The heading is quoted from Eph. 5:19. No one can
literally play music in his heart. He may play music on an instrument, and
have the spirit of the music in his heart. But not all saints can do this,
for many cannot play on an instrument. The idea is, there is music in the
heart---music that can be felt, but not heard. It can be played as we
adore God and worship Him, either privately or publicly.
Music has been defined as "the harmony of being", It is a good
definition. To know what is meant by the harmony of being, let the reader
imagine, if he can, that nothing has ever existed, not even God. If this
can be imagined, it is a most doleful thought. The opposite---that God
DOES exist, and, because of that fact everything else exists---is unheard,
but powerfully felt music in the heart of those who love Him. And when it
is seen that everything and every event is in harmony with some part of
the plan of God---well, THIS is the harmony of being. There is no music in
the idea that things exist in a hap-hazard manner, without conformity to
any well-thought-out plan of God.
Years ago I heard Brother Billy Brown tell this story; He had to walk to a
meeting one Saturday, and he found the creek swollen. He was discouraged.
He saw a log floating down stream, and he said, "I wish I were a
log". He heard a frog croak, and said, "I wish I were a
frog". Then the thought came to him that this is part of God's plan
for him---that he must go though many hardships in order to teach the
blessed doctrine of grace. Taking off his clothes he waded through the
water and when he had donned his raiment again he set out hastily on foot,
fearful least he be late. "I've never sang a tune in my life",
he concluded, "but there was music in my heart, and as I walked the
remaining three miles I sang the grace of our loving God all the way, but
no one heard it except God". This is what I understand Paul to mean
when he tells us to play music in our hearts to the Lord.
The very existence of the universe is in harmony with the fact of the love
of God. His Son is the Son of His love, and all in the heavens and in the
is created IN, THROUGH and FOR the Son. Just as Christ is an expression of
the love of God, so is the universe an expression of His love. Without
this love, nothing could possibly exist. Happy are we if we can see any
part of the great universe, and praise Him that it exists in harmony with
His love. This is music in the heart, Col. 1.
The present condition of the universe is in harmony with His present plan.
There must be evil as well as peace. Darkness, as well as light, must
exist. This is Jehovah's means of teaching all, from the east and the
west, that He is Jehovah and there is no other, Isa. 45:7. Mush as we
dislike sin and all its attendant evil, we see that it is the only
condition that could exist, if God is to teach the human family to fully
appreciate the good He has for them when eonian times are past.
The elective calling that is being done during this administration, is in
harmony with the purpose of God to have a body, the ecclesia, to enjoy all
spiritual blessings among the celestials in Christ, and to be associated
with Christ in the heading up of all in Him, in the era of the filling of
the seasons, Eph. 1. The members of Christ are to serve here in spirit,
although such service is mixed with much failure. In the heavens there
will be no failure; the services will be perfect, as God displays the
transcendent riches of His grace in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus, in
the on-coming eons. Not yet is He ready to call ALL. The selective calling
makes our hearts play music to Him, because we know it is in harmony with
His purpose.
There are time when the service of the saints is such as to delight the
heart of God. If we understand it, we take no credit for such service. We
know it is in harmony with the fact that it is God Who is operating in us
to will as well as to work for the sake of His delight, Phil. 2:13. What
uplifting music our hearts play when we realize that we are in His hand,
and that when we delight His heart, it is He Who causes us to do so! There
is exulting---but not self-praise. We praise Him.
When the Lord apprears in the air and calls us to meet Him, we will
recognize this as in harmony with His purpose, I Thess. 4:13-18. And we
will be ready to go. there will be no hardship connected with it. It means
the end of all trail, and the beginning of our real career. First, He
serves His purpose in us here, and then takes us hence to be of
inestimable service to the celestials, for His glory. As i write this my
heart is playing music. The music is in the heart, and the thought is the
instrument on which it is played---the thought that is actuated by faith.
World condition today, painful as they are to us, are but a prelude to the
glory that this earth shall see in His own time. Therefore, the political
upheaval that is causing statesmen to wonder which way they shall turn, is
in harmony with the purpose of God. We who know something of that purpose,
and understand that all is of God, through God and for God, can have music
in our hearts, in the midst of the enactment of draft legislation for
another war. We are concerned but we know that all is in accord with His
plan. We see the harmony, and this is music in our hearts.
God has but one purpose. Everything that takes place is in harmony with
that purpose. That purpose is stated in the words of Paul, when he tells
us that, through the blood of Christ, all, in the heavens and on earth, is
to be reconciled to God. That happy condition will obtain at the
consummation. Can we imagine a universe where there is no estrangement, no
sin, no suffering, no judgment---a universe where every mind and heart is
in accord with the mind and heart of God? That is what the reconciliation
of all means.
Happy are we if we can play this music daily. Why not? We are in the hand
of God, and where would we be better protected? He manages all, and who
could manage it better? We often say that this or that is bad. How do we
know it is? We sympathize with one who has had what is called a
misfortune. We say, "That is too bad". Is this the speech of
faith? In a universe that is controlled by a loving and wise God, will
something that is TOO BAD occur? Paul says God is working all together for
GOOD, to us. Rom. 8.
It has been true many times in my life, that I thought something was bad,
and I later found it to be good. Perhaps all my readers have had the same
experience. May we learn that nothing can occur if it is outside the
purpose of God. Our grief's as well as our rejoicings, are in harmony with
His plan. If we can believe it, our faith-thoughts play music in our
hearts, to the Lord.
The precious things of God are not allowed to become common. There are
millions of "religious" people who never use the word,
"Grace". Thus, GRACE is kept from becoming common in the mouths
of the masses. Only a few know of the purpose of God to save all, and to
reconcile all to Himself through the blood of Christ. This truth is a
diamond that God shows to very few. It must not become too common on the
lips of the people. So, it is in harmony with Him, that so few know the
most precious truths. Besides not allowing His diamonds to be tossed about
by careless saints, He also is planning the very greatest possible
surprise for the majority of mankind. We love to surprise those whom we
love. Think what a surprise it will be when the millions who know not that
He will save all, find, some day, that not one is absent. The fact that so
few see His truth is in harmony with His plan. We can rejoice in that, as
Christ did when He said, "Acclaiming am I to Thee, Father, Lord of
heaven and earth, for Thou hidest these thing from the wise and
intelligent, and Thou dost reveal them to minors. Yea, Father, for thus it
came to be a delight in front of Thee", Matt. 11:25, 26.