When the president of the United States is
inaugurated he takes an oath that, in effect is a promise to work for
the benefit of every person in the country. Then he proceeds to
install a set of men whom he ahs chosen to be his cabined, and makes
certain promises to them, and exacts certain services from
Does this mean that he has forgotten his promise to
work for the general good? Is he concerned only with the group
that makes up his cabinet? Far from it! The selection of
this group does not abrogate the general promise. In deed, this
cabinet is chosen because of the promise to bring about the general
The Circumcision scriptures - all out side of Paul's
writings - abound in special promises to Israel - promises of a kingdom
which God will establish for them, and of the blessings they shall enjoy
in the kingdom. This makes up most of the scriptures chapter 12 of
Genesis, on to, and including the Unveiling, (Revelation,) with the
exception of Paul's epistles. Very seldom do we find, in this
group, any reference to the salvation of all mankind. John the
Baptist introduces Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God, taking away the sin
of the world, and Christ acknowledges the introduction by not
repudiation it; the Lord said, John 3:17 that His mission includes the
saving of the world; He declares, John 6:33, that He is giving His life
to the world; and, just before going to the cross, He promised that He
would be drawing all to himself, John 12:32. But, for the most
part, He is teaching what God will do for Israel - and these promises
are not to us. We should read them, to know how He will deal with
Israel, but we should not "apply" them to
A few weeks ago I found a letter n my mail box and
opened it. I naturally thought it was addressed to me. But
when I began to read it I found that it wouldn't "fit
me." Looking again at the envelopes, I found the letter was
addressed to W. B. Lewis. I did not want to claim any part of it
as my own, for in the same mail was one that was addressed to me, and
every word of it had a special meaning to me. How often have I
heard men try to apply the Sermon on the Mount to saints of the
present. It is impossible to do it. The same is true of the
other promises found, not only in the so-called gospels, but also in
Acts, James, Peter, John, Jude, Hebrews and the Unveiling. They
all fit Israel, but will not serve us.
Paul says, Gal. 2:9, that he is for the
Uncircumcisionthose whom we know as gentiles.
"Nations" is the correct word. In his epistles, Romans,
Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians,
Thessalonians, Titus, Timothy and Philemon are rich promises, which, if
we only understood them, would keep us from ever trying to steal
Israel's promises, which are poor, compared to our own.
Paul says much more about the salvation of all
mankind, that do the Circumcision writers, but even he takes up more
space in telling of the promises to us, the doctrines that are specially
for us, and the things that we, members of the ecclesia which is the
body of Christ, should do.
In deed, Paul goes much further than merely promising
the salvation of all mankind; he speaks of the reconciliation of the
universe to God, Col. 1:20. And, in the promise of salvation to
all mankind, he shows of what this consistsjustification, Rom.
5:18; salvation, I Tim. 2:3-6; vivification, (or life beyond the reach
of death,) I Cor. 15:22; reconciliation, Col. 1:20.
While Israel is the chosen nation, and that part of
Israel that shall constitute the bride of the Lambkin is a special
election out of the chosen nation, yet this should never be confused
with God's choice of us, who shall compose the body of Christ. The
two groups should always be kept separate in our thinking. We are
chosen in Christ before the disruption of a world, Eph. 1:4; we are
previously designated for the place of a son; we are having the
deliverance through the blood of Christ, the forgiveness of offenses in
accord with the riches of His grace; we are to be associated with Christ
in the administration when the universe is headed up in
Paul speaks of us in Titus 2:14 as an "about
being people." That is, we are to be about Him as the
president's cabinet serves about him. This is why we have a
heavenly destiny. Christ will touch and bless the celestial
creatures through us. We shall be God's medium of showing the
riches of His grace in the oncoming eons. Eph. 2:6, 7.
The saints of Israel are to have the dominion under
the heavensthat is, on earth. The Hebrew scriptures abound in
promises to this effect. Christ, in His earthly ministry, was a
Servant of the Circumcision. He confirmed these (Old Testament)
promises. But He did not carry them into effect. That is
reserved for the future. In the meantime, Israel has been set aside, in
order that God may give all His attention to calling the chosen among
the nations. Not until this is done will He again turn to Israel,
Peter, James, John and Jude, in their epistles, give instructions for Israel
when they are again in God's reckoning. In the Acts we see the
failure of the kingdom, and in Hebrews we find the explanation of this
failure. In the Unveiling we see the kingdom being
established. This is future. It will take place in the
Lord's day, Un 1:10.
In I Thess. 4:13-18 is a promise not found in the
Circumcision writings. Christ is to descend into the air and we
are to be snatched away to meet Him there. When He comes to Israel
He will come to the earth, and stand upon the Mount of Olives, Zech.
14:4. The passage in Thessalonians is for us, not for
Israel. It is the ecclesia which is the body of Christ and shall
be taken into the heavens. Israel will be the "cabinet"
of Christ on earth.
Let it be understood that these special promises are
eonian. When the eons are past all mankind shall enjoy equal
privileges. The Circumcision scriptures tell us that believers
shall have eonian life, John 3:16, and Paul says believers shall have
special salvation, I Tim. 4:9, 10. These two passages are alike in
that the believer has something that the unbeliever does not have. But
they are different, in that our Lord, in the passage in John, speaks of
eonian life on earth for Israel, while Paul refers to salvation in
heaven for believers. Two distinct groups are in view. But
the statement that follows the passage in John, and that which precedes
the one in Timothy, teach the same thing. In the former the world
is to be saved; in the latter, God is the Savior of all
As I said, the special blessings for the chosen ones
are eonian. Nothing has caused more havoc in scripture study, than
the failure to correctly translate passages that deal with this
matter. An "aion" is a period of timea long
period. The English language was poverty stricken in point of
words, when the earliest English translations of the scriptures were
made. It had no word that corresponded with aion. But it had
"werald," meaning the age of a man, therefore a period of
time. So the best the translators seemed able to do was to
translate aion by werald. Later the spelling was changed, and it
became "world." This explains why, in the King James
Version, kosmos is correctly translated world, and aion is incorrectly
so translated. we now have the word, "Eon," and in the
only scientific translation on earth, the Concordant Version, aion is
The language is those early days had another word
that denoted a time period"ever." So when the
adjective that was formed from the noun, aion, had to be dealt with, the
early translators rendered it "everlasting," meaning lasting
for an ever, or for a period of time. The Greek adjective under
consideration is aionion. If the Greek text said for the aion,
they put it for ever. If it was for the aions of the aions, etc.,
they rendered it, "for ever and ever." For ever was for
a period of time; for ever and ever meant, to them, two periods of
Later, "eternal" came into the English
language from the Latin. It had been used as a translation of
eonian, in the Latin Vulgate. It had the same meaning as
everlasting. It has no significance of endless
So the life of the believer is
"everlasting," (eonian,) but when the evers, (eons,) are past,
ALL shall have life, ALL shall have salvation. God is the
everlasting God, that is, the God Who has a relation to the evers, or
eons. When they are past, He will be merely God. Chastening,
(Matt. 25:46,) is everlastingthat is, lasting for an ever or part of
an ever. In other words, it is in relation to the evers, or
eons. There is none after the eons have run their course.
Life, happiness, glorythese are the portion of ALL, after the
"weralds," or the "evers" have passed
The translators did find a word that means
"endless," and they did not render it everlasting, nor
eternal. They rendered it endless. It is the word, AKATALUTOS.
If aionion had meant endless duration, they would have translated it
endless. But because it means related to a period of time, they
rendered it "everlasting."
Stay with me while I follow this up.