"A thousand years in Thy sight are as yesterday
when it is past," Ps. 90:4. Time with God, has not the limitations
it has with us. The future, to Him, is as vivid as is the
past. Not only so, but, as the poet said: "God holds the
future in His hands."
I will be generous with my figures, and say the whole
course of the eons will comprise 30,000 years; and that the average life
of man is 50 years. These figures are much too high, but I will
let them stand, so there will be no cause for complaint that I have
undershot the mark. Even if it were true that every moment of the
life of every person is devoted to sin and suffering, this would be but
one hour and twelve minutes each in God's sight.
From 942 to 1942myriads of events occurred.
A few of the outstanding ones are: the discovery of America by the
Norsemen; the discovery of the West Indian Islands by Columbus; the war
between England and France, that made the former supreme on the Atlantic
seaboard in North America; the Revolutionary War that saw the birth of
the United States; the career of Napoleon which ended in disaster for
this would-be world ruler; the War of 1812; the War with Mexico in the
1840's; the War Between the States; the War with Spain in which we
acquired possessions in the Far East; the First World War; the beginning
of the Second World War. That period saw our own country grow from
thirteen colonies on the Atlantic coast, to a powerful nation that
borders the Pacific on the west, and extends from the Gulf of Mexico and
Mexico on the south, to Canada on the north.
These and all other great events were not only
known to God-before any of them occurred, but they were the same as in
the past, with Him.
During the same period there were millions of small
events that attracted no world-wide attention. There were the
wails of widows; the cries of orphans; blunders and mistakes, (sins), on
the part of everybody; the hunger of paupers and the affluence of
millionaires, to mention only a few. The wind blew in one direction
one day and in the opposite direction the ext day. There were
floods, droughts, earthquakes, suffering on every hand. All these,
too, were known to God beforehand, and, in effect, were past with
Did God truly know all these things would take
place? Surely, no one will dispute it. Suppose they had not
taken place. In that case, God did not know it; He just thought
it. If He KNOWS anything is going to occurknows it so well
that, in effect, it is as the past yesterdayis there any power in
the universe that can keep it from occurring?
"But," argues one, "knowing that it
would occur is not the same as causing it to occur. Not all these
events are of God."
People argue thus, with full assurance that they are
correct. But the assurance does not come from the word of God. It
originates in their own minds. The scripture says: "All is
out of Him and through Him and for Him," Rom. 11:36, (Concordant
Version). what does the King James Version say? "For of
Him and through Him and to Him are all things." Does that
make it any "better?"
I am indebted to Brother D. Mann of Los Angeles,
Calif., for the reminder that the scripture does not tell us all is out
of God until we are first instructed as to His goal. The reason is
plain. If God has in store for part of the human family, eternal
ruin, He is the worst of fiends, if all that occurs is out of Him.
But if He will to save all mankind, and has provided vivification and
justification for them in Christ, then the "all" that is out
of God is intended by Him to eventuate in His glory and in the blessing
of His creatures.
True, we are told that God hides the truth from
certain ones, Matt. 11:37; and that Israel did not believe because God
had blinded their eyes and calloused their hearts, John 12:39, 40.
But this is not saying that all is out of God. In the former cast
we are told that it delights God to hide His truth from some, and in the
latter we are assured that when Isaiah used the words quoted by John, he
perceived the glory of Christ. Man, in his unbelief, has nullified
both these passages by saying, in the first instance, that God did not
hide the truth form any one, but merely did not reveal it to them; and
in the second instance that God blinded Israel because He could not get
them to believe! These examples show how impossible it is for any
one to believe that any evil is out of God, unless that one knows what
God's goal is.
In I Cor. 15:22-28 we are told in detail that all
shall be vivified in Christ, and in Rom. 5:18 we are assured that
through one just award there is justifying of life for all
mankind. Both these passages were written before Rom. 11:36.
If we believe what they say, we can easily believe that all, both good
and bad, is out of God, and that none of it is brought about with a view
to eternal ruin. It is all a prelude to salvation in its fullest
The difference between God's will and His intention
should be emphasized. Paul did not ask, in Rom. 9:19, "Who
hath resisted His will?" He asked, "Has anyone withstood
His intention?" The word for will is not in that
passage. It is BOULEMA, intention, which is the effect of
counsel. The farmer's own counsel tells him that if he is to
realize the fulfillment of his will in the fall, and have an abundant
harvest, he must do much laborious work in cold and heat, in making the
crop. It is not his will to do this, but he forms an intention to
do it, in order to have his will fulfilled when harvest time
comes. God takes counsel with Himself. It is His will that
His creatures shall respond to His love in fullest measure, so as to
satisfy His loving heart. His counsel tells Him that they must
first taste the dregs of sin, suffering and ruin. It is not His
will that these things should, for a while, mar His creation; but it is
His intention that such shall be the case, for in this way only, can His
will be fully realized.
It pained God to make the fugitive serpenthe
whom we call Satan Job 26:13. That passage says, "His hand
travailed with the fugitive serpent." Satan was a necessity,
but God found no pleasure in creating him. Neither does He find
pleasure in his deeds. But all of it is in accord with His
intention. He who says all good is out of God but all evil is not,
expresses, not faith, but unbelief. God is the source of all,
whether it be brought about by Satan, or Christ, as the immediate
cause. Satan was the immediate cause of Job's miseries, but the
scripture tells us that Job did not charge God foolishly, when he said
God was the Cause, Job 1:20-22.
It is not hard to see the beneficent outcome of the
evil committed by Judas in betraying Christ, and of that committed by
those who crucified Him. Faith will accept the statement that ALL,
whether good or evil, is out of God, and will eventuate in god at the
consummation. There is much more evil than good during the
eons. It is the experience of evil which God gives to the sons of
Adam, to humble them, Eccl. 1:13. Surely all will admit that
humility is good. Well, it requires evil to bring it
God creates light, darkness, peace and evil,
Isa. 45:7. While evil by itself, has no moral tinge, yet, many
times, a person sins in doing evil, I Chron. 21:17. Sin is one of
the "all" that is out of God. He provided for it when He
created Satan, and He set the stage for its entrance into the human
family when He put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the
garden and gave Satan access to man.
We can see that unbelievers need much humbling.
But the same is true even of saints. Without evil we would be
"lifted up," II Cor. 12:7. Paul was not the only with a
thorn in the flesh. The thorn is a messenger of Satan, given to us
to buffet us. Grace does not remove it, but saves us in
spite of it.
Yes, all is out of God. Not only so, but all is
through GodHe is the channel of all, whatever might be the
immediate cause. And all is for Him. Nothing shall be wastednot
the slightest pain or sorrow or evil or sin. He will make use of
it all.
But there is also good during the eons. This
has been the case all along. It, too, is out of God, through God
and for God. If we do anything good, God is the Cause of it, using
Christ as the immediate Cause, just as He is the Cause of evil and sin,
using Satan as the immediate cause. Whatever faithfulness to God
and His truth we may find in ourselves or in others, let us give God the
glory for it, through Christ. We probably would not do this if we
were not conscious that sin yet makes its home in us, and that we are in
a body of death, Rom 7:7, 24.
God forbids sin. This is because it is not in
keeping with His will. But He does not punish sinners. He
chastens them. This is for their good and His glory. If we
say He should not chasten them, since all is of God, then let us be
consistent, and say He should not give happiness to His saints when they
serve Him, for this, too is out of Him. "It is God Who is
operating in you to will as well as to work for sake of His
delight," Phil. 2:13. Yet we find delight of spirit,
ourselves, in working for the sake of His delight.
Does it seem that sin, evil and suffering last a long
time? With God, it is but a month, even if the eons comprise
30,000 years. And it is much less than an hour, in the average
individual case. Matters seem so terrible to us, because we wee,
during our whole lifetime, but a small fragment of the eons. God
sees all at a glance. Taken as a whole, He is justified in causing
so much sin and suffering, for it is necessary to His glory and the good
of His creation. And it is on this ground that sinners shall all
find that their lives are justified. Doing sin with a sinful
motive is extremely bad. But, as it is all necessary for God's
glory, each sinner shall find justification in Christ.
God knows the outcome of the present world conflict.
We wonder why this and that was not done. The appalling
inefficiency of our own government in defense preparations, should not
be astonishing to us. Quick preparation and sufficient management
would shorten the sufferings that the nation must endure. But the
War is already ended, so far as God is concerned. It is as if had occurred
What does it mean to have faith? Abraham, one
great example of the man of faith, believed God. Paul said the
faith that counts is the faith that operates through love. If you
believe God, and love Him, you have the faith that operates through