the old contract, and wants to make an entirely different one, in
which the flesh is no longer the determining factor.
But, even in His declaration on this subject, there is a startling
difference between the accounts in Matthew and those in Mark and Luke
(Matt.5:32; 19:9; Mark 10:2-12; Luke 16:18). In both passages in Matthew,
unfaithfulness is given as the one exception, the only ground on which a
divorce is possible. Yet in Mark and Luke no exception whatever is made.
Why is this? In Mark it seems almost as if our Lord contradicts His own
utterances in Matthew. He explains that Moses allowed divorce because of
their hardheartedness, which was not only true of them individually, but
of the law which they represented. Then He goes back to the original
institution of marriage and shows that God made of them one flesh, and
enjoins them not to separate what God has joined. It is not necessary to
"reconcile" these apparent "discrepancies." We need only examine their
spiritual background, and then we will see that both fit in their own
particular sphere.
Matthew differs from the other accounts of our Lord's life in many
matters. It has caused much confusion when Matthew is combined with the
others, or even if it is used to check them. It can only be understood by
itself, in the light of its special character. Most of us have heard that
it portrays the King, while Mark shows us the Servant, Luke the Man, and
John God's Son. But how little have we profited by it! All is
characterized and colored by the Kingdom in Matthew. It cannot be
understood in any other light. It continues the testimony of the prophets
concerning Israel's dominion in the earth. Even as Christ is the King, so
the outlook is predominantly national, rather than individual. This we
have shown elsewhere, so need not go into details. It alone will explain
the difference in the grounds for divorce.
Israel was still unfaithful as a nation, and divorced from Jehovah on
account of it. This cannot be changed, nationally, notwithstanding the
mission of Messiah, until the kingdom is taken away from them, and given
to a nation, producing its fruits (Matt.21:43). As a nation, the Jews
of our Lord's day will have no part in that coming kingdom and the new
covenant, when Israel becomes the bride of the Lambkin. Only for
individuals is this done away, for these disciples were not unfaithful.
So, to the unbelieving nation divorce is allowed, for it pictures their
own relationship to Jehovah. But to the individual disciple, who is not
cast out by Jehovah, but who is joined to Him through Jesus, the Christ,
there is nothing said as to divorce on the grounds of unfaithfulness.
Let anyone compare our Lord's words in Matthew with the eighth chapter of
John's account. Once more we have the Pharisees, who thought they kept the
law, and wanted to use it to destroy a fellow sinner. They bring to Him an
unfaithful woman, hoping to show that He opposed the law which demanded
her death. Under Moses she was doomed. Even now, had He assumed His place
as the Son of David, the King, He would have allowed her to be stoned. The
Pharisees did not realize that they were guilty of this very sin in
God's sight, and that they were doomed not to enter the kingdom because
of their unfaithfulness. The woman was saved because He dealt with her
as Jehovah, the Saviour, and she acknowledged her guilt, recognizing Him
as her Lord. He did not reject the law. All he asked was that the first
stone be flung by a sinless one. So the Pharisees condemned themselves.
We must differentiate between Matthew's presentations and the rest. In
fact, we must keep each account of Messiah's ministry separate, and seek
to understand it in the light of its own characterization of our Lord, and
of the accompanying conditions. What, at first sight, may seem to be
contradictions will turn out to be local coloring, appropriate to the
peculiar circumstances. Once we see it, there is a fine harmony in
allowing the hardhearted Pharisees and the unforgiven and unforgiving bulk
of the nation to go on divorcing their unfaithful wives, seeing that
Jehovah was doing this to them, and, at the same time, teaching His
individual disciples, who themselves had been taken back into God's house,
because their sins were forgiven, to treat their wives as Jehovah had
dealt with them. Where there is so great a difference, there should not be
uniformity, but discrimination. Let us never read anything from one
account of our Lord's life into another. The resulting composite will not
help, but hinder.
The complex position of our Lord's real disciples, who also belonged to
the unfaithful nation, may be illustrated by the course of Caleb and
Joshua. They alone, of all Israel, it would seem, had faith in God to
enter the promised land. Did Jehovah immediately send them in? They
deserved to go. But no, as a part of the faithless nation, they must share
the wilderness wanderings. For thirty-eight long years they had to wait
before their entry into the land. But they did not fall in the wilderness,
as all the rest of their contemporaries, and they did enter when the
Jordan was crossed. Such will be the lot of our Lord's disciples. Even
those who died will enter by resurrection when the Kingdom comes, whereas
the rest will not enjoy it at all. The false disciples are to be reckoned
with the unfaithful nation.
Differentiation is still more important between our
Lord's ministry to the nation of Israel, including His Jewish disciples,
and Paul's mission to the other nations after his separation. In his
epistles we have a body of truth resting upon the repudiation of Israel,
according to the flesh, and basing relationship to God entirely upon
spirit. In it we find the nations brought into much closer and more
permanent union with God than ever was the case in Israel. Husbands are
exhorted to love their wives as their own bodies, because the present
ecclesia is not represented as the wife or bride of Christ, but as His
body. Who would ever think of divorcing his own body (Eph.5:25-29)? In
Paul's perfection epistles, divorce is outside the orbit of truth.
Before the full force of the favor which is ours in Christ Jesus was
revealed in Paul's later epistles, the whole question of the married state
was briefly touched upon in the first letter to the Corinthians. In
contrast to previous revelations, and to be kept entirely distinct from
them, husband and wife are put on an equal footing (1 Cor.7:2-7). There
is now no further need to give the man a place corresponding to Jehovah,
and the wife to Israel, for these are temporarily out of the picture. As
far as the flesh is concerned, all reverts to the original state when both
were created, plus much loving consideration of each for the other.
The position of a married couple, both saints, in this day is positively
and fully stated in one brief paragraph as follows (1 Cor.7:10,11): "Now
to the married I am charging, not I, but the Lord: A wife is not to be
separated from her husband. Yet if she should be separated also, let her
remain unmarried or be conciliated to her husband. And a husband is not to
leave a wife."
This is not only the will of the Lord, but it is in fullest harmony with
our relationship to God. Nothing can separate us from Him or Him from us,
and there is no other bond possible. Just as God will never leave us, so
we must not leave each other. Conciliation should reign. Divorce is simply
out of the question.
When one is an unbeliever, Paul says (1 Cor.7:12-15):
Now to the rest am I speaking, not the Lord. If any brother has an
unbelieving wife, and she approves of making a home with him, let him not
leave her. And a wife who has an unbelieving husband, and he approves of
making a home with her, let her not leave the husband. For the unbelieving
husband is hallowed by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is hallowed by
the brother, else, consequently, your children are unclean. Yet now they
are holy. Yet if the unbeliever is separating, let them separate. A
brother or a sister is not enslaved in such a case.
When only one of a married couple is a believer, the matter is entirely
different. In Israel it was a physical defect that was a ground of
separation, because they were God's chosen people according to the
flesh. But the saints today are not united to God by fleshly bonds, even
if they belong to the Circumcision, hence divorce is not based upon the
physical, but the spiritual. Moreover, the saints should never seek
separation. Rather, they should endeavor to win the unbeliever. Only the
unbeliever may separate and leave, which is practically a divorce, and may
be legalized as such. This sets the believer entirely free. The bonds are
broken, but in such a way that no dishonor comes upon the name of God, or
upon His saints.
The law is spiritual (Rom.7:14). Its enactments are adjusted to a divine
standard of righteousness, far beyond human ideas of justice and equality.
But it was only a temporary expedient, whose purpose was accomplished
before the advent of the Saviour. Hence He readjusted the law to accord
with new conditions in Israel and among His disciples. The nations never
were under law (Rom.2:14), and are not put under law, but under grace
(Rom.6:14). Hence there must be another, more radical revision of the
rules of behaviour. Conduct that pleases God varies to accord with the
mutual relationship between Him and His creatures. That which is right
under law may be abhorrent under grace.
Under the law there were two grounds for divorce: physical imperfection
and unfaithfulness. This was reduced to one under the ministry of Christ
to Israel in the flesh. And it was changed to none for those who became
united to Him in spirit. Corresponding to this, in Paul's ministry there
is one, in the case of an unbeliever, but none for the saints. It all
depends on relationship to God. His plans and purposes are the arbiters.
If we do not see how He has changed in His dealings with mankind, then it
will be impossible to really understand divorce or any other divine
regulation for our conduct in this era of transcendent grace, and we will
continue to grovel in the outdated enactments which were given to expose
human depravity.
In the great social movements of the present day we have glaring examples
of the effect of godlessness on the institution of marriage. Whole nations
have been plunged into moral cesspools by their failure to recognize God
as God. There are places in the United States in which the number of
applications for divorce exceed those for marriage. Is this one of the
great "social gains" on which the country prides itself? Rather it is the
just retribution for the rejection of God, which will nullify all the
devices men are inventing in order to find satisfaction and pleasure while
divorced from the Deity. Not being united to God, the unbeliever is
subject to the lax laws of man, and suffers all the baneful consequences
of his spiritual condition.
May his saints ever enjoy the near and dear place which is theirs in
Christ, and may they reflect His grace in their conduct, not only toward
their wives, but toward all others who are bound to them with spiritual
bonds, so gracious and so strong that nothing on earth or in heaven will
ever be able to destroy them.
These various and seemingly contradictory revelations as to divorce have
been the cause of much confusion because, instead of leaving each
regulation in its own proper place in accord with God's dealings at the
time, the saints have pitted them against one another, or mixed them into
an insoluble mess. When correctly partitioned they are clear and
illuminating. So is it with many other lines of truth. As God alters His
administrations, man must change his conduct to conform to them. We may
"obey the Bible" and live according to the law, or the sermon on the
mount, but we cannot do both at the same time, because they differ. We may
strive to conform to any era before Paul's transcendent revelations to the
nations, and still be far astray, though buttressed by the Bible. It is
only when we grasp the glorious grace revealed to the apostle of the
nations that we can understand God's different dealings at other times,
and enjoy the celestial spiritual blessings which belong exclusively to us
today. Only by raising the lowest and least to the highest and best can
God display the exceeding riches of His grace.
Many questions arise in our daily walk which cannot be settled by a
definite passage in God's Word. Then it is that we can obey Paul's
injunction, "become, then, imitators of God, as beloved children"
(Eph.5:1). If we are fully aware of God's present plan in this secret
administration of transcendent grace, we will never be at a loss for light
to guide our steps aright. Those who pick up a passage at random in any
part of the Bible will, alas, be led astray by the very torch in which
they trust. We should be so suffused with the spirit of God's present
operations that we intuitively act in harmony with them. This should show
the immense practical value of a clear and correct knowledge of present
truth. It is especially important to grasp the heights and depths of God's
grace, for it alone can give us the power to turn it into practice. May
we never appeal to a lower standard, as exhibited in other
administrations! May we always walk in accord with the greatest and
highest revelation of God's love, as it has been revealed to us only in
Paul's epistles to the nations! Only so can we please Him in our walk and
praise Him in our worship!