How Jew-haters must dislike this passage! It is
a human frailty to dislike those passages that puncture our ego and tear
down our play house. We ignore them if possible, and if we are
forced to deal with them, we explain them away.
There are political Jew-haters, who hate them because
of their ability to make money, and, through it, to control
governments. There are two classes of religious haters: Those who
believe the Jews "have had their chance" and are eternally
condemned, and that the promises made to Israel will be fulfilled in a
spiritual way to "Gentile" saints; and those who believe
themselves to be Israelites, and special favorites of God, while that
part of Abraham's descendents that are called Jews, are under the
continual displeasure of Jehovah, and that He has no blessing for
This second class of religious haters believe the
English and Irish are members of the race of Israel, and that Jews are
the black sheep, or goats of Abraham's family.
This raises the question: Is the term, Jew, reserved
for members of the tribe of Judah alone? And is there to be a
perpetual separation between them and Israelites?
Paul, the apostle, was a member of the tribe of
Benjamin, Phil. 3:5, yet he was a Jew, Gal. 2:15; Acts
In Acts 19:14 we find mention of "Sceva, a Jew,
a chief priest." Was Sceva of the tribe of Judah? We
know that the priesthood was of the tribe of Levi. Christ alone
was to have the honor of being a Priest out of the tribe of Judah, Heb.
7:14, "For it is taken for granted that our Lord has risen out of
Judah, to which tribe Moses speaks nothing concerning
priests." Sceva was of the tribe of Levi, but the
God-spirited scriptures call him a Jew. There is no possibility of denying
and sustaining the denial, that the term, Jew, is used of Israelites indiscriminately,
in the Greek scriptures, or the so-called New Testament.
Paul says the oracles of God were entrusted to the
Jews, Rom. 3:2. Were the oracles given alone to the tribe of
Judah? Every reader of the scriptures knows all twelve tribes were
included. When Paul, the Jew who was not of Judah's tribe, stood
before Agrippa, he said "I stand in expectation of the promises
made by God to our fathers, to which our twelve tribes, earnestly
offering divine service night and day, are expecting to attain,"
Acts 26:7. All twelve tribes offered divine service, and all
expected to the promises God had made.
Peter, one of the twelve apostles, is said to have
been a Jew, Gal. 2:14. There is no reason to doubt that he was
with the other apostles when they asked Christ, "Lord, art Thou art
this time restoring the kingdom of Israel?" Acts 1:6.
What interest could Peter have had in the kingdom, if Israelites were to
have it, and Jews were not to have it? His interest is understood
when it is remembered that, at that time, "Jews" and
"Israel," were used interchangeably in conversation.
In earlier times, when the term "Jew,"
referred to one who was of the tribe of Judah, Daniel a Jew, was a
captive in Babylon. And it was to Daniel's people that the kingdom
was promised. Read Daniel. Comparing it with Acts 1:6, we
find that Daniel's people are not only members of Judah's tribe, but
members of all the twelve tribes.
The theory which I am opposing is based on
suppositions which are not sustained by any authentic history. The
ten tribes were carried into Assyrian captivity, in 722 B. C. The
two tribes, Judah and Benjamin, were carried into Babylonian captivity
in 586 B. C., which was less than 200 years later. Babylon was the
same territory that was formerly Assyria. The supposition that the
ten tribes wandered is purely imagination. The expression,
"The Ten lost Tribes," is an invention that is not supported,
either by scripture or history. As a matter of fact, when James
wrote his epistle he evidently knew that all twelve tribes were within
easy reach, for he addressed them all, James 1:1. Not simply Judah
and Benjamin were in the dispersion; all twelve tribes were in it.
The dispersion was something that had recently taken place under the
rule of Rome. The dispersed members of the twelve tribes were
where James' epistle could reach them. Not only had those of the
tribes of Judah and Benjamin returned to Palestine before the beginning
of what is known as the Christian Era, but the other ten tribes had also
returned. It was then that the name "Jew" lost its distinctive
meaning, and was applied to all Israelites.
When our Lord, Who had been born of a Jewish mother,
said, "Salvation is of the Jews," it was the same as saying,
"Salvation is of Israel." While this is true of our
salvation, Jesus Christ being a Jew on speaking off this. He spoke
of the fact that Israel is t be for salvation to the limits of the
earth, Acts 13:47.
Nothing shows the blindness of humanity more than the
attempt to establish world-wide peace and happiness apart from the
Jew. God commanded Israel to be a blessing to the nations.
They refused and were set aside. Now God is saving the ecclesia in
spite of Israel's defection. But He will yet deal with Israel, and
save them, Rom. 11:25. It is then that Israel, or the Jews, will
fulfill their destiny. They will bless the nations, or
Gentiles. It is then that the nations, (or Gentiles), will glorify
God for His mercy, Rom. 15:8, 9. Believers among the nations are
now making merry, in spirit, apart from God's people, Israel. But
then the nations will make merry WITH His people, Rom.
But, during Israel's defection, the picture is the
opposite. Christ's dark prediction of the sword in the earth, has
to do with unbelieving Israel. The same nation that shall bless
all other nations, when in a state of obedience, has been a source of
distress to others during its disobedience and blindness. This is
necessarily true, since all wars are waged for financial reasons, and
Jews control the finances of all nations, to a large extent. In
one way or another, Jews and their money stood back of World War Number
One, and they play a great part in the present world conflict. I
am not saying that they are always willingly a cause of war. But,
whether willingly or not, the Jewish question, in one way or another,
has much to do with the rivers of blood that have been spilled on battle
fields. And much of it has been Jewish blood, for, in the United
States, especially, Jews, (I mean the middle class ones), are very
patriotic. International bankers have controlled the finances of
the world, and most of them are Jews. They have so pulled the
strings of the nations, which are puppets in their hands that those
nations have waged suicidal and homicidal wars, while unconscious of the
Jewish influence. This will end in the will-deserved destruction
of that very same money-mad Jewish power, in Babylon, Un. 17 and
18. But a discussion of this must be left to another
Informed believers do not hate Jews because they are,
either unwittingly or deliberately, one of the causes of war. We
know that their unbelief is in accord with God's intention, John 12:39,
The "millennium" will not come while the Jewish
nation is in blindness and unbelief. God will conclude the new
covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, Jer. 31:31-34;
Heb. 8:8-12. It is under the new covenant that Israel will be a
blessing to all the nations. It is at that time that the words of
Christ, "Salvation is of the Jews," will be
Salvation does not always mean what we mean by the
word when referring to what Christ does for us. The salvation
under consideration in the text evidently refers to the fact that
through regenerated Israel, people of the nations will be blessed, and
millions of them will pass into the new earth and live until the
consummation, when all shall be vivified in Christ. There shall be
nations in the new earth, as we find in Un. 21 and 22. It most
surely refers, also, to the fact that, through the ministry of
Israelites during the "millennium," the earth shall come to be
full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the
At any rate, the greatest blessings the nations shall
ever have this side of the consummation, comes through the Jews, or
Israel. And it is evidence of utter blindness, to undertake to establish
these blessings, apart from the Jewish people.
God is not fulfilling spiritually, to the
"church," the promises made to the fathers, Rom. 15:8.
He will yet see that Israel gets what He promised, and does what He
The expression, "Salvation is of the Jews,"
contains the Greek word, ESTIN. This shows that an absolutely
correct rendering of the phrase would be, "Salvation is REPRESENTED
TO BE of the Jews." All salvation is of God, through
Christ. But the salvation of the nations during the
"millennium" will come to them THROUGH the Jews, and it is,
therefore, represented as being OF the Jews. Usually, where the
word, ESTIN, occurs, it means that the statement is true in a sense, but
not absolutely. We must not lose sight of the fact that all
salvation is of God, through Christ. In this case, it is of God,
through Christ, and then through the Jews.
The woman of Samaria, John 4, is typical, not of us
who are being saved now, but of the nations that shall be saved during
the "millennium." They, like us shall worship God in
spirit and truth, without ritual, in the last eon, when there is no
literal temple or priesthood. They shall be in the kingdom of the
Son of God. We are in that kingdom, now, in spirit. The
passage in which the text is found looks, not only to the kingdom of the
Son of David, but further, into the kingdom of the Son of His love, and,
in spirit, we are in that kingdom, and the spiritual conditions of that
time are present with us now. We do not have to worship in
Jerusalem, no in the mountain of Samaria. That shall be their
condition, also.
My mother, Mrs. W. B. Screws, Sr., was put to repose
November 9, at the age of 86 years, after having been an invalid for
several years. She died without a struggle. God bade her
sleep until He calls her in the morning. She was tired and wanted
to rest. She was a believer in Universal Reconciliation. At
her request I spoke at the funeral service, which was held at Sardis church,
Emanuel county, Georgia. Elder T. M. Riner also spoke.
Survivors besides myself are my father, who is quite feeble; a sister,
Mrs. A. W. Lawson of Kite, Ga.; and a brother B. W. Screws of Adrian,
Ga. We bade our loved one good-bye with the assurance that she
will live again.