British Israel?

by André Piet
January 21st, 2013

In the previous blog I explained that since the days of King Cyrus the name "Jew" refers to all the heirs of the twelve tribes.


The ten tribes of Israel, who once were deported to Assyria, for the most part never returned to the country. Only a tiny remnant ("one of a city, two from a family," cf Jer.3:14) did return or kept their identity abroad. The others have assimilated themselves, that will say, they have mingled with the nations so as to disappear. They are, to speak with Ephesians 2:12, become "alienated from the citizenship of Israel." This last verse is an interesting indication that the Evangel was especially received by them. Not only by non-Jews, in general, but by those who by assimilation had become gentiles.

British Israel

The British-Israel doctrine asserts that the Word of grace especially came to the people who, thanks to their Israelite ancestry, could claim to have a right to it. But this conflicts with everything that grace stands for! Grace is bestowed precisely there, where all rights to it are forfeited. If the Anglo-Saxon peoples are partly of Israelite descent (who knows), it does not mean that they are legitimate heirs, but are exactly alienated bastards; not Israelites, but ex-Israelites. If it is true that the Evangel has taken root, especially with the Anglo-Saxon peoples, it can never be thanks to- but precisely in spite of their genealogy! As water always seeks out the lowest place, so does grace especially seeks out those who least deserve it.

That nobody will boast according to the flesh! (1Cor.1:26-29)


Translation: Peter Feddema

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